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九年级英语Unit 5 Have a good time 知识精讲人教版(朗文) 1 / 9 初三英语 Unit 5 Have a good time人教版(朗文) 【本讲教育信息 】 一. 教学内容: Unit 5 Have a good time I. 词汇: kid, Internet, search, double, type, press, neter, press, button, capital, population, towb, whether, edge, cool, cost, one-way, flight, book, round-trip, instruction, straight, whom, chance, sound. II. 词组和惯用法: go straight along 沿着一直往前走 think about 考虑 decide to do sth 决定做某事 at the airport 在飞机场 do by oneself 自己做 have a good / great time 过得愉快 III. 日常交际用法: 1. Come on, we re having a family meeting. 2. I want to go somewhere warm. 3. Could you tell us how long we re going away? 4. Type in Haina Island and press the enter button. 5. We can have a good time no matter, if we go 6. Oh, cool! 7. Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan? 8. Just a minute, please. 9. Great! I d like to book 4 tickets, please. 10. Will that be one-way or round-trip? 11. Please tell me whom we have to see? 12. Go straight along here. 13. How was your holiday? 14. Oh, if you get a chance to go, take it. 15. That sounds really cool? IV. 语法 The Object Clause(2) 由连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句,注意宾语从句的语序。 1. Let s see if we can find out some information about that city. 2. Could you tell me whether that s a fast train or not? 3. Could you tell us how much it costs to go to Hainan by air? 4. Do you know where we can stay on the island? 5. Do you know what time the plane leaves? 6. Please tell me who (whom)we have to see. 九年级英语Unit 5 Have a good time 知识精讲人教版(朗文) 2 / 9 二. 重点、难点: 1. come on (1)come on “过来、快”等,用于祈使句。 Come on! We are going to be late for school come on, don t say any more. (2)随后、跟随 You d better go now. We ll come on later. (3) (夜晚、季节)到来(雨、雪)开始降落、发生 Spring comes on. The trees turn green and the flowers start to come out. When night comes on, it becomes cold and dark. I feel a cold coming on. (4)进行、进展、发展 How s your English coming on? How s your drawing coming on? (5)出场、播放 He is coming on later. There is a very good play coming on tomorrow. What time does the news come on? 2. decide (1)decide to do / that clause They decided to buy a new TV set. They decided that they would buy a new TV set. I decided not to go. She can t decide which to take. (2)decide + n + to do sth. 使某人决定,下决心 What would decided you to do so? (3)decide on / upon. I decided on the blue coat. We decided on spending the holidays by the sea. 3. try 努力、尝试 We should try it again. try to do. I ll tr y to learn Japanese. Let s try to find out some information about it. try one s best. 尽某人最大的努力 try on 试穿、试戴 try out 试验 4. Could you please do sth. Could / Would you please ? 动词原形 Could / Would please do sth ? 动词不定式 Could you please turn down the TV set? 九年级英语Unit 5 Have a good time 知识精讲人教版(朗文) 3 / 9 Would you like to go with me? 5. in: 两地是所属关系 on: 两地比邻接壤关系 to: 两地不属于同一范围,强调不在同一行政区内。 Nanjing is in the east of China. Japan is to the east of China. North Korea is on the northeast of China. be 可以用 stand或 lie 表示。 6. no matter if 引导让步状语从句 No matter if you listen to me, I will tell you how to play the game. No matter if you like the job, you must do it well. (1)if 既可引导宾语从句,也可引导条件状语从句。 What shall we do if it rains tomorrow? If I have enough money next year, I ll go to Japan. (2)whether 宾语从句,可同if 互换 if 用于口语, whether 多用于书面语,如果是: A. 与不定式连用。 B. 做介词的宾语从句 C. 和 or 或 or not 连用 只能用 whether. He didn t know whether to go or to stay. She isn t interested in whether you like the plan or not. 7. 玩得高兴的几种表达法: enjoy oneself have a good time have a nice time have a great time have a wonderful time have a pleasant time have a happy time 8. cost / spend / take / pay (1)cost 耗费、 花费, 后接 life , money ,health,time 主语是物或事, 侧重于花费的代价。 Careless driving will cost your life. It will cost me 100 yuan to repair the computer. (2)spend 花费时间、金钱、精力,主语是人 spend on sth. spend (in)doing Mr. Green spent all his savings on the new house. I spent half an hour (in)working out the maths problem. He spent two hours (in)doing his homework. (3)take: 完成某件事花费了主语一般是一件事 Painting the picture took me all week. 九年级英语Unit 5 Have a good time 知识精讲人教版(朗文) 4 / 9 It took him three years to write the book. It will take the workers one year to built the hospital. It takes him half an hour to go school by bike. (4)pay I paid 150 yuan for the watch. She paid 300 yuan to repair her car. pay for 宾语是物 ,表示支付的原因 You ll have to pay for your meals. Of course we have to pay for what we buy. 9. chance (1)chance 机会 I ve been waiting for the chance to speak to her. It s the chance of a lifetime, don t miss it. (2)get / have a chance She got a good chance to study abroad. He had a chance to interview the famous surfer. (3)There is a chance that There is no chance that it will rain today= There is no chance of rain today. (4)by chance 偶然地、无意中 I met her by chance yesterday. take changes (碰运气、投机、冒险) leave to chance(听天由命) take one s chance. (碰运气、听任天命) 【模拟试题】(答题时间: 90 分钟) I.选择填空 ( ) 1. Have you _ what we can do in Hong Ko
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