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第一部分 模块复习方略,Unit 2Healthy eating,油煎;油炸,女主人;女主持人,生的,未加工的,折扣,消化,摘要;概要,债;债务,怒目而视;闪耀,怒视;炫目的光,窥探;秘密监视,间谍;侦探,diet,lie,consult,balance,balanced,curiosity,curious,strength,strong,limit,limited,benefit,beneficial,combine,combination,体重减轻;减肥,受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚,说谎,赢回;重新获得,谋生,in debt,spy on,cut down,put on weight,glare at,Nothing could be better,must have happened,have Yong Hui getting away with,Why dont you sit down,neither your restaurant,nor mine,such a success that,平衡,余款,权衡,the balance of nature is being destroyed,优点,长处,强项,力量,power,strength,energies,force,himself,limited,to,limited,received limited,education,beneficial,from/by,The new regulation will be beneficial to everyone,concerned,Everyone concerned will benefit from the new regulation,The new regulation will benefit everyone concerned,through,over,to,with,across,In addition/Besides,we should learn how to get along,well with others,put you on a diet,go on a diet,to,in,lay,with,about,to harm,with,in,to,of,into,off,减少;削减,删减,砍倒,杀死;夺去的生命,Nothing,better,more pleasant,too,worse,the most moving,all the other cities,any of the other cities,could not have Yong Hui getting away with,cheating,to finish,sent,burning,cant have his students arriving late,had his legs broken,when,than,newly,at,thinner,back,which,saying,contains,a,谢谢观看!,
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