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实用商务英语对话场景3:inquiries询盘 00 :00.00A lot of inquiries confirm the high quality of our products. 00 :02.23 大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。 00 :04.46We can not but allow you 200 cases since inquiries are so large. 00 :07.22 我们只能给你们200箱因为询盘很多。 00 :09.97Inquiries for steel are increasing. 00 :11.57 对钢的询盘在增加。 00 :13.18Its impossible to reply to your vague inquiry. 00 :15.10 我们无法答复你的模糊询盘。 00 :17.03Apple company received the inquiry sheet which is sent by a British company. 00 :19.57 苹果公司收到一家英国公司寄来的询价单。 00 :22.10Mr.Li is sent to Shanghai to make an inquiry at X Company. 00 :24.35 李先生被派往上海向X公司实行询价。 00 :26.60In order to make an inquiry about our products,a representative of X company paid us a visit. 00 :29.41 为了对我们的产品询价,X公司的代表访问了我们。 00 :32.22They transferred their future inquiries to X Company. 00 :34.16 他们将以后的询盘转给X公司。 00 :36.11Thank you for your inquiry. 00 :37.15 谢谢你们的询价。 00 :38.20The buyer invites the seller to make quotations 00 :39.92 买方邀请卖方报价 00 :41.65Please quote 40 tons of raw iron FOB Shanghai. 00 :43.92 请报四十吨生铁上海的离岸价。 00 :46.19Please quote ten cases of products A CIF Beijing with a 6% commission. 00 :49.43 请报十箱产品北京到岸价,连同佣金。 00 :52.67Please telex your offer for 1000 Products B. 00 :54.70 请电传产品一千的开盘价。 00 :56.74Please quote us immediately,if you are interested in this product. 00 :59.08 如果你对这个产品很感兴趣,请向我方报价。 01 :01.42Please offer the lowest price for this commodity. 01 :03.23 请报这个商品的。 01 :05.05(4)The Seller Invites the Buyer to Place Orders 01 :07.18 卖方邀请买方下定单 01 :09.30We can supply 100 tons of X.Please order immediately. 01 :11.68 我们可供一百吨。请速来订购。 01 :14.05Please place your order as soon as possible. 01 :15.78 尽快订购。 01 :17.51Well make delivery at once if I receive your order. 01 :19.31 收到定单后,我们将马上交货。 01 :21.11This is a list of our products.If interested,please contact. 01 :23.43 这是我们的商品目录。有意请联系。 01 :25.75This commodity has ready market so that we expect an order from you. 01 :28.02 该商品市场广阔,我们期望收到你方订单。
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