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Strategy Practitioner Tools,Core Tools October 1999, 1998, PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P.,DRAFT: FOR DISCUSSION ONLY /Version: 660_w3/ppt/sf,Table of Contents,1ANALYSIS PLAN 2BREAKTHROUGH MODEL 3COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING 4COMPETITIVE POSITIONING 5CORE COMPETENCTY ANALYSIS 6CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION 7EXPERIENCE CURVE 8FINANCIAL MODELING 9FIT VS. ATTRACTIVENESS MODEL 10FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS 11GANTT CHART 12GAP ANALYSIS 13GROWTH SHARE MATRIX 14INDUSTRY VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS 15ISSUE TREE/ISSUE MAP,16KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 17MARKET PROFITABILITY 18PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS 19REAL OPTIONS/STRATEGIC OPTION 20SCALE CURVE 21SCENARIO ENVISIONING 22SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 23SEVEN S FRAMEWORK 24STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS 25SWOT 26VALUE BASED MANAGEMENT 27VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS 28VALUE TREE 29 VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER,Analysis Plan Summary,The analysis plan details a problem-solving process and specific analysis which must be developed to assess a hypothesis. The analysis plan must be flexible and that the analyses to be conducted and the deliverables to be produced may change during the course of the project.,Analysis Plan,Approach,Analysis Plan,When To Apply,When it is necessary to lay out problem-solving process in depth/detail and identify the analyses which need to be undertaken to validate the selected hypotheses,Define an issue on which a specific action depends and phrase it as a “yes” or no” question Establish a hypothesis: a statement of likely resolution of the issue including the reasons for answering “yes” or “no” Develop an analysis statement that outlines the “models” that will be explored in order to prove or disprove the hypothesis Identify the likely location or means of obtaining data to accomplish the analysis Develop end products (presentations) to graphically represent the output of the analysis,Citations - Client and Industry Experience,Analysis Plan,Compaq/Technology/Vasu Krishnamurthy Galileo/Travel/ Spencer Lin those which have the biggest impact on customer service/satisfaction/value.,Examine the issues most important to the companys situation to determine whether roles, processes, or strategic issues should by benchmarked Identify key performance variables and determine which companies to use for comparison (both within companys industry and outside the industry) For process benchmarking, determine the metrics to be measured; these can be key performance indicators (KPIs), or other measurements Establish data collection methodology (industry sources, on-line databases, on-site visits, phone interviews, survey questionnaires, competitors, etc.) Measure client company performance Measure performance of competitors and best practice leaders Illustrate the spectrum of performances on an appropriate graph Determine gaps and reasoning Develop action plans/recommendation to address gaps Implement actions and monitor progress,Citations - Client and Industry Experience,Competitive Benchmarking,Ball Corporation/Packaging /Vasu Krishnamurthy where lines are drawn. Practitioners must be creative, careful and consistent with market data.,Citations - Client and Industry Experience,Experience Curve,Source List,David A. Aaker, “Developing Business Strategies”, 5th Edition The Boston Consulting Group, “Perspectives on Strategy” Robert M. Grant, “Contemporary Strategy Analysis”, 3rd Edition Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampel, “Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of Strategic Management,Financial Modeling Summary,Financial Modeling,The financial model will allow us to test management assumptions and understand how different actions may affect performance on some key competitive dimensions.,Approach,When To Apply,Financial Modeling is effective in analyzing how a companys performance, in core areas of business, will be affected by pursuing different courses of action. This tool facilitates an understanding of various cause-effect and provides a model by which to test various what if statements.,Financial Modeling,Follow these steps to successfully create a Financial Model Step 1Gather information on key drivers ie. From the cash flow analysis performed as part of the SVA Data and insight from Voice of the Customer is another source of insight Step 2Map the relationships and identify factors which reinforce one another vs. those that have a negative relationship (e.g. increase in price may have a negative effect on demand) Step 3Build the financial model based on the cause-effect relationships identified Step 4Gather data from industry analysis or internal corporate data Step 5Test the quality of the model by doing manual calculations on some what if” Step 6Perform what if to assess the completeness of the model,Citations - Client and Industry Experience,Financial Modeling,Flemings Fund Management Ltd (FFML)/Banking/KIT database Galileo/Travel/ Spencer Lin aim to reveal products, categories, or markets that fall under high overall attractiveness and high fit with company objective
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