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人教最新版英语口语记忆顺口溜(八下38),引导同学们归纳简短口语, 学编整合记忆顺口溜。 指导教师杨学慧,当他们一天天长大, As they get bigger, 我们的家显得越来越小。 our house seems to get smaller.,由于森林变小了, As the forests get smaller,大熊猫变得越来越少。pandas is fewer and fewer.,有时还摔倒了! Sometimes he falls over!少数生活在研究中心里。A few live in research centers.,很多年前大熊猫比现在多得多。Many years ago, a lot more pandas.竭尽全力拯救大熊猫。Try hard to help save the pandas.,跳出水面很高。 Jump high out of the river.诸如欢笑、阳光、大自然。Such as smile, sun and nature.,我选了金银岛。 I chose Treasure Island.还有谁在我的岛上?Who else is on my island?,她几乎经常与人争吵。She almost used to fight over. 那时人们互相善待、彼此信任。People were kind and trusted each other.,我曾经读过哈利 波特。I have already read Harry Potter. 从没读过。No, never.,我也没去过。Neither have I. /Me neither. 以前的电脑比现在的大得多。The old computers were much bigger.,有些东西需要变好。 Some things need to become better.春、夏、秋冬都行。Spring, summer, autumn or winter.,她已经有这台面包机。She has had the bread maker. 最后一件东西是面包机。One last thing is a bread maker.,他也不想失去它。 He didnt want to lose it, either. 它是用我最喜欢的颜色打扮的。Its dressed in my favorite color.,想办法改进未来的厕所。 Try to improve toilets in the future.,Good habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.,
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