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listening,Unit 6 Ancient stories,prince queen steal punish in the end,n. 王子 n. 王后 v. 偷;窃取 v. 处罚;惩罚 最后,Words review,接龙,幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。,每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,3秒内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。,captain,Greek,stupid,midnight,difference,empty,army,soldier,main,secret,succeed,celebrate,ancient,understand,capture,quietly,trick,make jokes about,pull,Objectives,1. Listen to learn how the Trojan War started. 2. To learn the new words: prince, queen, steal, punish, in the end,Do you know how the Trojan War started?,How did the Trojan War start? Listen to the story and put the pictures in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes. (P 86),Before you listen, make sure you know the following words: prince n. 王子 steal v. 偷,窃取 queen n. 王后 punish v. 处罚,A,Before listenning: Look at the pictures and get the main idea of each picture. Try to describe the pictures in your own words.,Top tip,While listenning: Pay attention to details such as the facial expressions and behaviour of the characters, and try to match these details to the story. Label the pictures to show their correct order.,Here are some tips for doing an ordering exercise using pictures.,2,5,3,4,6,Listen to the recording again and complete the answers to the questions below. Write one word in each blank. (P 86),1. What did Paris, the prince of Troy, decide to do one day? He decided to _ the Greek city of Sparta. 2. What happened at the dinner? Queen Helen and Paris _ _ _ with each other.,visit,fell in love,B,3. Why was the King of Sparta very angry? Because Paris _ Helen to his ship and hid men also stole a lot of _ from Sparta. 4 What did the king of Sparta do in the end? He asked many of the other Greek kings to help him _ Troy and punish the Trojans.,fight,took,gold,Where is the ship heading to?,How could the soldiers steal the gold in Sparta?,Who is the man in the middle?,The King of Sparta.,Sparta.,Because the King of Sparta was not in the city.,Look at the pictures and answer the questions.,What are the soldiers doing?,Where are Paris and Helen?,Whose ships are these?,They are Greek ships.,They are fighting against each other.,They are in Troy.,Team racing,Activity,Try to retell the story using the pictures as a guide. Whos the best?,Ready?,2,5,3,4,6,Team racing,Activity,试着以帕里斯王子、海伦王后或斯巴达国王的身份复述这个故事。,Ready?,Im Paris, a Trojan prince. I sailed to the Greek city of Sparta one day. Helen and her husband, the King of Sparta, welcomed me. Everything was fine at first. And later at the dinner, Helen and I fell in love with each other. When her husband left the city, I took Helen to my ship.,For example,We sailed back home at once. Everyone in my city loved Helen because she was so beautiful. But her husband was very angry and he asked many of the other Greek kings to help him fight our city. Many Greek ships carried the large Greek army here. They wanted to get Helen back and punish me. I wanted to protect Helen and my city. The war between us began.,Quiz,根据提示,补全单词。 1. Tom was afraid that the teacher would _ (惩罚) him for being late again. 2. My purse _ _ (被偷) in the fair. 3. He calmed down _ (最后). 4. They were bowing as the _ (王后) and _ (王子) walking in.,in the end,was stolen,punish,prince,queen,word链接,Finish the exercises in Learning English. To preview Grammar on page 87,Homework,
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