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Unit 4Shopping Day习题第一课时1、 基础题1根据图片写词组 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2做个小小售货员,自编一个小小售货员售货的场景,用“学乐师生”APP录像,分享给同学们。2、 提高题单词辨音,把发音不同的单词序号写在题前括号内1( )A. this B. three C.that D.with 2( )A. thin B. three C.mouth D.father3( )A. house B. horse C.short D.fork4( )A. thin B. there C.mother D.they 5( )A. please B. blue C.play D.plant 3、 综合题按对话内容用所给的词填空。A. Here you are. B. please C. buy D. its E. help F. crayonsVendor: Can I _ you?Customer: Yes,_. I want to _ a box of _.Vendor: This one? Its 20 yuan.Customer: But _ too expensive ( 太贵 ). Vendor: How about that one. Its only 9 yuan.Customer: OK. Id like that one.Vendor: _Customer: Thanks. 参考答案1、 基础题1 pencil box a pair of scissors a box of crayons pencil sharpener exercise book2略2、 提高题1 B2 D3 A4 A5B三、综合题Vendor: Can I E you?Customer: Yes, B . I want to C a box of F .Vendor: This one? Its 20 yuan.Customer: But D too expensive ( 太贵 ). Vendor: How about that one. Its only 9 yuan.Customer: OK. Id like that one.Vendor: A Customer: Thanks.
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