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Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks.,第四课时Section B (1a1e),【辨析】take after与look like take after指在性格、气质和外貌等方面与某人相像或相似。 look like只指在外貌或外表上相像或相似。 【注意】take after属于“动词介词”型短语,宾语无论是名词还是代词都要放在介词之后。 【辨析】fix,repair与mend fix侧重于安装、固定性质的修理。有时也可作“修理”讲, 常用于fix up词组中,意为“修理,修补”。 eg:The workers are fixing the machine.工人们在安装机器。 repair常指对损失重大或构造较复杂的事物的修理,如:房屋,汽车,桥梁的修理。有时可与mend互换使用。 eg:She is mending her shoes.她正在修理她的鞋子。,give away意为“赠送,捐赠”,属于“动词副词”型短语。 【拓展】give away还可意为“分发”,此时相当于give out。 similar形容词,意为“相似的”,无比较级,be similar to意为“与相似”。 eg:Your dress is similar to mine.你的衣服和我的相似。 【注意】similar表示“相似的,相仿的”,但并不完全一样;而same则表示“相同的”,强调完全相同或一致。通常similar与to连用,same与as连用,且same前必须用定冠词the。 broken形容词,意为“破损的;残缺的;坏的”。 【拓展】break动词,意为“打破;弄坏”。,一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。 1The kite is _(破损的) and we need to buy a new one. 2Wow,its very interesting. That car only has three _(轮子) 3He always _ out of his money before the end of the month. 4Jim wants to _ up his old bike so that he can go to school on it. 5My watch doesnt work. Can you help me _ it? No problem.,broken,wheels,runs,fix,repair,二、单项选择。 ( )6.Jimmy has sixteen broken bikes to _ and give away to kids who dont have bikes. Afix up Bset up Cput up ( )7.The girl _ the woman. Maybe she is her daughter. Atakes after Blooks after Ctakes care ( )8.All eggs look similar _ one another,but not two eggs are the same _ each other.(易错题) Ato;to Bas;to Cto;as,A,A,C,( )9.He _ lots of money to the people in trouble _. Agave out;help them out Bgave away;to help them out Cput out;to help them out ( )10.I cant buy the book now,I have _ all my pocket money. Aran out Brun out Crun out of ( )11.What does your cousin do? _. AHe works in a factory BHes an artist CHes drawing,B,C,B,三、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A:Excuse me. Im a reporter.12._ _ B:Sure. A:I know you are a volunteer.13._ _ B:I often volunteer at hospitals. I also work for a local charity school. A:What do you do in the school? B:14._ _ Sometimes I help raise money for them. A:These are meaningful things. B:That is true.15._ _ A:16._ _ B:Yes. I enjoy staying with kids.,D,A,G,C,E,AWhat do you usually volunteer to do? BHow often do you come and work here? CI like this kind of activities. DMay I have a talk with you? EDo you come here every week? FIt gives kids a feeling of satisfaction. GI give out food for the kids there.,
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