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Unit 6 Making Use of Tools,Unit Goals,Lead in,Listening head,screwdriver; tip,Role Play,A: Tools are dangerous, arent they? B: Certainly, they are. The most dangerous tool, I think, is the drill / screwdriver. A: Why is that? B: Because it is used wrongly so often. A: I see. So what should we be careful about when using a drill / screwdriver? B: Hmmm , dont put too much pressure on the head / tip or itll break.,Words and Expressions,drill /drIl/ n. 钻头;钻机 hammer /5hAmE/ n. 锤子;榔头 screwdriver /5skru:draIvE/ n. 螺丝刀;起子 hacksaw /5hAksC:/ n. 钢锯 wrench /rentF/ n. 扳手;扳钳 careful /5keEfJl/ adj. 小心的 saw /sC:/ v. 锯(东西),Words and Expressions,blade /bleId/ n. 锯条;刀刃 break /breIk/ v. 折断;弄坏 wrongly /rNlI/ adv. 错误地;不正确地 pressure /preFE/ n. 压力 cut down 砍倒 put pressure on 给施压,Reading saw; blade,an axe; cut; handle,a hammer; hit; handle,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.,a,b,c,d,1. “Just to have all my tools in one place.” he answered.,2. “Could I put my hacksaw in your garage?” he asked.,3. Bill works for a wood company.,4. “Certainly,” Jack replied, “But why?”,5. His neighbor, Jack, always borrows tools from him.,e,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.,a,1. “Just to have all my tools in one place.” he answered.,2. “Could I put my hacksaw in your garage?” he asked.,3. Bill works for a wood company.,4. “Certainly,” Jack replied, “But why?”,5. His neighbor, Jack, always borrows tools from him.,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.,b,1. “Just to have all my tools in one place.” he answered.,2. “Could I put my hacksaw in your garage?” he asked.,3. Bill works for a wood company.,4. “Certainly,” Jack replied, “But why?”,5. His neighbor, Jack, always borrows tools from him.,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.,c,1. “Just to have all my tools in one place.” he answered.,2. “Could I put my hacksaw in your garage?” he asked.,3. Bill works for a wood company.,4. “Certainly,” Jack replied, “But why?”,5. His neighbor, Jack, always borrows tools from him.,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.,d,1. “Just to have all my tools in one place.” he answered.,2. “Could I put my hacksaw in your garage?” he asked.,3. Bill works for a wood company.,4. “Certainly,” Jack replied, “But why?”,5. His neighbor, Jack, always borrows tools from him.,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.,1. “Just to have all my tools in one place.” he answered.,2. “Could I put my hacksaw in your garage?” he asked.,3. Bill works for a wood company.,4. “Certainly,” Jack replied, “But why?”,5. His neighbor, Jack, always borrows tools from him.,e,Part V,Write a passage by reordering the statements above. Note that you need to write three sentences altogether.,Could I Put My Hacksaw in Your Garage? Bill works for a wood company. He has a neighbor named Jack, who always _ and never returns them. One day, Bill was really sad about it and called Jack. 2) “_” he asked. “Sure,” his neighbor replied, “But why?” 3) “_” he answered.,borrows tools from him,Hi, Jack. Could I put my hacksaw in your garage?,Just to have all my tools in one place.,Unit task,Finding the right steps to use a tool safely There are many tools in the workplace, and it can be dangerous to use them. Work in groups and try to find the right steps to use a tool safely. Step 1: Divide the whole class into several groups. Within each group, discuss and decide the tool everybody thinks is the most dangerous to use. Step 2: Work with your group members to design four to five steps to use it safely. _ _,Unit task, _ _ _ Step 3: Invite other groups to comment on your work and make improvements where necessary. Step 4: Each group present their final work to the whole class.,Extended Activities,Part A,Part B,Part C,Vocabulary practice,Write down the names of tools and the parts related to them.,hammer,tools,_,screwdriver,hacksaw,_,_,knife,( ) (handle),(screwdriver tip) ( ) ( ),drill,axe,wrench,blade,screwdriver handle,screw head,Part B,Read the passage to decide the right instructions for using hand tools. Tick in the boxes.,Use of Hand Tools Any worker who uses a hand tool may get injured. A boss is responsible for the safe condition of tools used by his workers. He should teach workers that sharp tools such as saw blades, knives need to be put away from other workers. Moreover, he should also hold the workers responsible for the proper use an
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