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一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻小学英语外研版三年级起点三年级下册期末测试卷(含听力材料+答案)听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1、A、dress B、shorts C、skirt( )2、A、rain B、raining C、cloudy( )3、A、phone B、radio C、television( )4、A、rice B、noodles C、soup( )5、A、guitar B、piano C、violin二、听录音,选答语。(10分)( )1、A、No , I dont . B、Yes , she has . ( )2、A、I am eleven . B、I have English .( )3、A、Its yellow . B、Its in the box .( )4、A、No , she isnt . B、Yes , she does .( )5、A、No , she doesnt . B、Yes , I do .三、听录音,把句子补充完整。(10分)1、I watch TV in the bedroom _ .2、Please pass me the meat _ .3、This monkey is thin _ .4、Daming doesnt like swimming _ .5、Mr Smart goes to school by bike _ .笔试部分一、选出下列各组单词中不属于同一类的一项。(10分)( )1、A、coat B、cool C、cold( )2、A、tea B、doll C、milk ( )3、A、cat B、thin C、short( )4、A、under B、on C、football( )5、A、bike B、summer C、winter二、英汉互译。(10分)1、 去滑冰_ 2、通电话 _ 3、在桌子下_ 4、看电视_ 5、 穿上_ 6、by car_ 7、on Sunday_ 8、behind the door _ 9、 in the park_ 10、in summer_ 三、选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1、Look ! They are small _ .A、lions B、tiger C、monkey( )2、Here _ an orange shirt .A、are B、am C、is( )3、Have you got a new sweater ? _ .A、Yes , I have . B、No , I dont . C、Yes , I do .21教育网( )4、Ive got a new book . Its _ animals .A、of B、with C、about( )5、In autumn , he _ under the tree .A、goes fishing B、go fishing C、goes fish( )6、Pass me an apple , please . _A、 Not at all . B、Here you are . C、Thank you .( )7、I _ like basketball .A、am not B、dont C、doesnt( )8、_ you like meat , Tom ?A、Do B、Does C、Are( )9、 What _ she do in the morning ?A、is B、does C、do( )10、Does Daming like oranges ? _ .A、 Yes , he does . B、No , she doesnt . C、Yes , I do .21cnjycom四、选择配伍。(10分)( )1、Wheres it ? A、Its yellow .【版权所有:21教育】( )2、Have you got a blue dress ? B、I have Chinese and Maths .( )3、What do you do on Sundays ? C、Yes , I have .21教育名师原创作品( )4、What do you have on Mondays ? D、Its on the desk .21cnjy.com( )5、Whats your favourite colour ? E、I watch TV on Sundays .五、连词成句。(10分)1、toy , my , where , is_(?)2、season , my , favourite , spring , is_(.)3、summer , in , do , what , do , you_(?)4、 bananas ,Amy , does , like ,_(?)5、lake , the , he , goes , fishing , in_(.)六、补全对话。(10分)A、What do you have in the morning ?B、What do you do in the morning ?C、Do you like football ?D、What does she have in the morning ?E、Is Amy at school ?Sam :Hi , Daming ! 1 Daming :I play football . 2 Sam :Yes , I do . I play football on Sundays .Daming : 3 Sam :I have Chinese and Maths .Daming : 4 Sam :Yes , she is .Daming : 5 Sam :She has Art and PE .七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)My name is Ben . Im thin . Bob is my brother . He is tall . My favourite season is winter . I go skating and play in the snow . Bobs favourite season is summer . He goes swimming and fishing in summer . I like football . I play football on Saturdays . Bob likes basketball . He plays basketball with his friends on Sundays .21世纪教育网版权所有( )1、Bob is Bens dad .( )2、Bob is short .( )3、Bob likes summer .( )4、Ben plays football on Saturdays .( )5、Bob plays basketball on Saturdays .听力原文:一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)1、 skirt 2、rain 3、television 4、soup 5、violin二、听录音,选答语。(10分)1、Has she got a blue dress ?2、What do you have on Thursday ?3、Whats your favourite colour ?4、Is she fat ?5、Does she go to school by bike ?三、听录音,把句子补充完整。(10分)1、I watch TV in the bedroom .2、Please pass me the meat .3、This monkey is thin .4、Daming doesnt like swimming .5、Mr Smart goes to school by bike .答案与解析:听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)本题考查学生认读单词的能力。1、C skirt 2、A rain 3、C television 4、C soup 5、C violin二、听录音,选答语。(10分)本题考查学生的英语会话能力。1、B Has she got a blue dress ?肯定回答:Yes , she has . www.21-cn-jy.com2、B What do you have on Thursday ?I have English .句意:你在星期四上什么?我上英语。3、A Whats your favourite colour ?Its yellow .句意:你最喜欢的颜色是什么?它是黄色。4、A Is she fat ?否定回答:No , she isnt . 5、A Does she go to school by bike ?否定回答:No , she doesnt . 21cnjy三、听录音,把句子补充完整。(10分)本题考查学生识记单词的能力。1、I watch TV in the bedroom .2、Please pass me the meat .3、This monkey is thin .4、Daming doesnt like swimming .5、Mr Smart goes to school by bike .笔试部分一、选出下列各组单词中不属于同一类的一项。(10分)1、A coat外套, cool, cold形容词2、B doll玩具, tea茶, milk牛奶属于饮料类3、A cat猫, thin, short形容词4、C football 足球,under, on介词5、A bike 自行车,summer, winter季节单词。二、英汉互译。(10分)本题考查学生的英汉互译能力。1、 go skating 2、on the phone 3、under the desk 4、watch TV 5、put on 6、乘坐小汽车 7、在星期天 8、在门后 9、在公园里 10、在夏天三、
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