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Reading ,Unit 4,Gullivers Travels,Jonathan Swift,(1667-1745),by,His ship crashed against the rocks. genst,The ship cant continue moving. kntinju:,hit,go on,Gulliver in Lilliput,What did Gulliver do after their ship crashed against the rocks? He swam as far as he could. Why did Gulliver fall down on the beach? Because he was tired out after swimming for a long time.,Read and answer,While -reading,Para.1, When Gulliver woke up, it was almost evening.,morning,“T” or “F”, Someone tied Gullivers arms, legs, and hair to the ground.,Para.2,Can you read Para.2 with emotion?,If you are Gulliver, how will you feel and what will you do?,Imagine,How big was the small man? He was the same size as Gullivers little finger.,Para.3,Who can read Para.3 with surprise for us?,what will you say to him?,If you see such a small man,Imagine,Make readers want to read the story. (B) Make readers feel Gullivers feeling. (C) Make the story vivid and interesting.,Where was I?,Who was this tiny person?,Can you choose the functions of the two questions?(多选),Why did the tiny men all fall over? Because Gulliver shouted at them.,Para.4,1. Why did Gulliver shout at them? 2. Did they care about Gullivers shout? 3. Why didnt they care? 4. What do you think of the tiny men?,If you are tiny men,Imagine,what will you talk about ?,Gulliver,small men,began _;,could not _;,didnt know _;,tried to _;,managed to _;,_ his left hand;,began to _,were coming straight towards him,looked down ,talking to him,understand,what to say,pull one hand free,break the ropes,lifted,shout,Para.5,If Gulliver couldnt run away, what would happen?,Could Gulliver run away at last? Yes, he could, because No, he couldnt, because,Imagine,If Gulliver could run away, how did he do it?,After Gullivers ship,swam tired out fell down went to sleep,woke up could not move be tied,felt-looked down-saw -shouted,Para.1,Para.2,Para.3-4,Tell your friends about the story.,couldnt understand- managed to- lifted-looked down,Para.5,move up-started climbing-fall over -continue moving,began talking,I think Gulliver was because he ,Post -reading,What do you think of Gulliver?,kind,friendly,.,Today a good reader, tomorrow a great leader. Margaret Fuller,http:/www.eng.fju.edu.tw/English_Literature/englit_1/gulliver.htm,1. Write a short passage about your idea. (If Gulliver could run away, how could he do it? If Gulliver couldnt run away, What would happen next?) 2. Try to read the book of Gullivers Travels.,Homework,Thank you:),
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