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1北师大版必修四 Unit 11 A 卷.单项填空1We should always keep in mind that accidents from carelessness while driving.A ariseBarouse Cbegin Drise2She pretended me when I passed by.A not to see Bnot seeing Cto not see Dhaving not seen3As a boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employees.A demanding Bdemanded Cdemand Dhaving demanded4(2012阜阳模拟)The road sign is easy to read; the words well.A make out Bstand out Cstand for Dturn out5These days Mike has been preparing carefully for his driving test so that he can pass it at his first .A intention Battempt Cpurpose Ddesire6(2012安阳月考)Some classmates are against my plan while the majority are it.A in view of Bin favour of Cin honor of Din memory of7He came up with a new to the problem at yesterdays meeting.2A procedure Bmethod Capproach Dmeans8The boss another 20 workers to work in his company.A fired Bemployed Crented Ddismissed9 we are united, theres no difficulty we cannot overcome.A In order that BIf only CSo long as DEven if10Its already 9 oclock and Mother step in any moment.A probably Bis possible Cis likely to Dis possible to11Robert, you failed to pass the National College Entrance Examination.Exactly. How often I have regretted hard!A not to study Bstudying Cto not study Dnot studying12(2012 龙岩调研 )The doctor from the symptoms that the patients disease was cancer.A instructed Bconcluded Cexcluded Ddirected13Mr. Ham felt that he himself, rather than Alice and Lisa, for the coldness that had grown between them.A were to blame Bwas to be blamed Cwere to be blamed Dwas to blame14The customer didnt choose of the coats and went away without looking at a third one.A both Ball Cany Deither315Bill suggested a meeting on what to do for the 26th Shenzhen Universiade.A having held Bto hold Cholding Dhold.阅读理解A(2012莆田质量检测 )Facebook is a social network service and website that was launched in 2004. Friends, family, and coworkers use Facebook to communicate with each other. Many businesses use the site to show their products.Users can write about themselves or their companies and include pictures and videos. They can also permit everyone, or only a few people, to see their Facebook pages.In the summer of 2010, Facebook announced that it has over 500 million active users around the world.About half of them use the site every day. About 70 percent of all Facebook users are in countries outside the United States.Mark Zuckerberg and his friends started Facebook in 2004 when he was a second year student at Harvard University in Massachusetts. He began the project by illegally using the universitys computer system. Harvard University charged him with breaking several laws. Mark Zuckerberg was almost forced to leave school. But the university withdrew the charges. Mark Zuckerberg was also accused of stealing other peoples ideas and using them in Facebook. He has denied (否认) the charges.Several people have taken legal action against him.At first, only Harvard students could use Facebook. But it quickly expanded to other universities. The website was also opened to high school students. Now, anyone at least 13 years old with an email address can join.In the early days, only a small group of people managed Facebook. Now it has over 1,700 workers in 12 countries.Facebook makes money by selling advertising. It has been extremely successful. The financial company SecondMarket, says Facebook is worth 41 billion dollars.4A movie about the creation of Facebook, called “The Social Network”, was released in October 2010.1What can we learn about Facebook?A The minority of its users are Americans.BUsers can see anyones Facebook pages.CMore than 500 million people are using it.DIt provides social network service for Americans.2Why was Mark Zuckerberg charged by Harvard University?A He secretly designed illegal computer programs.BHe devoted too much time working on his project.CHe stole other peoples ideas when writing his essay.DHe used the universitys computer system to start Facebook illegally.3Which of the following can take the place of the underlined word “withdrew” in Paragraph 4?A dropped Btook away Cheld on Drejected4Facebook manages to make huge profits mainly by _.A attracting users Bselling advertising Cproducing movies Dincreasing cooperationB(2012皖南八校第三次联考)If a business wants to sell its products internationally, it had better do some market research first. This is a lesson that some large American corporations have learned the hard way.Whats in the name?Sometimes the problem is the name. When General Motors introduced its Chevy Nova to Latin America, it overlooked the fact that Nova in Spanish means
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