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战略管理框架,远景和使命陈述,环境研究,核心能力,战略选择,战术选择,资源配置计划,业绩度量与评价,反馈:不断学习,灵活调整,1,2,3,4,5,September 2002,1,天,一般环境,行业环境,竞争对手,企业自身,知天知地 知利危,知彼知己 识长短,扬长避短 趋利避害 满足顾客,目标市场,地,彼,己,顾客,外部环境和内部实力研究,深谙顾客,September 2002,2,第六讲 企业内部实力研究,1、竞争对手研究 2、自己研究,September 2002,3,1.竞争对手研究,(1)如何识别竞争对手 其他企业如何定义其市场范围的? 其他企业所提供的产品或服务与本企业所提供的价值相似性如何? 其他企业在本产业是如何行动的? How do other firms define the scope of their market? How similar are the benefits the customers derive from the products and services that other firms offer? How committed are other firms to the industry?,September 2002,4,(2)识别潜在的竞争对手 虽不本产业但可特别便宜地克服进入壁垒者; 在本产业经营具有明显的协同效应者; 进入本产业竞争是其公司战略的自然延伸者; 前向一体化的供方或后向一体化的买方。 Firms not in the industry but who could overcome entry barriers particularly cheaply; firms for whom there is obvious synergy from being in the industry; firms for whom competing in the industry is an obvious extension of the corporate strategy; customers or suppliers who may integrate backward or forward .,September 2002,5,(3)识别对手的常见错误 过分重视现有的和已知的对手而给潜在的入侵者不充分的注意; 过分重视大对手而忽视小者; 忽视国际竞争者; 假设其他公司继续采取与过去一样的行动; Overemphasizing current and known competitors while giving inadequate attention to potential entrants. Overemphasizing large competitors while ignoring small ones. Overlooking potential international competitors. Assuming that companies will continue to behave the same as in the past.,September 2002,6,误读可能反映对手战略转变的信号; 过分重视对手的财务资源、市场地位等; 假设产业内企业面临同样的威胁和机会; 相信战略的目的是漂亮地竞争而非满足顾客需要。 Misreading signals that may indicate a shift of the focus of the competitor. Overemphasizing competitors financial resources, market position, etc. Assuming that all firms in the industry are subjected to the same constraints or are open for the same opportunities. Believing that the purpose of strategy is to outsmart the competition, than to satisfy customer needs.,September 2002,7,(4)竞争对手分析框架,September 2002,8,组合分析和竞争对手目标,对手的母公司用何标准划分其经营单位?每个经营单位是如何被划分的? 什么经营被看作是金牛单位? 哪些经营单位被看作是收获或剥离单位? 哪些单位作为公司抵销震荡的稳定源? What criteria are used to classify businesses at the competitors parent if a classification scheme is in use? How is each business classified? What Businesses are being counted on to be cash cows? Which Businesses are candidates for harvest or divestment given their position in the portfolio? What Businesses are the habitual sources of stability to offset fluctuations elsewhere in the portfolio?,September 2002,9,哪些单位代表保护主要业务的防火墙? 哪些业务被看作是明星单位? 哪些业务在公司业务组合中具有杠杆作用? Which Businesses represent defensive moves to protect other major businesses? Which Businesses are the most promising areas the parent company has in which to invest resources and build market position? Which Businesses have a lot of “leverage” in the portfolio? These businesses are ones where performance changes will have a significant impact on the performance of the parent overall in terms of stability, earnings, cash flow, sales growth, or costs. Such businesses will be protected vigorously.,September 2002,10,假设,“假设”研究主要考察竞争对手在本行业中经营的历史、在其他行业中经营的历史、对本行业经营传统的认识、管理层结构和个人历史背景,以及企业的顾问单位或个人的背景。 比如,典型的例子是Phlip Morris公司1970年(一家烟草公司,其著名品牌“万宝路”)收购Miller公司(一家啤酒公司),从烟草行业进入了啤酒行业,把在烟草行业中的经营经验市场细分策略带入啤酒行业,从而打破了啤酒行业的传统经营思维:啤酒市场是同质市场,只要推出一种产品及一种包装,消费者就得到了满足。它推出了一种7盎司一瓶的“小马力”啤酒,并又推出名叫“Lite”的低热量啤酒和“Lowenbrau”的高档啤酒,获得了巨大成功。,September 2002,11,现有战略与能力,参见价值链分析和核心能力分析,September 2002,12,2、自己分析,September 2002,13,(1)价值链分析 根据价值链分析法,每个企业都是用来进行设计、生产、营销、交货以及对产品起辅助作用的各种价值活动的集合。企业的各种价值活动分为两类,基本活动(primary activities)和辅助活动(support activities)。,September 2002,14,按价值活动的工艺顺序,基本活动由五个部分构成: 内部后勤(inbound logistics),与接收、存储和分配相关联的各种活动; 生产作业(operations),与将投入转化为最终产品形式相关的各种活动; 外部后勤(outbound logistics),与集中、存储和将产品发送给买方有关的各种活动; 市场营销和销售(marketing and sales),与传递信息、引导和巩固行购买有关的各种活动; 服务(service),与提供服务以增加或保持产品价值有关的各种活动。,September 2002,15,September 2002,16,September 2002,17,辅助活动主要包括: 企业基础设施(firm infrastructure),包括总体管理、计划、财务、会计、法律、信息系统等价值活动。 人力资源管理(human resource management),包括组织各级员工的招聘、培训、开发和激励等价值活动。 技术开发(technology development),包括基础研究、产品设计、媒介研究、工艺与装备设计等价值活动; 采购(procurement),指购买用于企业价值链各种投入的活动,包括原材料采购,以及诸如机器、设备、建筑设施等直接用于生产过程的投入品采购等价值活动。,September 2002,18,September 2002,19,September 2002,20,如何画价值链?,企业的一切活动都应视为一项基本或辅助的活动。价值活动的分类是任意的,但人们应该选择能对企业提供最透彻理解的类别,并且根据工艺流程来安排活动的顺序。各项活动的分解与组合应依赖于这些活动的经济性和分析价值链的目的。,September 2002,21,基本原则是: 价值活动应分别列入能最好地反映它们对企业竞争优势贡献的类别中 具有不同的经济性; 对特色优势产生很大的潜在影响; 在成本中比例很大或所占比例在上升。,September 2002,22,
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