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Dealing with Diners Complaints,Learning objects,Task preparing,Task presenting,Assignments,Further development,Task completing,Contents,Students are required to 1. learn some important words and phrases: look into the matter, compliment, live up to; 2. learn how to deal with diners complaints.,Learning objects,餐厅客人投诉的原因 1)服务出现错误(不及时、过快、结账错误、上错菜等)。 2)对服务态度不满(不主动、过于冷淡、傲慢、质疑顾客不轨、语言粗俗无礼等)。 3)对食品和(或)酒水质量不满。 4)对餐厅设备设施不满。,Task presenting,处理投诉的基本程序和方法 1)倾听。在聆听时要保持目光接触,不是地用“Uhhuh”, “Oh”, 或点头等身体语言来表明自己在认真倾听。 2)记录。问清外宾的姓名(name)和房号(room number)等基本信息。如果可能,请做好笔记,同时向客人重复要点,确保信息的正确性。 3)沟通。迅速判断客人投诉的原因、内容以及自己可以采取的解决方案,如赠送(complementary)水果、餐券(meal voucher)等。在说话时,不要笼统地用Sir/Madam来称呼,而应使用Mr./Mrs. *, 使他们感到自己受到关注。,4)致歉。如果是餐厅方面的错误,应郑重道歉”We do apologize for”; 即使不是,也应礼貌地说 “Im sorry to hear that.” 5) 如果超出自己的权限,应立即请主管出面解决,”Sorry, can you wait a moment, please, and Ill get the manager.”(抱歉,能否稍等,我请经理来为您解决。) 6)致谢。 “Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention.” (感谢您提醒我们注意。) “I assure you that it wont happen again.”(您尽可以放心,不会再发生这种事情了。),1) Awful a. 没烤熟 2) Raw b. 酸的 3) Burnt c. 不新鲜 4) Undone d. 微温的 5) Overdone e. 糊的 6) Lukewarm f. 苦的 7) Sour g. 太老了 8) Stale h. 生的 9) starch i. 焦了 10) bitter j. 很糟糕,Word matching,Task preparing,Discussion,1) In what kind of situations do guests make complaints about food and beverage? 2) How are you going to respond to the complaints in the first place? 3) Think of some solutions to diners reasonable complaints.,Listen and answer,Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions: (1) What did the guest complain? (2) How did the waiter handle it? (3) Was the guest satisfied? How do you know that?,Direction: Listen to the dialogue and supply the missing information. W=Waiter D=Diner W: Is everything _(1)_? D: No, the steak was recommended, but it is not very fresh. W: Oh! _ (2) _! This is quite _(3)_ as we have fresh steak from the market every day! Ill _(4)_. D: So what? It is not fresh and Im not happy about it!,W: Im sorry, sir. Do you wish to _(5)_? That would be _(6)_, of course. _(7)_ a delicious dessert, _(8)_? D: No, I dont wan to try something else, and find its not fresh again! This is very annoying. W: I see, sir. Just give us _(9)_, you will find this restaurant really _(10)_. Im sure everything will be all right next time you come. D: All right. Maybe Ill come again. W: Thank you very much, sir.,W: Is everything to your satisfaction? D: No, the steak was recommended, but it is not very fresh. W: Oh! Sorry to hear that! This is quite unusual as we have fresh steak from the market every day! Ill look into the matter. D: So what? It is not fresh and Im not happy about it! W: Im sorry, sir. Do you wish to try something else? That would be on the house, of course. How about a delicious dessert, with our compliments? D: No, I dont wan to try something else, and find its not fresh again! This is very annoying. W: I see, sir. Just give us another chance, you will find this restaurant really lives up to its name. Im sure everything will be all right next time you come. D: All right. Maybe Ill come again. W: Thank you very much, sir.,Script,Learn some important words in this dialogue 1)在对话中Ill look into the matter. look into ph.在.里查资料;深入地检查,研究;调查 2. 在对话中How about a delicious dessert, with our compliments? compliment n.C a. 赞美的话;恭维;敬意(+on) Its the nicest compliment Ive ever had.这是我听到的最好的恭维话。 b. 问候;致意;道贺P My compliments to your father!向你父亲代为致意!,vt. a. 赞美;恭维;祝贺(+on) He complimented her on her new dress.他称赞她的新衣服漂亮。 b. 向.赠送(某物)以表示敬意(或祝贺)(+with) 3. 在对话中Just give us another chance, you will find this restaurant really lives up to its name. live up to 实践;不辜负 You must live up to your promise. 你必须实践自己的诺言。,Learn some useful expressions related to this topic:,Making a complaint,How much longer shall I wait for my? 我还要等多久? I ordered Spaghetti, but got Macaroni? 我点的是意大利面,但你却给我通心粉。 I didnt order this fish! 我没点鱼! It takes to long to wait! 等太久了! The meat is too tough. 肉太硬了。 The chicken was overdone. It was as tough as leather. 鸡肉的火候过了,吃起来和皮革一样硬。 The plate is cracked. 盘子是破的。,1) Whats the problem, sir? Can I be of assistance? 2) This is quite unusual. Ill look into the matter. 3) Ill attend to/take care of this right away 4) Im terribly sorry. I can give you something else if youd like. Thatll be on the house, of course. 5) Thank you for telling us. Ill speak to our manager about it. Please accept our apology. 6) Please feel free to contact us if you have any requests.,Facing a complaint,Task completing1. Put the following into Chinese:,1) The steak is underdone/overdone/raw/bloody/too tough/hard/dry! 2) Youve been ignoring us all the evening. Weve finished our dinner 20 minutes ago. If you dont bring the bill in the next two minutes, well leave. 3) This food tastes strange/funny/awful/bad. 4) Im very unhappy with your restaurant service. I was badly treated by a rude waiter. 5) T
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