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Book 4 Module 1 Life in the future,1. n./v. 预测 2. adj. 冒险的 3. n. 资源 4. n. 材料 5. 太阳的 6. 都市的 7. 装载 8. n. 罪犯 9.逮捕 10. n. 范围 11. n. 命令 12. n. 伤残 13. adj. 乐观的 14. adv. 最后,终于,prediction/ predict risky resource material solar urban load criminal arrest limit command disability optimistic eventually,words,1. prediction n. - predict v weather prediction 天气预报 make a prediction/ predictions作出预测 2. resource n. natural resources 自然资源 3. material n. raw materials 原材料 reading materials / building materials 阅读、建筑材料 4. urban adj. 都市的 suburban adj. a.郊区的 suburb n.市郊,郊区,6. limit n. 适度地 v. limit sb. to (doing) sth. The teacher limited his students to 500 words for their compositions. 老师把学生的作文限制在五百字以内。 We must limit ourselves to one cake each. 我们必须限定每人只吃一块蛋糕。 limited adj. 有限的 limitless 无限制的,7. outdoors adv. indoors adv. 8. charge n.费用;管理 free of charge In charge of / take charge of 负责;掌管 In the charge of 由负责,由掌管 9.disability n. disabled adj.残疾的;有缺陷的people with disabilities/the disabled 10. switch on/ off 打开 /关闭 switch to 切换到;转到;转变成 switch to modern methods 改用现代方法 11. telesurgery n. tele- 电信;远的 telescope ; telegraph ; telephone,12. optimistic adj. be optimistic about 对持乐观态度 optimism 乐观主义 optimist 乐观主义者;乐天派 13. shape n. rubber,plastic,brick,concrete,mud,stone,glass,Para.1,What look like?用于询问某人或某物的外貌特征。 (Match the following questions with their answers.) What does he look like? What is he like? What does he like most? How do you like / find it? a. He is kind-hearted. b. It is terrific! c. He is tall with thick glasses. d. He likes hamburger most.,C,a,d,b,2. for sure= for certain 肯定地 make surebe sure of be sure to do sth. I think he lives there but I dont know _. Would you mind going back to _ the door is locked? He is _ his success. He is _ succeed.,sure,certain,肯定,常可换用,而certain更肯定,物做主语时,只能用certain,for sure/ certain,make sure,sure of,sure to,3. making predictions做出预测 4. a risky business (= thing) 一件冒险的事,5. before 先,后 6. care for the environment关注环境 7. as“随着”引导时间状语从句 e.g. As the time went by, I knew about my class better and better.,8. Certain 第一个可能的, 第二个译“确定的” 9. plenty of“充足的,大量的”。即可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词。,未来的城市生活会是什么样子呢?没有人确切地知道,而且预测也是一件冒险的事。,但有一件事是确定的- 它们必将先变大,后变小。在未来,随着自然资源的枯竭,关注环境将变得非常重要。,这一切似乎都是可能的,但是关于未来的城市生活还有许多事情是不确定的。,译文:,Para. 2 1. to find out不定式做目的状语, find out“查清楚,弄明白” 2. run “经营,管理” e.g. Tom is now running the company of his father.,为了弄清楚年轻人对未来城市生活的看法,美国德克萨斯州的一位大学老师要求他的学生思考如何在2025年管理一座拥有五万人口的城市。,垃圾太空船:为了处理垃圾问题,城市将用所有废弃的材料装满巨大的太空船,并将它们向着太阳发射,这样就解决了垃圾填埋和环境问题。,4. preventing 现在分词做结果状语,电话人生:每个人在出生时都被给与一个电话号码,无论他们生活在哪里,号码永不改变。,5. no matter where= wherever “无论哪里”引导让步状语从句。相关课文句子: With a car, you can go wherever you want.,. Anyone who breaks the law is sure to be punished.,Whoever,比较:No matter who breaks the law, he is sure to be punished. No matter when I feel lonely, I think about you. No matter where I go, I always meet interesting people.,You can invite _ you like to the party. A. no matter who B. whoever,汽车:所有汽车将由电能、太阳能或风能提供能源。只要轻轻一摁按钮就可以改变汽车的颜色。,6. 注意at在句子的含义:“一就” e.g. Ill come at your call.,远程手术:远程手术将变得很普遍,因为各个城市都有自己的远程诊所,医生从几千里以外就可以做手术了。,6. 注意as在此句子中的含义:“因为”,引导原因状语从句。 carry out operations 做手术 with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic,家居旅行:老年人和残疾人可以通过系在额头上的数码相机周游世界。,7. using (= by using)方式状语; attached to their head过去分词做后定,相当于一个定语从句:which are attached to their head.,Possible blueprint of life in the future,Shelters in the future,形状怪异的住房,水上漂房子,树枝长出的房子,transportation in the future,个人轻轨,transportation in the future,太阳能风能车,Food in the future,Shopping in the future,Clothe in the future,Clothe in the future,education in the future,What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?,Lets work hard and create a bright future.,Life can be dreams Life can be great thoughts Life is mostly cheerful But sometimes sad Life can be dirty Life can even be painful But life is what you make it So try to make it more beautiful,Life (人生),We cannot predict exactly how bright our future will be, But at least we have dreams And we can hope.,Wish everybody a beautiful future!,What will the city of the future look like?,Garbage ships,Telephones for life,Batman Nets,Recreation,Forget smoking,Cars,Forget the malls,Telesurgery,Holidays at home,Space travel,Garbage ship,To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste material and send them towards the sun.,为解决垃圾问题,一所城市将把废料装到 大型宇宙飞船上并把它们射向太阳,来防止 垃圾填埋地球和环境问题。,Police will arrest criminals by firing nets instead of guns.,No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits.,禁止吸烟将在未来城市的限制中被许可。,All shopping will be done on line.,mall,and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders.。,由声音指令来订购目录。,videophone,Everyone will be given telephone number at birth that will never changed no matter where they live.,All forms of recreation will be provided free of charge,recreation,softball,bowling,娱乐,消遣,.not pollute the air,All cars will be powered by electricity.,car us
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