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https:/shop207885798.taobao.com/category.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w4010-16395402682.2.m7z0lQ&search=y2017年春小学毕业年级英语综合试题(一)一、判断下列各组划线字母的读音,相同的在括号里写T,不同的标注F(110)1、good too( ) 2、bed desk( ) 3、ask cat( )4、use up( ) 5、dog old( ) 6、finish like( )7、three sheep( ) 8、my why( ) 9、this think( )10、how hour( )二、写出下列单词的适当形式(110)1、I(宾格) 2、boy(复数) 3、you(形容词性物主代词) 4、this(复数) 5、small(反义词) 6、swim(ing形式) 7、country(复数) 8、have(过去式) 9、write(三人称单数形式) 10、China(语言) 三、选出下列单词中不同类的那一个,将其序号填入题前括号内(110)( )1、A. I B. she C. him( )2、A. door B. bird C. window( )3、A. dog B. yellow C. green( )4、A. four B. fourteen C. first( )5、A. teacher B. pencil C. book( )6、A. doctor B. driver C. mother( )7、A. fat B. tiger C. lion( )8、A. summer B. warm C. autumn( )9、A. the Mid-Autumn Festival B. Flag Day C. the Lantern Festival( )10、A. brought B. got C. play四、选出下列各题的最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内(225)( )1、小红问How much is it?她是想: A. 买东西 B. 问时间( )2、Amy不知道去公园的路,她会说: A. Where is the pen? B. Where is the park?( )3、早上见到英语老师你会说: A. Good night B. Good morning( )4、回答同学的Thank you!你会说: A. Hello B. Youre welcome( )5、你想知道妈妈新买的衣服什么颜色会说: A. What colour is it? B. What time is it?( )6、My favourite colour is . A. yellow B. book C. water( )7、 Lingling like oranges? A. Do B. Is C. Does( )8、We fly kites spring. A. on B. in C. at( )9、 you take your kite tomorrow? A. will B. Do C. Did ( )10_you at home yesterday?A. Are B. Is C. Were( )11、We in a small house before.A. lived B. live C. living ( )12、Lets a home library.A. makes B. making C. make( )13、Ill be home 5 oclock. A. in B. at C.of( )14、Its more than twenty thousand kilometres . A.big B. long C. much( )15、 talk in class. A. Not B. Arent C. Dont( )16、It four legs.A. have B. has got C. is ( )17、 a big tiger! A. How B.What C.Where( )18、There some milk in the cup. A. am B.is C.are( )19、I am email to her. A. sending an B. send an C. sending a( )20、The Huangshan Mountain is . A. strong B. long C. high( )21、 are we going to eat? At half past twelve. A. When B. What C.Where( )22、It sunny in Linshui tomorrow.A. will B. will be C. be ( )23、Look the bird. It hungry. A. at ,look B. of,at C. at ,looks ( )24.Its starting to and the birds are flying away.A. rain B. rains C. sunny( )25、YangLiwei space in Shenzhou V in 2003. A. fly into B. flew into C. is flying into五、改错,找出下列每个句子的错误,将其序号写在题前的括号内,并将正确答案写地题前横线上。(25)( )1.、Why is you wearing a hat? A B C( )2、She couldnt see and hear. A B C( )3、were going to different school . A B C( )4、We went there in Sunday. A B C( )5、There are some juice in the cup. A B C六、阅读短文,判断句子对错,对的在题前括号内标注“T”,错的“F”。(25)The Green Family are talking about their winter holiday .They wen to visit many places in China.Mr Green wants to visit Tibet(西藏).He wants to climb the mountains and ride a horse. Ms Green wants to go to HongKong .She wants to do some shopping .Jack wants to go to Harbin.He wants to see the beautiful snow and he wants to skate(滑冰)and ski(滑雪).Mary wants to go to HangZhou .She likes the West Lake and she wants to row a boat.( )1、The Green family are going to visit China in winter holiday.( )2、Mr Green wants to ride a horse in Tibet.( )3、Mr Green wants to do some shopping in HongZhou.( )4、Jack wants to skate and ski in Harbin.( )5、Mary wants to row boat in HongKong.邻水县小学英语总复习参考答案一、判断下列各组划线字母的读音,相同的在括号里写T,不同的标注F(110)15 F T F F F 610 F T T F F二、写出下列单词的适当形式(110) 1. me 2. boys 3. your 4. these 5. big 6. swimming 7. countries 8. had 9. writes 10. Chinese三、选出下列单词中不同类的那一个,将其序号填入题前括号内(110)15 C B A C A 610 C A B B C四、选出下列各题的最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内(225)15 A B B B A 610 A C B A C1115 A C B B C 1620 B B B A C2125 A B C A B五、改错,找出下列每个句子的错误,将其序号写在题前的括号内,并将正确答案写地题前横线上。(25)
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