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WORLD-WIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY FocusPM,Applying FocusPM for Non-Project Managers,Todays Topics Project Management Initiative History of Development Content and Strategy Required inputs to FocusPM Key Business Points Methodology Overview Benefits of FocusPM Why choose HP?,Current State,The size and complexity of solution projects have been consistently growing Different result while delivered by different PM ( even excellent) Project Managers use methodologies inconsistently Best practices are not captured, shared, or reused The Project Managers role, responsibility and authority are not clearly defined Client dissatisfaction and low profitability are issues in many projects,Future State,Projects are a major contributor to our profitability Clients perceive our Project Management as one of HPs competitive advantages The Project Manager is perceived as a highly desired job within HP with clear authority and responsibility to make projects a success Using a single global methodology and tools contribute to successful projects Knowledge capture and reuse greatly increase the effectiveness of our Project Managers,Project Management Initiative,Objective 2: Clearly define role and authority as well as measures, rewards, and scoping of Project Managers,Objective 3: Rapidly enhance our Project Management capability through development and hiring,Objective 1: Enable the implementation of a consistent Project Management methodology world-wide,Role of Project Manager,Responsible for profitability (scope / terms & conditions / cost / schedule) of project Key role in selling process - qualifying project and recommending GO / NO GO Assesses and manages risk during selling and delivery process Manages project team during the project Manages relationship between clients and HP / partners / subcontractors Major relationship with CBM, CBL & Principal Consultant in pre-sales Drives the success of the project,PMs are Empowered to:,Have sole accountability for profitability of projects Have a major responsibility in the selling process Have authority to be the only manager of project delivery Have authority to be the major interface to client during the project Does NOT mean that Project Manager is the most important person for project success - entire HP Team is important for project success,WORLD-WIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY FocusPM,History of Development,Project Managers asked for a more professional methodology for planning and implementing projects Based on previous principle (CPLC) & HP best practices November 1996 initial strategy,January 1998 Final Review WW Review Team,Compared to Previous Methodology,Is consistent with the Project Management Institutes (PMI & Prince2 standards) Incorporates HP best practices Provides rigor and detail in the planning phases Includes a robust toolkit in the planning and implementation phases Meets the need of Project Managers to manage increasingly larger and more complex projects,Benefits of FocusPM,Improved HP bottom line by cutting losses on projects Ensures consistent world-wide approach to client projects (will be used by HPC, ISBU, and OSD) Developed under leadership of global HPC/ ISBU Steering Committee Incorporates WW HPC/ ISBU best practices and industry standard Project Management methods and terminology (PMI and Prince2) Can be used for any type of project (Scaleable) Provides a full set of forms, tools and templates Includes a rigorous process for assessing / managing risk,Components of FocusPM,Key Strategies,Consistent quality criteria and measures Knowledge sharing and re-use (Project Snapshots) Sequence of activities and tasks (Bid Plan, Design, Plan, Propose, Negotiate) PM process measurements by phase, i.e., Quality Reviews Quality reviews - process and content (local process) PM Methodology for Project Managers Scaleable: Use on all projects,Review Criteria for each Tool / Output Quality reviews in each FocusPM Phase and Activity,Quality in FocusPM,FocusPM: Scaleable for All Projects,Very large, complex project,Small project,Medium-sized project,How?,Methodology Structure of FocusPM,Phase,Activity,Task,Process,Output* (Tools),Input,* Dont confuse Output with Client Deliverables,FocusPM Methodology Overview,2.1 Prepare Technical Solution 2.2 Develop Project Scope Statement and WBS 2.3 Develop Project Schedule 2.4 Establish Project Resource Requirements 2.5 Develop Project Risk Management Plan 2.6 Develop Additional Preliminary Project Plans 2.7 Develop Project Budget 2.8 Resolve Inconsistencies in Project Plan 2.9 Perform Project Plan Quality Review 2.10 Prepare and Present Client Proposal 2.11 Perform Planning and Proposal Quality Review,Activities,3.1 Reach Agreement on Proposal 3.2 Produce Final Proposal and Project Baseline 3.3 Complete Contract 3.4 Perform Selection Quality Review,Activities,4.1 Start Up Project 4.2
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