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动名词是动词的一种非谓语形式,由动词原形加-ing构 成,它在句中起名词的作用,可以在句子中用作主语、表语、 宾语、宾语补语、状语和定语。 1、 动名词作主语 Walking is good exercise. 走路是很好的运动 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 Smoking may cause cancer. 吸烟可能导致癌症。 Coming to Hangzhou by train takes about 16 hours. 乘火车到杭州要16 个小时。 Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳可以发展肌 肉。 通常为了避免句子主语过于冗长,用 it 作形式主语。 如: Its nice talking with you. 和你谈话很高兴。 Its no use arguing with him. 跟他争论没用。 It is no use sending him over. Its too late already. 派他去没用,已经太晚了。 It was very difficult getting everything ready in time. 要把一切按时准备好很困难。 “There + be + no + -ing”结构,如: There is no joking about such matters. 这种事开不 得玩笑。 There is no harm in doing so. 这样做没有害处。 There is no denying the fact that the new method has greatly raised labour productivity。 不容否认新方法大大提高了劳动生产率。 2、动名词作表语 Her job is raising pigs. 她的工作是养猪。 This food smells inviting. 这种食物香味怡人。 The only thing that interests her is dancing. 她唯一 感兴趣的事就是跳舞。 My favorite sport is swimming. 我最喜欢的运动是 游泳。 To keep money you have found is stealing. 捡到钱 不交等于偷窃。 3、 动名词作宾语 Your shoes need polishing. 你的皮鞋该擦了。 Jim dislikes eating chocolate. 吉姆不喜欢吃巧克力。 She can t help crying at a sad movie. 她看了忧伤 的电影禁不住要哭。 The doctor advised taking exercise. 医生让多运动。 Would you mind filling out this form? 请填一下这 张表好吗 ? The thief admitted entering the house. 小偷承认进 了屋。 Have you finished correcting the students papers? 学生们的卷子改完没有? 有些动词和动词短语后只能接动名词作宾语。这些动词 及短语有: admit, acknowledge, advise, appreciate, avoid, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, excuse, escape, fancy, finish, forgive, face, endure, involve, give up, imagine, mention, mind, miss, pardon, practise, require, resent, resist, suggest, recall, resist, understand, think of, give up, aim at, put off, insist on, persist in, be good at, do well in, cant help, keep on, leave off, feel like, be tired (afraid, capable, fond) of, set about, be used to, object to, devote oneself to, stick to, respond to, look forward to, see to, submit to, adapt to, apply to, accede to, get to, prefer to, adjust to, owe to, react to等。 4、动名词作宾语补语 I found the parade quite interesting to watch。 这种用法通常用在下列几类动词中,后接宾语然后加上 -ing 分词,构成复合宾语结构,动名词充当宾补成分。 表示感觉和心理状态的动词,如:see, hear, feel, find, smell, watch, find, listen to, look at, notice, observe等。 如: There we found him watching TV。 我们发现他在那儿看电视。 I heard someone knocking at the door。 我听见有人在敲门。 在有些动词 (如: regard, describe, accept, think of, quote等)之后,可由as 引出 -ing分词词组作宾补。如: They regarded the contract as being invalid。 他们认为合同无效。 They described the child as being very clever。 他们描述这孩子非常聪明。 使役动词,如:set, keep, have, get, leave, catch等。 如: Can you get my watch going again? 你能使我的表再走起来吗? This sets me thinking。 这使我思考。 5、动名词作状语 动名词作状语表示在进行一动作的同时所进行的另一 动作,它对谓语动词起修饰和陪衬的作用。动名词作状语可 以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、结果、方式或伴随情况。 Having cleaned the rooms we began to weed the garden. ( 时间 ) 打扫完房间,我们开始在花园里除草。 Coming into the room, she saw everybody already at their work. (时间 ) 进屋以后,她看到人人都在工作。 Being ill, he couldnt go to school. (原因 ) 因为生病,他不能去上学。 Having no interest in the topic, he didnt go to the lecture. ( 原因 ) 由于对这个话题没有兴趣,他没去参加讲座。 Working diligently, you will certainly succeed. (条 件) 只要刻苦学习,你会成功的。 Using atomic energy, we can build spaceships. (条 件) 利用原子能,我们能够建造太空船。 Granting the achievements to be great, there is still something to be desired. (让步 ) (尽管 )成绩是巨大的,(但)仍有一些要求改进的东西。 My car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay. (结果 ) 我的车被交通拥挤堵住,所以延误了。 Traveling by train, we visited a number of cities. (方 式) 我们坐火车访问了好多城市。 Mary sat by the window of the classroom, reading a book. (伴随 ) 玛丽坐在教室的窗户旁,正在读一本书。 6、动名词作定语 动名词作定语时和形容词的功能是相似的。动名词可以 单独作定语,如: a smiling face 笑脸 a leading figure 领导人物 动名词还能构成合成词作定语,如: easy-going man 好说话的人 swimming pool 游泳池 sleeping-pill 安眠药片 dining-car 餐车 当分词短语做后置定语时,可以转换成定语从句。 She went on board the train leaving for Shanghai。 = She went on board the train, which was leaving for Shanghai。 她乘坐了去上海的火车。 There are two roads before us, one leading to the beach, the other to the park。 = There are two roads before us, one which leads to the beach, the other to the park。 在我们面前有两条路,一条通向沙滩, 另一条通向公园。 现在来总结一些动词不定式的特殊句型! 不定式的特殊句型too to 1) too to 太以至于 He is too excited to speak. 他太激动了, 说不出话来。 - Can I help you ? 需要我帮忙吗 ? - Well, Im afraid the box is too heavy for you to carry it, but thank you all the same. 不用了。这箱子太 重,恐怕你搬不动。谢谢您。 2) 如在 too前有否定词,则整个句子用否定词表达肯 定, too 后那个词表达一种委婉含义,意为不太 。 Its never too late to mend. (谚语 ) 改过不嫌晚。 3) 当 too 前面有 only, all, but时,意思是: 非常 等 于 very 。 Im only too pleased to be able to help you. 我非常 高兴能帮助你。 He was but too eager to get home. 他非常想回家。 不定式的特殊句型so as to 1) 表示目的 ;它的否定式是so as not to do。 Tom kept quiet about the accident so as not to lose his job. 汤姆对事故保持沉默是为了不丢掉他的工 作。 Go in quietly so as not to wake the baby. 轻点进 去,别惊醒了婴儿。 2) so kind as to -劳驾 Would you be so kind as to tell me the time? 劳 驾,现在几点了。 不定式的特殊句型Why not Why not +动词原形 表达向某人提出建议,翻译为: 为什么不 ? 干吗不? 例如: Why not take a holiday? 干吗不去度假 ? 不定式的时态和语态 时态语态主动被动 一般式to do to be done 进行式to be doing 完成式to have done to have been done 完成进行式to have bee
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