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,To learn to understand and use the passive voice(past tense) be + v (ed). To learn to listen for the details. To learn to talk about when the inventions were invented and who the inventions were invented by.,Objectives,Do you know the Four Great Inventions in ancient China? What are they? Except those inventions, can you think of other famous ones?,Discussion,paper-making 造纸术,compass 指南针,printing 印刷术,gunpowder 火 药,paper Cai Lun 105 A. D.,printing Bi Sheng 1041-1045,What is it? Who and when was it invented ,compass 11th Century,gunpowder 9th Century,What is it? Who and when was it invented ,Do you know what these inventions are?,Do you know the following inventions? Who invented them? When were they invented?,car Karl Benz in 1885,calculator in 1971,What is it? Who and when was it invented ,telephone in 1876,TV in 1927,What is it? Who and when was it invented ,Karl Benz,Do you know who these inventors are?,Alexander Bell,J. L. Baird,Can you match the inventions with the right inventors?,1a Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented? Discuss them with your group. Then number them1-4 (1=first, 4= last),1b Listen and match the inventions with the dates.,_ 1876 _ 1885 _ 1927 _ 1971,d a c b,a,b,d,c,Listen again and answer the questions.,Did grandmas family have a car? Did grandmas family have a TV? Why?,Yes, they had a car.,No, they didnt have a TV, because they couldnt afford one.,1c Student B, cover the dates. Student A, ask Student B when the things in the picture in 1b were invented. Then change roles and practice again.,A: When was the telephone invented? B: I think it was invented in 1876.,Make a similar conversation with your partner using the 1b as a model.,A: When was the TV invented?,B: It was invented in 1927.,A: Who was it invented by?,B: It was invented by Baird.,Pair Work,T: When was the telephone invented?,S: It was invented in 1876.,T: Who was it invented by?,S: It was invented by Bell.,Karl Benz invented the first car in 1885.,The first car was invented (by Karl Benz) in 1885.,The first telephone was invented (by Bell) in 1876.,Bell invented the first telephone in 1876.,The first television was invented (by J. L. Baird) in 1927.,J. L. Baird invented the first television in 1927.,1885,Henry Ford,1971,1976,1907,Wright,Cray,Bill Hewlett,Write a passage about the inventions between 1940 and 1990.,There were many inventations between 1940 and 1990. The first color television was invented by Peter Goldmark in 1940. .,1. invent v. 发明 指经过认识和实践创造出前所未有的事物。 Edison invented the light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电灯泡。 invention和inventor都是名词, 前者意为“发明”,后者意为“发明家”。,Language points,Language Points,discover, invent和find都是动词, 它们的词义相近, 但是有区别: discover意为“发现”, 指发现某种本来存在,但以前未被发现或未为人所知的事物或现象。 The lost bike was discovered at the bus stop. 丢了的自行车发现在公共汽车站那儿。 Later I discovered that he was so kind. 后来我发现他如此善良。,知识链接,invent 意为“发明”, 指发明以前不存在的东西。 Do you know who invented the computer? 你知道谁发明的电脑吗? find 意为“找到, 发现”, 指偶然发现或几乎没有困难地发现。 I found some old photos in that drawer. 我在那个抽屉里发现了一些旧照片。,discover, invent和find,. 根据句意和所给汉语提示, 完成下列单词的拼写。 1). Edison _ the electric lamp. 2). I lost my necklace last night. I havent _ it. 3). Who _ America first? 4). The telephone _ in 1876. 5). Children also need time _ (玩耍).,invented,found,discovered,to play,was discovered,Exercises,. 根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. Thats the most _ (有用的) book. 2. It is said that Thomas Edison had 1,093_ (发明) during his lifetime. 3. What is this kind of machine used for? Its used for _ (听) tomusic.,useful,inventions,listening,. 句型转换。 1. The personal computer was invented in 1976. (对划线部 分提问) _ _the personal computer _? 2. The shoes with lights were invented by Julie Thompson. (对划线部分提问) _ _the shoes with lights _ _? A Chinese named Cai Lun invented paper. (改被动语态) Paper _ _ _ a Chinese named Cai Lun.,When,was,invented,Who,were,invented,by,was invented by,.看图完成句子。 1. (1885, invented) Cars _ _ in 1885. 2. (around 1927, invented) The TV _ _ around 1927.,were,invented,was,invented,3. (1971, invented) The personal computer _ _ _ 1971. 4. (1896,invented) The telephone_ _ _ _.,was,invented,in,was,invented in,1896,中考链接,Paper _first _ about two thousand years ago in China by Cai Lun. is; inventing B. is; invented C. has; invented D. was; invented,纸在两千多年前被发明,要用一般过去时的被动语态。,Homework,Listen to 1b. Finish off the exercises. Make a conversation about some invention.,
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