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第1页 / 总共17页 九年级英语 Youresupposedtosha kehands教案 九年级英语 youre supposed to shake hands教案 unit section a 1a-2c 【learning objectives】1.knowing: shake; custom; bow; kiss; shake hands 2.habit-forming: what are you supposed to do when you meet someone? you (are ) supposed to bow/ shake hands/ kiss 3.practising: be supposed to do sth municating : tell what you are supposed to do 【important points】 tell what you are supposed to do 【learning process】一、自主学习 task 1 : tell what you are supposed to do 1 talk about the following : 1) how many customs about meeting do you know? 2) what do people in china / the united states do when they meet for the first time? 2 listen to the tape and match the countries with the costoms 3 according to 1a ,ask and answer like following: a: what are people in korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time ? b: they are suppsoed to bow. 4 以小组为单位分别扮演不同国籍 的人,模仿下列对话交际练习。 a: in your country, what are you supposed to do when you meet someone? b: you are supposed to bow/ you are not supposed to shake hands .task 2 understand some language points. 1 for the first time 当我第一次看到他时, 他正 第2页 / 总共17页 在看书 ._ 拓展: 1) 第二 次 _ 学过含 time 的短语 _2 shake 的用 法:1) 过去式 shook 过去分词 shaken 现在分词 _2) 握手_ 和某人握手 可表示为 shake hands with sb / shake ones hands shake sb by the hands 他和我握手了 . _3 bow 的用法向某人鞠躬 / 低头 可表示为 : bow to sb 不要向失败 (failture)低头 _task 3 : listening and practising : 1 read and understand the phrases in 2a 2 listen to the tape and check the mistakes maria made .3 liten again .fill in blanks. m: i was supposed to _,but i arrived at 8;00. d: in my country, its different .when youre invited for 7:00, youre supposed to _ m: and you were supposed to _instead. d: i guess you should have asked what you wre supposed to _. 3456789101113 2019-08-15 九年级英语 youre supposed to shake hands教案 unit section a 1a-2c 【learning objectives】1.knowing: shake; custom; bow; kiss; shake hands 2.habit-forming: what are you supposed to do when you meet someone? you (are ) supposed to bow/ shake 第3页 / 总共17页 hands/ kiss 3.practising: be supposed to do sth municating : tell what you are supposed to do 【important points】 tell what you are supposed to do 【learning process】一、自主学习 task 1 : tell what you are supposed to do 1 talk about the following : 1) how many customs about meeting do you know? 2) what do people in china / the united states do when they meet for the first time? 2 listen to the tape and match the countries with the costoms 3 according to 1a ,ask and answer like following: a: what are people in korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time ? b: they are suppsoed to bow. 4 以小组为单位分别扮演不同国籍 的人,模仿下列对话交际练习。 a: in your country, what are you supposed to do when you meet someone? b: you are supposed to bow/ you are not supposed to shake hands .task 2 understand some language points. 1 for the first time 当我第一次看到他时, 他正 在看书 ._ 拓展: 1) 第二 次 _ 学过含 time 的短语 _2 shake 的用 法:1) 过去式 shook 过去分词 shaken 现在分词 _2) 握手_ 和某人握手 可表示为 shake hands with sb / shake ones hands shake sb by the hands 他和我握手了 . _3 bow 的用法向某人鞠躬 / 低头 可表示为 : bow to sb 不要向失败 (failture)低头 第4页 / 总共17页 _task 3 : listening and practising : 1 read and understand the phrases in 2a 2 listen to the tape and check the mistakes maria made .3 liten again .fill in blanks. m: i was supposed to _,but i arrived at 8;00. d: in my country, its different .when youre invited for 7:00, youre supposed to _ m: and you were supposed to _instead. d: i guess you should have asked what you wre supposed to _. 3456789101113 2019-08-15 九年级英语 youre supposed to shake hands教案 unit section a 1a-2c 【learning objectives】1.knowing: shake; custom; bow; kiss; shake hands 2.habit-forming: what are you supposed to do when you meet someone? you (are ) supposed to bow/ shake hands/ kiss 3.practising: be supposed to do sth municating : tell what you are supposed to do 【important points】 tell what you are supposed to do 【learning process】一、自主学习 task 1 : tell what you are supposed to do 1 talk about the following : 1) how many customs about meeting do you know? 2) what do people in china / the united states do when they meet for the first time? 2 listen to the tape and match the countries with the costoms 3 according to 1a ,ask and answer like following: a: what are 第5页 / 总共17页 people in korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time ? b: they are suppsoed to bow
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