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一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻人文英语21、单选题 Have others review your rsum and offer helpful advice.A. 有一些人可以检查你的简历并提供帮助。 B. 让别人帮你检查一遍简历并提供有益的建议。 C. 有其他人帮你检查简历并给你提供建议。 答案:B 知识点:翻译技巧2 2、单选题 -How long has your daughter been missing?- _A. I miss my daughter a lot. B. We havent seen each other for two months. C. About half an hour. Ive been looking for her everywhere. 答案:C 知识点:询问普通问题 3、单选题 This is Huangdu Police station. What can I do for you?_ A. My daughter is missing. B. Who are you? C. No. 答案:A 知识点:提供帮助 4、单选题 Why do you want to leave your previous job? .A. Im hoping to have a better position. B. I dont want to work at all. C. You wont understand it. 答案:A 知识点:询问普通问题 5、单选题 Our city is getting safer and safer. _A. I hope there will be no crimes any more. B. Crimes are sometimes good. C. I dont want to discuss this with you. 答案:A 知识点:表达愿望 6、单选题 If I _ you , I would buy a house at the seaside.A. were B. was C. am 答案:A 知识点:虚拟语气,条件句 7、单选题 She _ answer my phone call yesterday.A. doesnt B. didnt C. wasnt 答案:B 知识点:一般过去时,一般现在时 8、单选题 If I _ you, I would buy a house at the seaside.A. were B. was C. am 答案:A 知识点:虚拟语气,条件句 9、单选题 Criminals are given the _ of going to jail or facing public humiliation. A. opinion B. option C. opportunity 答案:B 知识点:option,routine,native tongue 10、单选题 . Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight? .A. No,I have other plans. B. No, I dont like being with you. C. Thats very kind of you, thanks. 答案:C 知识点:接受邀请 11、单选题 They named the island _ its discoverer. A. after B. in C. to 答案:A 知识点:固定搭配 12、单选题 There are more and more internet crimes. _ A. I think we should introduce more regulations to supervise the internet. B. Its none of your business. C. It has nothing to do with me. 答案:A 知识点:咨询意见 13、单选题 - Shall we go to a restaurant? - _.A. Thank you very much B. Great C. See you later 答案:B 知识点:咨询意见 14、单选题 I have no idea who stole his wallet. It _ anyone. A. could have been B. should have been C. must have been 答案:A 知识点:情态动词 15、单选题 This will allow the employer to associate your experience with their job opening.A. 这将允许雇主联系你的经历和他们的工作开端。 B. 这将有助于雇主将你的工作经历和他们的职务空缺联系起来。 C. 这会允许雇主联系你的工作经历,还有他们的职务空缺。 答案:B 知识点:翻译技巧1 16、单选题 Please reply by Monday the 9th of January to confirm your attendance at the function.A. 是否能参加本次典礼,请您于1月9日周一给予答复。 B. 是否能参加本次典礼,请您于1月9日周一之前给予答复。 C. 参加本次典礼,请您于1月9日周一之后给予答复。 答案:B 知识点:翻译技巧1 17、单选题 Im not helping you, so you must do your homework _. A. myself B. by you C. yourself 答案:C 知识点:不定代词,反身代词,关系代词 18、单选题 - What are you going to do tomorrow morning? - _.A. Im playing tennis with some friends B. I saw a film with my son C. I go swimming every Thursday 答案:A 知识点:表示计划安排 19、单选题 At a time of this economic crisis, our _ should be very clear about what we need to do.A. principle B. priority C. premium 答案:B 知识点:priority,impression,share,melody 20、单选题 We should all try our best to do some volunteering work. A. 我们都应该试图最好做一些志愿工作。 B. 我们都应该尽我们最大的努力去做一些志愿工作。 C. 我们都应该尽可能去做一些志愿工作。 答案:B 知识点:翻译技巧1 21、单选题 All of these presents _ good to me. A. hear B. sound C. listen 答案:B 知识点:sound,What,stop doing sth. 22、单选题 Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your resume.A. 要提供职位广告里具体的任何信息,你的简历里没有包括。 B. 要提供具体信息,这是招聘广告要求的,也是简历里没有的。 C. 要提供简历里可能未包括而招聘广告里又特别要求的信息。 答案:C 知识点:翻译技巧1 23、单选题 There _ some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table.A. is B. are C. will be 答案:A 知识点:there be 句型 24、单选题 While she was waiting ,her phone rang.A. 她在等待电话铃声响起。 B. 她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。 C. 她会一直等待电话铃声响起。 答案:B 知识点:翻译技巧5 25、单选题 It will be a sad thing _ with her. A. to part B. parting C. have parted 答案:B 知识点:动词现在分词,动名词 26、单选题 I was at the gas station filling up my car and was short of money.A. 我在加油站给汽车加油,却发现钱不够。 B. 我在加油站花光所有钱给汽车加满油了。 C. 我在加油站,却发现车上没钱了。 答案:A 知识点:翻译技巧1 27、单选题 John didnt turn up _ the meeting finished.A. by B. in C. until 答案:C 知识点:neither,from,not until,lend 28、单选题 _! That fire is dangerous.A. To stop B. Stopping C. Stop 答案:C 知识点:祈使句 29、综合题 请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在答题纸上。Mary: Right, Ive made a sealing plan. We just need to add three people.Tim: Who are they?Mary: Well, Im worried about Karen. Shes really shy. If she sits with noisy people, she wont enjoy herself.Tim: Shes just had a baby, hasnt she? If she sits next to Helen, theyll be able to talk about children.Mary: Good idea. What abo
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