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,北京上为智源猎头业务简介,北京上为智源咨询有限公司 Copyright Sowin Consulting,2020/8/6,2, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,About Sowin Consulting 关于北京上为智源,Established in 2007, Sowin Consulting is one of the leading companies providing Headhunting , Project Recruitment Services and Talent Assessment in China.北京上为智源咨询有限公司成立于2007年,是国内领先的专业化人力资源管理咨询公司,公司致力于为企业提供专业的人才猎寻、项目招聘和人才测评服务。 Our consultant team has many years of experiences in Human Resources and recruitment area, which enables us to have in-depth understandings to each process of Human Resources and recruitment to solve problems for clients and candidates considerately. 我们的顾问团队在人力资源招聘领域有着丰富的经验,对人力资源招聘的每个环节都有独到的见解,能够为客户和候选人提供最恰当的解决方案。,公司注册资金150万元人民币,拥有员工50名,是拥有政府颁发的人才服务许可证和劳务派遣许可证的专业服务机构。,2020/8/6,3, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,About Sowin Consulting 关于北京上为智源,We are aiming at helping clients to become more attractive in Human Resources market. Our clients are either world top 500 multinational companies or fast developing domestic enterprises, whose businesses cover telecom, IT, real estate, manufacture, finance and other correlative areas. 我们致力于帮助客户在人才市场更具有吸引力,我们的客户既包含世界500强又包括快速发展的国内公司,业务遍及电信、IT、制造业、房地产等领域 We have profound understandings on differences of company cultures and demand differences caused herein, such as talents personalities, capabilities, and maturation degrees for professions etc., which enables us to provide pertinent recruitment plans, and we have already won favorable comments from clients and candidates for our “professional and highly efficient” styles. 我们充分理解不同公司、不同企业文化、不同需求导致的对能力、个性、成熟度、专业知识等要求的不同,从而保证我们能够给客户提供恰当的招聘计划,并以“专业和高效”的做事风格赢得了客户和候选人的赞誉。,Industry Allocation 人才库行业分布情况,2020/8/6, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,5,Position Allocation 职位分布情况,2020/8/6, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,6,Manufacturing 11,Sales/marketing 29,R&D 27,BU head/GM/CEO 9,HR/Finance/Legal 21,Others 3,Work Load 工作量,2020/8/6, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,7,Candidates Searched 寻访的候选人,Candidates Through Screening 筛选后的候选人,Candidates Interviewed By Consultant 顾问面试的候选人,Candidates Interviewed By Client 客户面试的候选人,One High-level Candidate Recommended Successfully 推荐成功 1 个高端人才,Our Advantages 我们的优势,2020/8/6, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,8,Specialized human resources consultant firm, better understanding of company talented persons strategic demand. 专业化的人力资源咨询公司,更好的把握公司人才的战略需求。 Specialized consultant team, rich experience of selecting talented person, accurate judgment and selection of talented person. 专业化的顾问队伍,丰富的人才选拔经验,准确的人才判断甄别。 Specialized evaluating tools to select talented person, assists in in-depth understanding of candidates. 专业化的人才测评工具,协助对候选人深层了解。 Rich human resources, fusion company interior and exterior each kind of search network. 丰富的人才资源,融合公司内部及外部各种搜寻网络。 The purpose of best client service, seek for common development with the client. 顾客至上的服务宗旨,寻求与客户共同发展,Focus Areas 专注的领域,2020/8/6, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,9,IT: computer software, hardware, Internet etc. IT:包括计算机软件、硬件、互联网等 Telecom: equipment manufacturer, telecom operator etc. 电信:电信设备制造商和电信运营商等等 Real estate: real estate developers, construction companies, architectural companies, etc. 房地产:包括房地产开发商、建筑公司、建筑设计公司等 Manufacture: Automation, electric, Automobile etc. 制造业:工业自动化,电气,汽车等,Head Hunting Work Flow 猎头工作流程,2020/8/6, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,10,Step7: Summary of project stages 步骤7:项目阶段总结,Step8: Background checks of candidates 步骤8:候选人背景调查,Step6: Arrangement for the interviews of candidates 步骤6:安排候选人面试,Step9: The work of searching for candidates completed 步骤9:职位寻访完成,Step1: Identification of job description and demand 步骤1:确定职位需求,Step4: Interview assessment of the candidates 步骤4:对候选人面谈评估,Step2: Development of search strategy 步骤2:制定寻访策略,Step3: Identification of potential candidates 步骤3:确定有潜力的候选人,Step5: Submit of candidatesinformation 步骤5:候选人资料提交,Step 1: Identification of Job Description and Demand 步骤1:确定职位描述及需求,2020/8/6, Copyright Sowin Corporation, 2010,11,In-depth interview of clients and understand the clients demand and enterprise culture. 对客户深层访谈,了解客户对职位的理解及客户的企业文化。 Identify the experience, expertise and personal characters of candidates to the position. 对职位候选人所具备经验、专业知识及个人性格定位。 The development of talent search programs (including business analysis, client analysis, feasibility analysis, candidate search strategies, work schedules, quotes, success stories and project team members, etc.) 制定人才搜寻方案(包括行业分析、客户分析、可行性分析、候选人寻访策略、工作进度表、报价、成功案例及项目小组成员资料等),Step 2: Development of search strategy步骤 2
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