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Agricultural BiogasandCDM农业沼气与CDM,Martin Dilger CDM Technical Director CDM技术主管 18/11/2008,Agricultural Biogas and CDM农业沼气与CDM,UPM/Oasis Company Introduction 公司简介 Basic CDM Know-How CDM基础知识 CDM Requirements for Agricultural Biogas Projects 农业沼气CDM项目开发要求 Methodology 方法学 Additionality 额外性 4. Best Practice 最佳实践 5. Transaction Costs (CDM Related Costs) 交易成本(CDM相关成本) 6. Conclusion 结论,UPM/Oasis Company Introduction公司介绍,Strategy of UPM-OASIS 的战略: Technical approach 技术方案 Build stable basis of mutual trust建立互信的坚实基础 Follow the whole project cycle 跟踪整个项目流程 Combine German and Chinese networks and expertise 整合德国和中国的网络资源、专业技术和专家团队 Pay special attention to monitoring 尤其注重监测环节 Investment = Control 投资=监控,Basic CDM Know-How基础知识,CDM is a project-based mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol that aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries. The CDMs aims are twofolds: 清洁发展机制,是基于京都议定书,针对发展中国家温室气体减排而建立的一种项目机制。清洁发展机制的目标分为两方面: It supports the developed countries in reaching their emissions targets set by the Kyoto Protocol 发达国家:以较低的成本实现京都议定书规定的部分减排承诺 and the developing countries in achieving a higher level of sustainable development through technology transfer and financial assistance. 发展中国家:通过技术转移和资金资助促进可持续发展 For a project to be approved as a CDM project it has to meet various obligation and go through a defined project cycle. 一个项目一旦确定为CDM项目,就要遵循各种规定和项目流程。,Basic CDM Know-How基础知识,发起国 Sponsor,东道国 Host,Need for “Certified Emission Reductions”, CER, in Annex I countries需要减排额(CER),附件1所提及的国家,Need for sustainable development, especially in the energy sector, in non-annex I countries需要可持续发展,尤其在能源行业,属于附件1没有提及的国家,Technology transfer and Investment 技术转移和投资,CER for fulfilling commitment 减排额承诺,Basic CDM Know-How 基础知识- Sources of anthropogenic GHG 人为温室气体排放源 -,Transport sector 交通,Fossil fuel for energy 化石燃料供能,Agricultural sector 农业,Individual (private sector) 民用,Industry 工业,Basic CDM Know-How 基础知识- Sources of anthropogenic GHG 人为温室气体排放源 -,Main components: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC23, SF6, etc. 主要成分: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC23, SF6, etc. CO2: Result of combustion of fossil fuel (coal, gas and oil) for energy purpose. 二氧化碳:化石燃料(煤、天然气、石油)的燃烧 CH4: Mainly by-product at coal mines and in anaerobic processes (landfill, lagoons, etc.) 甲烷:煤矿开采、厌氧过程(垃圾填埋、泻湖等) N2O: Mainly in Industry (fertilizer production) 一氧化氮:工业(化肥生产) others: mainly by-product in industry 其他:工业副产品,Basic CDM Know-How 基础知识,CDM targets: CDM目标: Reduction of GHG or avoidance of GHG! 减少或避免温室气体排放! 1 tCO2 = 1 tCO2e(Global Warming Potential of CO2 = 1 二氧化碳温室气体效应设定为1) 1 tCH4 = 21 tCO2e(GWP of CH4 = 21) 1 tN2O = 310 tCO2e(GWP of N2O = 310) etc. Only existing GHG-emissions can be the basis for a CDM-project! 只有已经存在的温室气体排放项目可以开发成为CDM项目! Reduction of GHG or avoidance of GHG has to be additional! 减少或避免温室气体的排放必须具有额外性! Each project has to proof, that without CDM this activity would not take place! 所有项目必须证明,没有CDM的支持,项目活动是无法进行的!,CDM Requirements for Agricultural Biogas Projects沼气CDM项目要求,Three basic questions: 三个基本问题: Where can we reduce or avoide existing GHG-emissions by realizing a biogas project? 通过实施项目,在哪里可以减少和避免温室气体的排放? Is the biogas project additional and would not be realized without CDM (Additionality)? 沼气项目是否具有额外性;如果没有CDM是否无法实现(额外性)? Are there some of the main targets of CDM fullfilled: 是否实现CDM主要的目标: Sustainable Development; 可持续发展; Technology Transfer; 技术转移; Financial Assistance by Annex 1 countries. 附件1国家的融资支持。,CDM Requirements for Agricultural Biogas Projects沼气CDM项目要求,Where can we reduce or avoide existing GHG-emissions by realizing a biogas project? 通过实施项目,在哪里可以减少和避免温室气体的排放? Depending on: 取决于: Current Animal Waste Management System (AWMS); 现有的畜禽废弃物管理系统; Climate conditions; 气候条件; How the biogas will be used (e.g. replacement of fossil fuel based electricity or heat production) ; 沼气如何使用(如:取代化石燃料发电或供热); . etc. 等等。,CDM Requirements for Agricultural Biogas Projects沼气CDM项目要求,Current CH4 emission, which is finally the basis for CER calculation, depends very much on current AWMS! 现有的甲烷排放量(计算减排量的基础)取决于现有的畜禽粪便管理系统!,CH4 Emission 甲烷排放量,100% of potential 潜力的100%,max. 70% possible 最大可能70%,CH4 Emission (in warm climate) 甲烷排放量(气候温暖),CH4 Emission (in cold climate) 甲烷排放量(气候寒冷),CDM Requirements for Agricultural Biogas Projects沼气CDM项目要求,Where can we reduce or avoide existing GHG-emissions by realizing a biogas project? 通过实施项目,在哪里可以减少和避免温室气体的排放? Depending on: 取决于: Current Animal Waste Management System (AWMS); 现有的畜禽废弃物管理系统; Climate conditions; 气候条件; How the biogas will be used (e.g. replacement of fossil fuel based electricity or heat production) 沼气如何使用(如:取代化石燃料发电或供热); . etc. 等等。 Is the biogas project additional and would it not be realized without CDM (Additionality)? 沼气项目是否具有额外性;如果没有CDM是否无法实现(额外性)? Depending on: 取决于: What would happen without CDM? 如果没有CDM将会如何? What is required by national regulations? 国家法律法规的要求是什么? . etc. 等等。 Sustainalbe Development, Technology Transfer and financial Asssistance? 是否需要可持续发展,技术转移和融资支持? Depending on: 取决于: Sector of project activity; 项目活动领域; Common practi
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