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Project Agency Agreement项目代理协议Party A: 甲方:Party B: 乙方:This General Agency Agreement (Agreement) is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned at the date of xx, in the place of xx, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:本协议于xx年xx月xx日在xx由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:1、Appointment 委任Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Project Agent of the xx project, and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment. Nothing in the Agreement shall prejudice the right of Party A to appoint the third party as the agent.甲方指定乙方为xx项目代理,乙方接受上述委任。本协议不会妨碍甲方去任命第三方作为代理。2、Obligations and Rights of Party A甲方的权利与义务2.1 Party A is in charge of Bidding Documents preparation, Quotation, Letter of Guarantee to open and bear bidding documents charge during Project bidding process.2.1甲方负责项目投标过程中各类投标文件及报价文件的具体制作工作,负责制作标书的费用、开具保函。2.2 Party A is in charge of technical support & clarification, etc. and has the final decision right to provide reasonable price according to market conditions.2.2甲方负责提供技术支持和技术澄清等工作,甲方根据市场行情报进行合理报价,并对商务条款有最终决定权。2.3 Party A is in charge of project contract execution and smoothly complete work stipulated in the project contract on basis of guarantee both quality and quantity. 2.3甲方负责项目合同的执行,根据获得的项目合同,按照保质保量的原则,顺利完成合同规定的工作内容。2.4 Party A is in charge of technical support, equipment supply, engineering implement, after-sales service for this Project and be responsible for quality of equipment and service.2.4甲方负责该项目的技术、设备提供,工程实施及售后服务,并对设备和服务的质量负责。2.5 Party A is in charge of reception for the Customer, including but not limited to factory acceptance and supervision.2.5甲方负责在合同履行过程中客户前往生产工厂验收、监造等接待工作。2.6 Party A shall pay the Agency Fee to Party B timely as the relevant clauses in this Agreement.2.6甲方按照本协议有关条款的规定及时向乙方支付代理费。3、Rights and Obligations of Party B 乙方的权利和义务3.1 Party B has right to use Party As trademark and market materials, meanwhile, to obtain technical & commercial support and training from Party A.3.1乙方可以使用甲方商标和提供的市场宣传资料,要求甲方提供技术支持和必要的商务支持,要求甲方对其人员进行培训。3.2 Party B is in charge of supplying Project information, coordinating with each partys relations; assist Party A to pre-market development for this Project and bidding work.3.2乙方负责项目信息的提供,项目方的关系协调,协助甲方进行该项目的前期市场开发,并配合甲方的投标工作。3.3 Party B shall provide action and operation guide concerning local economic & law environment, also supply advisory opinion to Party As daily business requirement. 3.3乙方就本地经济社会法律环境给甲方提供行为和操作指导、为甲方日常业务需求提供咨询意见等。3.4 Party B shall know well other competitors conditions for this Project, acquire bid evaluation by multi-channel and timely share information with Party A, aiming for Party As success in this Project. 3.4乙方负责了解该项目其他竞争对手的情况,多渠道了解评标情况,并及时和甲方进行信息分享,力争甲方中标。3.5 Party B shall bear its inner staff charges including but not limited to salary, trip expense, communication expense, etc.3.5乙方有关人的工资、差旅、办公、通讯、交际等费用均由乙方自行承担。3.6 Party B shall assist Party A in collecting the payment of invoices amount under Project contract. 3.6乙方应协助甲方回收项目合同下的发票款项。3.7 Party A and Party B agree that the amount of Agency Fee is confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any other third party, except that it is required to make the payment of agency fee stipulated in the Agreement. 3.7甲方和乙方一致同意代理费金额为保密信息,不应透漏给任何第三方, 除非是因为本协议支付代理费的需要。3.8 In the event of any dispute between Party A and the Customer, Party B shall do the utmost for the communications between Party A and the Customer; However, Party B shall not bear any joint and several liability and compensation.3.8如果甲方与客户之间发生纠纷,乙方应尽其最大努力进行调解,但乙方不应承担连带责任及赔偿。3.9 Party B shall not enter into any contract, agreement or other legally enforceable documents with the Customer in the name of Party A or on behalf of Party A, unless Party A gives Party B the written authorizations to sign the said documents. Otherwise Party A shall not be liable for or be legally bound by such contracts which are signed by Party B. 3.9 乙方不得以自己的名义或者代表甲方签署任何合同、协议或其他法律性文件,除非甲方书面授权乙方可以与客户签署以上文件。 否则,甲方对这些乙方所签的合同不负任何责任,对甲方也不具有任何法律约束力。4. Agency Fee Rate代理费率The Agency Fee rate of this Project is xx% after friendly negotiation between the Parties.经过双方友好协商,此项目的代理费比率为xx %。5.Calculation and Payment of Agency Fee代理费的计算、给付方式5.1 Party A agrees to pay Agency Fee to Party B based on the Party Bs sale performance. The Agency Fee shall be payable only after Party A has concluded the Project contract with the Customer introduced by Party B and the contract price under the Project contract has been received by Party A. No matter Party A or Customer, who terminate or cancel this Agreement for any reasons in advance, Party A shall pay Agency Fee to Party B according to the actual payment collection rather than contract prices under the Project contract.5.1甲方同意依据乙方的销售业绩支付给乙方代理费。只有甲方在确认与乙方介绍的客户签订项目合同,并收到项目合同项下的合同款项
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