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义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语四年级上册第二单元学业水平评价 班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_一、请填写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(10分) 1. _J_ 2._B_ 3._Q_ 4._g_ 5._W_二、读单词,选出画线部分读音不同的一项。(10分)( )1. A.name B.face C.map( )2. A.like B.big C.pig( )3. A.cat B.cap C.cake( )4. A.kite B.nice C.six( )5. A.five B.six C.nine三、看图选单词。(10分)( )1. A.four B.six C.five( )2. A.schoolbag B.pencil C.crayon( )3. A.window B.key C.candy( )4. A.storybook B.maths book C.notebook( )5. A.kite B.like C.bird四、选择填空。(20分)( )1. I _ a new schoolbag. A.are B.has C.have( )2.-_in your schoolbag? - Many books and a pencil box. A. What B. Whats C. Where ( )3. - _ ? - Its black. A.Whats that B.What colour is it C.Where is it( )4. I have some _and some_ in my schoolbag. A.toy, candy B.candys, toys C.toys, candies( )5. -Zoom,_ everything in your schoolbag? -Yes, Mum. A.are B.is C.am( )6. -Here_ ! - Thank you so much! A. is it B.it is C.are you( )7. The panda is _and _. A.red, green B.yellow, white C.black, white( )8. Amy_ so many storybooks. A.is B.have C.has( )9. - _ notebooks do you have? - Sixteen. A.What B.Where C.How many( )10. I have _ English book and _ Chinese book. A. an, a B.a, a C.a, an五、选择正确的答案。(10分) 1. 11+3=( ) A.eleven B.thirteen C.fourteen 2. 7+4=( ) A.twelve B.eleven C.seventeen 3. 20-7=( ) A.thirteen B.twenty C.eleven 4. 40-25=( ) A.twenty B.fourteen C.fifteen 5. 9+9=( ) A.sixteen B.nineteen C.eighteen六、英汉配对。(10分)( )1. Put away your books. A.把你的数学书放在你的书包下面。( )2. What colour is your pencil box? B. 我的书包很重。( )3. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. C.收拾好你的书包。( )4. I lost my English book. D.我丢了我的英语书。( )5. My schoolbag is heavy. E. 你的文具盒是什么颜色?七、选择正确的句子补全对话。(15分) A: Hi, Amy. B: 1._ A: I have a new pencil box. A. A pencil? B:2._ B. Some crayons and a ruler. A: Look! Its blue and yellow. C. Really? B: Wow! Its nice. 3._ D. Hello, Mike. A: Guess. E. Whats in it? B: 4._ A: No, 5._九、阅读理解。(15分) I have a new schoolbag. Its purple and orange. There are many books in my bag. Nine storybooks, six notebooks, three math books, two Chinese books, an English book and a toy. Look! This is my new pencil box. Its red and black. There are some pencils and a ruler in the pencil box. I like it very much! ( )1. I have a new classroom. ( )2. My schoolbag is purple and orange. ( )3. I like my bag very much. ( )4. There are three notebooks and a toy in my bag. ( )5. My pencil box is red and blue.
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