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Unit 5 What were you doing when the storm came?,第四课时 Section B 2a -Self check (P38-40),课 堂 小 测,课 后 作 业,课 前 预 习,课 前 预 习,【单词】 1. 章节;段落n._ 2. 学生 n._ 3. 彻底地;完全地adv._ 4. 惊愕的;受震惊的 adj. _ 5. 不久前; 最近adv._ 6. 恐怖主义者;恐怖分子 n. _ 7. 日期;日子 n. _ 8. 塔;塔楼 n. _ 9. 事实;真相 n. _,passage,pupil,completely,silence,recently,date,tower,truth,terrorists,课 前 预 习,【短语】 10. in history _ 11. for example _ 12. be completely shocked_ 13. be shocked to _ 14. in silence _ 15. take down _ 16. has meaning to sb. _ 17. sothat _,历史上,例如,完全惊呆了,震惊地.,保持沉默,记录下来,对某人有意义,以便,课 前 预 习,18. remember to do sth. _ 19. remember doing sth._ 20. think clearly_ 21. tell the truth _ 22. have trouble doing sth._ 23. stop breathing_,记得去做某事,记得做过某事,仔细思考,告知真相,做某事有困难,停止呼吸,课 前 预 习,【句型】 24. They remembered what they were doing when they heard the news. _ 25. She remembered working in her office near the two towers. _26. I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that. _,他们记得当他们听说这件是的时候他们正在做什么。,她记得在她的办公室工作两个塔附近。,在那之后我很害怕以至于我难以想清楚。,课 堂 小 测,一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。 1. Miss Yang likes every p in her class. 2. The bread if out of d . Dont eat it. 3. To tell the t , I dont think its fair to compare your son with other kids. 4. The Eiffel (塔) is one of the most famous buildings in France. 5. We were all (震惊的) by the accident happened in Tianjin.,pupil,date,truth,Tower,shocked,课 堂 小 测,二、根据中文提示完成句子,词数不限。 6. 我们一起默默地走回家。 We walked home together . 7. 在你做决定前你必须想清楚。 You must before . 8. 这份礼物对于我有特别的意义。 The gift me.,in silence/silently,think clearly,making a decision/you make a decision,has a special meaning to,课 堂 小 测,9. 当时我心跳得很快以至于我认为我都要停止呼吸了。 My heart so quickly at that moment that I thought I would . 10. 昨天几号? What yesterday?,was beating,stop breathing,was the date,课 堂 小 测,三、单项选择。 ( ) 11. The math problem was so difficult that we could work it out. A. easilyB. hardly C. nearlyD. finally ( ) 12. Most of us are against the old tower in our neighborhood. A. putting down B. turning down C. taking down D. falling down ( ) 13. -Its strange that the door is open. -But I remembered it last night when I left. A. closingB. to closeC. opening D. to open,B,C,A,课 堂 小 测,( ) 14. Mr. Li the story to the kids the whole afternoon last Sunday. A. told B. was telling C. tells D. is going to tell ( ) 15. -I find what he said is not . -Maybe we need to ask him to tell the . A. real; truth B. real; true C. true; truth D. truth; true,B,C,课 后 作 业,一、单项选择 ( ) 1. When did the accident happen? It happened 7:52 the morning of January 20, 2015. at; inB. at; on C. in; inD. in; on ( ) 2. Seeing his mom into his bedroom, he stopped his diary at once. A. walking; to write B. walk; to write C. walking; writing D. walk; writing,B,C,课 后 作 业,( ) 3. no light outside, everywhere is dark. A. Because; completely B. Because; complete C. With; completely D. With; complete ( ) 4. We were shocked we couldnt say a word. A. very; that B. such; that C. too ;to D. so; that,C,D,课 后 作 业,( ) 5. He remembered he the newspaper when he heard the news. A. was looking through B. looked through C. would look through D. is looking through,A,课 后 作 业,二、翻译句子 1. 说实话,你们给我的压力太大了。 _ 2. 听到这个消息我们很震惊。 _ 3. 他没犯任何错误地弹完了这首曲子。 _,To tell the truth, you give me too much pressure.,We were shocked to hear the news.,He finished playing the music without making any mistake.,课 后 作 业,4. 他很害羞,以致和别人交流都有困难。 _ 5. 别把剩下的食物扔掉。 _,He is so shy that he has trouble communicating with others.,Dont throw the rest of the food away.,课 后 作 业,三、读写综合 A、信息归纳 阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 It was a Tuesday afternoon. The class was over and we were leaving school one by one. Suddenly we saw a truck coming round the corner near the school. It was carrying some large bags of rice. Unfortunately one of the bags of rice fell off the truck. It landed right in the middle of the road. We knew it would cause a traffic accident.,课 后 作 业,So we went up to move away the bag. Just when we were going to move the bag away, we heard the sound of a motorbike. It was coming round the corner. The man on the motorbike wa
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