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Unit 3 Lesson 3My Friends习题1、 基础过关 从B栏中选出A栏相对应的回答,把序号写在括号内。 A B ( ) 1.Good afternoon. A. They are carrots. ( ) 2.Clean the desk, please. B. Merry Christmas! ( ) 3.What are these? C. Shes my sister. ( ) 4. Merry Christmas! D. All right. ( ) 5.Whos she? E. Good afternoon. 2、 综合训练 根据所给中文,选出相应的英文单词,在括号内写出相应的序号。 ( )1工人 A. doctor B. worker C. teacher( )2星星 A. sun B. moon C. star ( )3土豆 A. bean B. carrot C. potato ( )4妈妈 A. mother B. brother C. father ( )5明亮的 A. right B. big C. bright ( )6沙发 A. ant B. chair C. sofa3、 拓展应用朗读本课单词三遍,使用“学乐师生”APP录音,然后与全班同学分享。把正确的答案序号写在提前括号内。( )1. What are these?- They are _ A. potato B.potatoes ( )2. What are those? They are _. A. beans B. bean( )3.Whos she?- Shes my _ A. mother B. father( )4.Whats _? Its a tomato. A. this B.these( )5._ is your father? - Hes a doctor. A. Who B. What( )6.Look at the star? - Oh, Its _ A. right B. bright( )7. 当别人问你身边站的是谁时,你可以对别人说_. A.Shes my sister. B. Shes anurse. ( )8.当你想让别人擦窗户时,你可以说_. A.Closen the window,please. B.Clean the window,please.( )9. 当你想问对方的爸爸的职业时,你应该说 A. Whos your father? B. Whats your father?参考答案一、基础过关1E2D3A4B5C二、综合训练1B2C3C4A5C6C三、拓展应用1B2A3A4A5A6B7A8B9B
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