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高职高专院校旅游英语专业实践教学体系建设总体框架,广东农工商职业技术学院 外语系,专业实践教学的国外现状 旅游英语专业的现状 构建旅游英语专业的实践教学体系,引 言,旅游英语专业实践教学体系建设目标,理论与方法,旅游英语专业实践教学体系的要素构成,引言,引 言,理论与方法,拟运用CBE (Competence Based Education )和DACUM (Designing/Developing A Curriculum ) 理论和方法为实践教学模块和课程体系,旅游英语专业实践教学体系的要素构成,旅游英语专业实践教学体系建设目标,理论与方法,“能力本位型”教学模式Competence Based Education ( CBE ),根植于英国,推广于英联邦国家,如加拿大、澳大利亚和西欧许多国家。 教学目标:使受教育者达到某种职业的从业能力要求 课程内容:以职业分析为基础,而不是依据与企业生产实际相脱离的教学大纲和教科书,理论与方法,DACUM(Designing/Developing A Curriculum)方法,DACUM指课程体系的设计(开发),是一种与企业界紧密结合,科学、准确的系统分析方法。 这种方法的指导思想是以满足企业界对学生的要求为基本准则,课程开发的出发点是企业界而非教育专家的观点。,CBE理论的核心,引 言,理论与方法,本体系包含四个亚体系: 旅游英语实践教学目标体系 旅游英语实践教学内容体系 旅游英语实践教学管理体系 旅游英语实践教学支撑体系。(如图1所示),旅游英语专业实践教学体系的要素构成,旅游英语专业实践教学体系建设目标,旅游英语专业人才培养目标与模式,旅游英语专业人才知识、能力和素质结构,公共必修课,专业理论课,岗位职业实践课,理论教学体系,图1 旅游英语专业实践教学体系,建设过程中,拟解决的以下关键问题,本实践教学体系的主要特色,1)从根本上解决理论与实践、实践教学与实际岗位能力需求严重脱节的问题; 2)以岗位(群)能力需求为主线,以教学模块为单位,以职业资格证书获得为主要评价方式,彻底颠覆传统之封闭的静态的实践教学模式,建立开放的动态的组合型旅游英语专业实践教学体系。,1)理论创新 这个开放、动态的组合型旅游英语专业实践教学理论体系具有开放性和反思性特征; 2)要求相关教学要素的有机融合 实现教学系统与外部环境(岗-课-证)、内部各要素(教学目标、教学内容、教学媒体与教学策略;教学过程的监控、评价与管理)的充分融合(分两个层次):,实施课证融合,建立旅游英语专业考证包 (如图2所示),课程融合、教材融合、教师融合、教学时间与空间融合、教学与就业融合。,(1)表层融合,(2)深层融合,管理体系,目标体系,要素构成,内容体系,保障体系,旅游英语专业实践教学体系的要素构成,(1)目标体系 高职旅游英语专业实践教学目标体系指学生通过实践教学活动,在旅游职业素质养成、旅游(含涉外旅游)服务与管理能力和职业技能应达到的标准和水平。(如图3所示) (2)内容体系 旅游英语专业实践教学模式 实践教学内容模块 (3)管理体系 旅游英语实践教学管理包括本专业实践教学基地和人员管理以及校内外实践教学管理制度建设与完善、评价指标体系、管理手段的建设、改革与创新。 (4)保障体系 实践教学师资队伍 实践教学基地、设施,管理体系,目标体系,要素构成,内容体系,保障体系,图3 旅游英语专业实践教学目标体系,返回,管理体系,目标体系,要素构成,内容体系,保障体系,旅游英语专业实践教学模式(如图 4),管理体系,目标体系,要素构成,内容体系,保障体系,实践教学内容模块,1、英语语言能力 1)听说读写译基本技能; 2)英语表达与交际能力; 2、职业关键能力 1)心理素质与承受能力; 2)团队精神与合作能力; 3)沟通能力; 4)独立思考与判断能力; 3、专业和岗位素质能力 1)中文导游业务; 2)英语导游业务; 3)旅行社(含涉外)营运与管理; 4)景区规划、营销与管理 5)旅游信息系统 6)旅游策划与营销 7)岗位创业 8)专题题调研、项目开发能力,You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.,Do Use these templates for your presentations Display your presentation on a web site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template. If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.,Dont Resell or distribute these templates or include the graphics in your work for re-sale Put these templates on a website for download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc Pass off any of our created content as your own work,We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.,管理体系,目标体系,要素构成,内容体系,保障体系,实践教学组织与管理机构(图5),图5,You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.,Do Use these templates for your presentations Display your presentation on a web site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template. If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.,Dont Resell or distribute these templates or include the graphics in your work for re-sale Put these templates on a website for download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc Pass off any of our created content as your own work,We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.,管理体系,目标体系,要素构成,内容体系,保障体系,外语系实践教学指导小组,由系主任任组长,系教学、学生管理副主任和旅游英语教研室主任任副组长,组成成员为实践教学指导教师(双师教师、兼职教师等)、旅游公司部门经理、酒店、景区中层管理人员等组成。,You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.,Do Use these templates for your presentations Display your presentation on a web site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template. If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.,Dont Resell or distribute these templates or include the graphics in your work for re-sale Put these templates on a website for download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc Pass off any of our created content as your own work,We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them.,管理体系,目标体系,要素构成,内容体系,保障体系,质量监控与考核体系,i 实践教学管理制度体系,ii 实践教学检查制度,iii实践教学考核指标体系,iv实践教学档案制度,v实践教学信息反馈体系,I质量监控体系,You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations.,Do Use these templates for your presentations Display your presentation on a web site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template. If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks.,Dont Resell or distribute these templates or include the graphics in your work for re-sale Put these templates on a website for download. This includes uploading them ont
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