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人教新起点小学英语(一起)三年级上册,Unit 4,Lesson 3,Warm-up,Information Centre,Vocabulary,咨询中心,Vocabulary,look for,找到,find,寻找,hamburger,Vocabulary,phone,Vocabulary,dad,Vocabulary,Excuse me.,Vocabulary,Read and choose.,Steven goes to the park with his father. They have a lot of fun, but now he cant find his father. He goes to the Information Centre. Excuse me. Can I use your phone? I cant find my dad.,Read and choose.,The man in the centre says, sure. Here you are. He calls his father. His father says,Im at the hamburger shop. Steven thanks the man. Now he can find his dad.,Read and choose.,Read and choose.,Lets write.,Story time.,Story time.,Story time.,Put the sentences in order.,Summary,今天我们学习了: 在紧急情况下,要通过各种方式进行求救。 各种急救电话知识:119,110,120,122等急救电话。 同学们,你掌握住了吗?,Homework 1网上搜集更多的急救知识。使用“学乐师生”APP拍照,分享给全班同学。 2把课本42页Lets write句子在作业本上抄写一遍。,The End,
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