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航次租船合同标准格式,干散货船 Gencon 1974/1994 金康格式 油船 ASBATANKVOY BPVOY SHELLVOY,航次租船合同的主要法律问题(一),预备航次 Preliminary Voyage,航次租船合同的四个阶段,预备航次,实务中,航次租船合同订立之后船舶即在装货港准备装货的情况几乎没有。 承租人一般都面临着买卖合同下装货的截止日期的压力 承租人希望清楚的知道什么时候可以装货,预备航次,如果船舶比承租人预期的时间延迟抵达,则承租人 可能需要支付额外的储藏货物的费用(Storage Cost) 可能错过买卖合同约定的装货日期,预备航次,在绝大多数的航次租船合同中都会约定 船东应该给承租人一个可预期装船时间(Expected Ready to Load Date) 船舶必须合理尽速前往装货港(合理速遣Reasonable Despatch) 如果船舶在约定的时间不能抵达,承租人有权取消合同(Cancel the Contract) 受载期LAYCAN: Layday and Cancelling Day 船舶在受载期内抵达装货港,承租人无权取消合同;船舶在销约日届满还未抵达,承租人有权取消合同 承租人在取消合同的同时,还有可能(may)可以索赔损失(Claim Damages),预备航次,Clause 5 of ASBATANKVOY “Should the vessel not be ready to load by 4 oclock p.m. (local time) on the cancelling date stipulated in Part I, the charterer shall have the option of cancelling this charter by giving owner notice of such cancellation within twenty-four (24) hours after such cancellation date; otherwise the charter to remain in full force and effect.”,预备航次,Clause 9(a) of GENCON 1994 “Should the vessel not be ready to load (whether in berth or not) on or before the date indicated in Box 21, the Charterers have the option of cancelling this Charterparty.”,预备航次销约权的行使,只要船舶没有在约定的时间抵达,承租人就有权取消合同,不论船舶无法抵达的原因是什么 即使船舶不能按时抵达已经是明显的事实,但是承租人依旧不能在约定的销约期前取消合同,除非合同中另有约定。,预备航次销约权的行使,SHELLVOY 6, Clause 11 (c) “As soon as Owners become aware that the vessel will not be ready to load by noon on the termination date Owners will give notice to the Charterers declaring a new readiness to load date and ask Charterers to elect whether to or not to terminate this Charter. Within 4 days after such notice Charterers shall either: (i) declare this Charter terminated: or (ii) confirm a revised set of laydays.: or (iii) agree a new set of laydays or an extension to the laydays mutually acceptable to Owners and Charterers.,预备航次销约权的行使,GENCON 94, Clause 9 (b) “Should the Owners anticipate that, despite the exercise of due diligence, the Vessel will not be ready to load by the cancelling date, they shall notify the Charterers thereof without delay stating the expected date of the Vessels readiness to load and asking whether the Charterers will exercise their option of cancelling the Charterparty, or agree to a new cancelling date. Such option must be declared by the Charterers within 48 running hours after the receipt of the Owners notice, if the Charterers do not exercise their option of cancelling, then this Charterparty shall be deemed to be amended such that the seventh day after the new readiness date stated in the Owners notification to the Charterers shall be the new cancelling date. The provisions of sub-clauses (b) of this clause shall operate only once, and in case of the Vessels further delay, the Charterers shall have the option of cancelling the Charterparty as per sub-clause (a) of this Clause.,预备航次销约权的行使,销约权必须在合同约定的时间内行使,如果没有约定,则必须在合理时间内行使。如果不行使,销约权即告丧失。 如果承租人不行使销约权,或者销约权丧失,那么租船合同效力不受影响,承租人必须履行合同义务,例如,装货(The obligation to have a cargo available at the place of loading is of fundamental importance)。,预备航次销约权的行使,行使销约权和行使损害赔偿权可以并行 但是,拥有销约权并不能够使承租人自动获得索赔损失的权利,如额外支付的仓库储藏费。 只有在承租人能够证明船东同时也违反了合同中其他义务之时,承租人才有权索赔损失。,预备航次损失索赔,只有在以下两种情况下,承租人可以索赔损失 船东没有诚信给予可预计装船时间 船东没有尽到合理速遣的义务,预备航次可预计装船时间,可预计装船时间Expected Ready to Load Date SHELLVOY 6, Part 1 (B) “Position/Readiness Now (trading) Expected ready to load” GENCON 94, Clause 1 “The Vessel now in position as stated in Box 8 and expected ready to load under this Charterparty about the date indicated in Box 9”,预备航次可预计装船时间,船东在合同中填写可预计装船时间时,必须 诚信善意(in good faith) 基于合理基础(on reasonable grounds) 可预计装船时间条款是航次租船合同中的条件条款!,预备航次可预计装船时间,案例 航次租船合同签订于1965年5月25日,约定的装货港口是越南海防港。船东给出的可预计装船时间是7月1日,销约期是7月20日。后来承租人发现,订约时船舶正处于太平洋中部,期间还要去一趟香港卸货,无论如何也不可能在7月1日抵达海防。船东给出这个日期是为了诱使承租人签订合同。 法院判决:承租人有权取消合同。,预备航次合理速遣,船东有义务合理尽快前往装货港装货,该义务通常会由合同条款明示(即使没有明示,法律也会将该义务默示与合同中) GENCON 94, Clause 1 “The said Vessel shall, as soon as her prior commitments have been completed, proceed to the loading port(s) or place(s) stated in Box 10” AMWELSH 93: Clause 1 “That the said vessel.shall, with all convenient speed, proceed to.and there load”,预备航次合理速遣,案例 航次租船合同约定船舶从朴茨茅斯出发,前往亚速尔群岛装水果,然后运往伦敦。但是船舶绕航去了葡萄牙波尔图,然后又返回了朴茨茅斯,最后才前往亚述尔群岛。虽然船舶在销约期之前抵达(这意味着承租人不能取消合同),但是由于船舶最终比预期时间延迟抵达伦敦,水果市场价格下跌。 法院判决:船东违反合理速遣义务,承租人有权索赔水果市场价格下跌导致的损失。,预备航次合理速遣与免责条款,预备航次开始后,合同中的免责条款可以保护船东。由于免责原因导致船舶延迟抵达时,承租人无权索赔损失(但是仍然可以取消合同)。 但免责条款只有在预备航次开始时才起作用。开始前发生的原因导致的延迟,船东不能免责。 所以,船东应明确规定预备航次开始的时间。 GENCON 94, Clause 1 “as soon as her prior commitments have been completed”,预备航次可预计装船时间和合理速遣条款,当合同中同时出现了可预计装船时间条款和合理速遣条款,那么船东有绝对的义务(absolute obligation)保证预备航次及时开始。 船东不能及时开始预备航次,则承租人有权索赔因此导致的任何损失 不能开始预备航次的原因通常是船东不能完成上一个航次。航次冲突(clashing engagements)的风险完全由船东承担。,航次租船合同的主要法律问题(二),管货 装货/卸货/交付 Caring for Cargo Loading/Discharging/Delivery,船东的管货义务,普通法下,船东有义务小心谨慎适当地装载、搬运、堆放、运输、保管、照看、卸载和交付货物。 货物损坏或灭失只有在三种情况下船东可以免责 Act of the God, Queens enemies Inherent vice of the cargo,船东的管货义务,如果货物所有人能够证明货物装船时处于良好状态(如何证明?),那么船东就必须证明造成货物损失的原因属于法律免责事项或合同约定的免责事项。 船东如无法证明,就必须承担损害赔偿责任。,船东的管货义务,国际海上货物运输合同通常都会被海上货物运输国际公约所管辖。 这些国际公约不强制适用于租船合同,但是船东
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