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本试卷共 14 页第 1 页 本试卷共 14 页第 2 页河南师范大学 09 级预科生 2009 2010 学年度第二学期 期末考试 理科英语B 卷题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分得分Part Multiple Choices (20%)Directions: Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. You should write your answers in Answer Sheet.1.Its time we _ to the concert.A.went B. go C. will go D. had gone2.If we _ Stevens advice, we would not be lost in the forest.A. took B. had taken C. have taken D. would take3._ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.A. Before B. Until C. From D. Since4.If I _ ten years younger, I _ very happy.A. were, would be B. am. shall be C. were,shall be D. am, would be5.The organization had broken no rules, but _ had it acted responsibly.A. neither B. so C either D. both 6.I earn 10 dollars_hour as _supermarket cashier on Saturday. A.a; an B. the; a C. an; a D.the; the2. I am sorry its _my power to make a final decision on the object.A. over B. above C.off D. Beyond 3. The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A. After B. by C. with D. From4. It makes no difference to me _ he will invite me or not.A. how B.why C. when D.whether5. Never be ashamed to ask _.A. that dont you understand B. that you dont understand C. what you dont understand D. what dont you understand6. What time do you think _?A.Will Tina come here this morning B.Tina will come here with HenryC. Is Tina coming here with Heny D. Can Tina get here this morning 7. I wonder how many years ago _?A. did you father join the army B. B. you father joined the armyC. has you father joined the army D. you father has joined the army8. He lives in a small room _ faces east.A. Which window B. The window of whichC. Its windows D. Whose window9.The reason _I cant come is that I have to go to see the 得分 评卷人姓名:_学号:_年级:_专业:_.密封线本试卷共 14 页第 3 页 本试卷共 14 页第 4 页doctor.A. because B. why C.for D. Which10. It is our parents _ we depend when we are in trouble.A.whoever B. whomever C, on whom D. In which 11.John will mend the window when _.A. He can come B. He had come B. C. he was coming D. He will come12._ I admit that the problem are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved.A.Suppose B. Because C.While D. Until13. You may do anything you like _ it is not against the law.A. Even if B. So long as C. Unless D.as soon as14._ air is to man , so is water to fish.A. Like B. As C. Since D.just15. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A. in that B. in which C. in order that D. on the way16. To know a persons language is to understand his culture, _ language grows out of and reflects culture.A. Because of B. therefore C. though D. for 17. I dont think hell attend the party, and _ he attend it what would he wear?A. were B. had C. should D. did 18. Tom suggest that Ann _ the house.A.can sell B. sells C. sell D. sold19. _ succeed in doing anything.A. Only by working hard we can B. By only working hard we can C.Only by working hard can we D. By only working hard can we 20. Not even a word _ concerning these important matters.A. She mentioned B. She mentions C. She does mention D. Did she mentionPart Cloze (15%)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Then write the appropriate letters in your Answer Sheet.Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everything you want in life. 21 just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.Successful people 22 how their life should be and set lots of goals. By setting goals you are 23 your life. Its like having a 24 to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are 25 drivers. One has a destination in mind (her goal) which can be found on a map. She can drive straight there without any 26 time or wrong turns. The other driver has no goals or destination or map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, 27 she drives 得分 评卷人本试卷共 14 页第 5 页 本试卷共 14 页第 6 页aimlessly around, never getting anywhere, just 28 gas. Which driver do you want to be?Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. They decide what they want in life and then get there by making 29 and setting goals. 30 people just let life happen by accident. Goals arent difficult to setand they arent difficult to reach. Its up to you to find out what your goals r
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