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课前复习问答,1.收购和创建是跨国公司对外投资的两种方式,与收购相比,创建这种方式的优点是( )A.有利于迅速市场B.有利于扩大经营范围C.有利于管理D.失败率低 2.由国际营销公司通过新建或兼并某个当地公司来实现进入国际市场的模式是( ) A.出口打入模式B.合同打入模式C.特许打入模式D.投资打入模式 3.与许可贸易具有相似之处的国际市场进入模式是( ) A管理合同B合同制造C间接出口D特许经营,4.针对有形商品的国际市场打入模式,一般主要采用( ) A独资打入 B.合资打入 C.合同打入 D.出口打入 5.特许经营比较适合哪种产业?( ) A汽车 B.高新技术 C.服务 D.纺织 6.被许可方有权允许第三方在规定地域内使用其购得的技术,这种交易属于( ) A独占许可协议 B.排他许可协议 C.普通许可协议 D.可转让许可协议,7.Direct international involvement has as a result which of the following? A. The company is exposed to less risk than if it used middlemen B. The company has greater control over marketing strategies C. The company faces greater risk in the market 8.Licensing is an international entry mode that presents less risk to the company but offers more control than exporting. 9. Which of the following is a reason for the failure of joint ventures? A. Natural disasters B. Poor performance by a partner C. Partners becoming competitors,International Marketing,PART-3: PRODUCT ,所谓顾客感知质量,是指顾客按自己对产品的使用目的和需求状况,综合分析市场上各种经由正式或非正式途径获得的相关信息,对一种产品或服务所做的抽象的主观的评价。,产品质量是设计出来的,如果先天设计不好,怎么造也造不好! 制造工艺弥补不了设计的缺陷!,产 品 质 量,先天基因,后天培养,70-80%来源于设计,20-30%来源于制造,Core Benefit or Service,Packaging,Features,Styling,Brand Name,Quality,Installation,After-sale Service,Delivery Growth; Maturity; Decline.,Product development stage,Introduction,Growth,Maturity,Decline,Sales Exports to Developing Countries,MNC Moves Production to Developing Country; Begins Importing to Home Country,Developing Country Competitor Exports Product To MNC Home Country; Competes with MNC Imports,Developing Country Markets Remain Viable Target Markets for MNC; MNC Home Country Market Is Diminishing,Sales,Introduction and Growth Stages:,Early Maturity:,Late Maturity,Decline,Time,The International Product Life Cycle,The significance to the companys operation? How to prolong the product life cycle?,Branding strategies,1.Brand: a name, term, sign, symbol, design or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services and to differentiate them from those of competitors.,Brand image: perceptions about a brand as reflected by brand associations that consumers hold in their memories.,Brand equity: represents the total value that accrues to a product as a result of a companys cumulative investments in the marketing of the brand.,High awareness more leverage影响力 in bargaining with resellers Able to charge a premium on product Higher credibility they become part of a brands image and contribute to brand equity. This is particularly true for automobiles, electronics, fashion, beer, recorded music, and certain other product categories.,3.Country of Origin as Brand Element,Companies pay millions to protect brand names from dilution. Counterfeiting involves the unauthorized copying of brands and selling them as originals. Types of Counterfeiting: Design counterfeiting: Copying designs or scents踪迹, which is very common and less risk free since companies cannot be prosecuted被起诉. Brand-name counterfeiting: Selling counterfeit products as original products,4. Protecting Brand Names,why and how to protect?,Packing and product warranty,Eco-packing,labeling, aesthetics Express warranty,In international markets,1.Standardization & adaptation Global/ regional standardization Mandatory/ non-mandatory adaptation Global localization Global branding with localized marketing adaptation to differences in local culture, production capabilities, governmental restrictions, etc.,Extension offering product virtually unchanged in markets outside of home country Adaptation changing elements of design, function, and packaging according to needs of different country markets Creation developing new products for the world market,2.Extend, Adapt, Create: Strategic Alternatives in Global Marketing,Product,Same Different,Communication,Different Same,Strategy 1: Dual Extension,Strategy 2: Product Extension Communication Adaptation,Strategy 4: Dual Adaptation,Strategy 3: Product Adaptation Communication Extension,Global Product Planning: Strategic Alternatives,Strategy 1: Product/Communication Extension or Dual Extension,Company sells exactly the same product or service with the same advertising as used in the home country Company assumes that all markets are alike Does not work in all markets Often used because it saves costs,Strategy 2: Product Extension, Communications Adaptation,If the product serves different needs in various countries, only marketing communication may have to be adapted Adaptation can happen by design or accident Cheap implementation because product does not change,Strategy 3: Product Adaptation, Communication Extension,Product is adapted to the new market, but basic home market communication strategy remains unchanged Product is adapted to the environment and the preferences of the consumers in the new market,Strategy 4: Product/Communication Adaptation or Dual Adaptation,Using Dual Adaptation the company must adapt the product or service as well as the marketing communication to the foreign market,Strategy
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