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,新闻文体的翻译,新闻文体的语言特点,用词新颖,精巧别致 句式多样,富于弹性 巧用时态,不拘呼应 频繁使用被动语态,重点突出 善用修辞,讲究效果,用词新颖,精巧别致,频繁使用新词 借用各类词汇 短词及缩略语,Cybercafe E-bombs hacker Videophone source “人士”、“官员” diplomatic sources外交界人士 informative sources信息灵通人士 official sources官方人士 reliable sources可靠人士 stick and carrot policy 软硬兼施政策,An urgent task is to turn it into “yesable” proposition. 紧迫的任务是将其转化成“可以接受”的建议。,硬新闻(Hard News),源于西方新闻学的一个名词,指题材较为严肃,着重于思想性、指导性和知识性的政治、经济、科技新闻。 也称现场短新闻,强调时间性和重大性的动态新闻,重在迅速传递消息。,特点,1)开门见山,一事一报 2)叙事方式较客观 3)注重时效性和重要性,常运用连续报道的方式 4)报道内容多为突发性事故 5)给人以现场感( 多用动词,少用形容词),硬新闻文字简短精炼。表现手法以叙述为主,结构多采用“倒金字塔”式。 把新闻高潮结论放在最前面,然后根据事实的重要性依次递减的安排材料,由高到低的突出最重要最新鲜的事实。使报道显得简结明快,条理清晰。,导语,导语的补充和展开,按重要性依次 排列细节材料,软新闻,指不平常的、娱乐的新闻,人情味较浓,写作风格轻松活泼,易于引起读者感官刺激及视听兴趣,如愉悦、同情等。 软新闻是从感情上吸引读者,而非以理性赢得读者,主要包含一些杂文小品、讽刺性或文艺性文章,概称为“时文”(periodical essays)。,中间类新闻,通讯 特写 新闻评论,新闻标题及其翻译,Putin faces harsh press criticism over terror 普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评 Olympics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold 奥运盛妆开幕 泳将喜夺首金 UKs oldest person dies at 115 英国第一寿星谢世,享天年百岁又十五,直译,翻译中添加注释性词语,For Beslans children, a legacy of nightmares (俄罗斯:) 劫后相逢,别城孩童仍似恶梦中,尽量再现原文修辞特点,A Tale of Two Debtors “两个欠债国的故事” After the Booms Everything Is Gloom 繁荣不再 萧条即来 No Fans? “No fret!” 赛场没人气?“咱可没生气!”,增加词语使意义完整,Older, wiser, calmer 人愈老,智愈高,心愈平,套用中外诗词熟句,Bushs daughters reach legal age to drink 布什双娇初长成 酒巷从此任纵横 Singaporean star Gives Part of Liver to Save Dying Lover 若为爱情故肝脏也可抛狮城上演感人生死恋,Bi suspended for remarks,毕福剑因不当行言论被查,A popular CCTV hosts improper remarks that were caught on video at a dinner party have led to an investigation into the incident and a suspension of his programs. 央视人气主持人毕福剑因为网上视频爆出其在饭局上的不当言论而被查,他的节目也被停播。,The video, released online on Monday, showed host Bi Fujian using vulgar words about Chairman Mao Zedong while singing in the style of Peking Opera, enraging some netizens and causing a stir on the Internet. 6日(周一)发布到网上的视频显示,毕福剑唱了一首改编的京剧小曲,言语中对毛泽东不敬。这一视频激怒了一些网友,在网上引起了热议。,Bis programs will stop being broadcast until at least Sunday, as his comments in the video have seriously damaged the broadcasters image, Huaxi Metropolis Daily quoted a CCTV staff member as saying. 华西都市报从一名央视工作人员得到消息称,毕福剑的节目将停播至少到本周日为止,因为毕福剑的行为严重损坏了其作为央视主播的形象。,Bi, 56, is popular for a hosting style that engages the audience. He has hosted the CCTV Spring Festival Gala since 2012, as well as a popular talent show involving Westerners speaking Chinese. The cancellation was the first decision after Nie Chenxi was named CCTV president on Tuesday, the report said, adding that Nie had ordered all staff members to strictly correct work styles. 毕福剑,56岁,以其独特的主持风格深受广大观众的喜欢。自2012年以来开始主持央视春晚,并主持一档西方人说中文的真人秀节目。央视新任台长聂辰席上任后指导各位工作人员严格工作作风,周二,毕福剑的节目被暂时停播是聂辰席在上任后做出的第一个处治。,The photographer who broke the internets heart,触动无数网民的照片,Thousands online have shared an image of a Syrian child with her hands raised in surrender - but what is the story behind it? 网上铺天盖地的分享着一个举起手作投降状的叙利亚小孩的照片,但是这个故事的背后隐藏着什么?,Those sharing it were moved by the fear in the childs eyes, as she seems to staring into the barrel of a gun. It wasnt a gun, of course, but a camera, and the moment was captured for all to see. But who took the picture and what is the story behind it? BBC Trending have tracked down the original photographer - Osman Sa?rl? - and asked him how the image came to be. 小孩眼中的恐惧令人动容,仿佛在她面前的是冰冷的枪口。当然,她眼前并不是枪,而是相机,相机捕捉到这一刻,向世界呈现出来。但是,是谁拍的这张照片,这张照片背后又有怎样的故事?BBC Trending找到最初的拍摄者Osman Sa?rl?,询问了照片拍摄时的情况。,BBC Trending spoke to Sa?rl? - now working in Tanzania - to confirm the origins of the picture. The child is in fact not a boy, but a four-year-old girl, Hudea. The image was taken at the Atmeh refugee camp in Syria, in December last year. She travelled to the camp - near the Turkish border - with her mother and two siblings. It is some 150 km from their home in Hama. Sa?rl?如今在坦桑尼亚工作,向BBC Trending 确认了照片的来源。这个孩子其实并不是一个男孩,而是一个四岁的小女孩,名叫Hudea。这张照片是去年12月拍摄于叙利亚的艾特梅难民营。小女孩同妈妈和两个兄妹一路步行来到这个靠近土耳其边界的难民营,与他们位于哈马的家相距150千米。,I was using a telephoto lens, and she thought it was a weapon, says Sa?rl?. ? realised she was terrified after I took it, and looked at the picture, because she bit her lips and raised her hands. Normally kids run away, hide their faces or smile when they see a camera. Sa?rl?说:“我使用相机镜头时,小女孩以为这是一件武器。我拍完,看着照片,意识到她感到非常恐惧,因为她咬紧了嘴唇,举起了她的双手。”,He says he finds pictures of children in the camps particularly revealing. You know there are displaced people in the camps. It makes more sense to see what they have suffered not through adults, but through children. It is the children who reflect the feelings with their innocence. 他发现在难民营拍的孩子们的照片都反映了一个特点,“通常孩子们看到相机时,会立刻跑开,藏起他们的脸,或收起微笑。”“在难民营里都是些流离失所的难民。透过孩子更能清楚地看出他们所遭遇的一切。孩子们会无辜地反映出他们的感受。,The image was first published in the Trkiye newspaper in January, where Sa?rl? has worked for 25 years, covering war and natural disasters outside the country. It was widely shared by Turkish speaking social media users at the time. But it took a few months before it we
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