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Study on American Corporations Competitiveness Exceeding that of Japanese Corporation美国企业竞争力超过日本企业之探究Professor Mao YunshiSun Yat-Sen University,Signals and trends of Reversal倒转的信号与趋势,First reversal occurred in 1992: Intel succeeded NEC and became the worlds largest semiconductor manufacturer. 最先倒转出现在1992年:美国英特尔公司取代日本NEC成为世界最大的半导体制造商。 In 1994, the U.S. had regained overwhelming advantage in global market on various hi-tech fields :new generation computer chips, software, latest PCs and network technology, mobile communication, High Definition Television (HDTV) and Biotechnology. At present, information industry accounts for 40% to 50% of GDP in U.S. 1994年,在新一代计算机芯片、软件,新型计算机和网络技术,移动通讯,高清晰度电视以及生物等高技术领域,美国在国际市场已占全面优势。现在,美国信息产业产值约占GDP的4050%,I. 1980s: Japanese corporations competitiveness exceeded that of American corporation and became number one of the world 20世纪80年代日本企业竞争力超过美国, 居于世界首位,According to the 1992 World Competitiveness Executive Summary Report of WEF and IMD, Japanese corporations competitiveness and Japans world competitiveness as a whole became number one in the world and both maintained as the champions for nearly ten years. 世界经济论坛和国际管理开发学院在1992年关于世界竞争力的比较总结报告中认为,20世纪80年代以来,日本企业竞争力与日本的国际竞争力(总体)开始位居世界第一位,并保持了近十年之久。 Table 1 describes the world competitiveness of the United States and Japan from the early 1980s to the early 1990s. 表1显示了这一现象。,Table 1: The world competitiveness of the United States and Japan 美日企业国际竞争力(总体)排名演变(19811992),Original Source:World Economic Forum,IMD The World Competitiveness Report,1992 Source:Li Fei,Theory of Business Group:Japanese Business Group,Tianjin Peoples Press, July 1994, P32,Japan can say No (a book)日本可以说不,February 3rd, 1992, Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa: “Regarding American work habits, I have long thought that the work ethic is lacking as far as that area is concerned.” 1992年2月3日本首相官泽喜一:“美国工人已到了缺乏劳动道德的地步。” Ex-International Trade-Industry Minister of Japan: “American worker are very lazy, American enterprises are lack of competitiveness.” 日本前通产大臣:“美国工人 懒惰,美国企业没有竞争力,After 1993, GM, Ford, Chrysler, IBM and Sears had gradually made up the deficits and got surpluses, as well as increased their sales. 紧接着,1993年后,美国的通用、福特、克莱斯勒三大汽车公司、IBM、西尔斯也先后扭亏为盈,且销量增长,Views of Porter and Akio Morita,Michael E. Porter: Can Japan compete? 波特的观点:日本还有竞争力吗? Akio Morita from Sony: “Japanese manufacturing industry has realized high productivity and high product quality through advanced technology. But it is facing severe international challenge, as among all industrialized countries, workers in Japanese manufacturing industry have to work for the longest hours yet not necessarily get the highest payment. At the same time, the salary level of Japanese managers are much lower compared to their American counterparts. ” 索尼的盛田昭夫在文艺春秋1992年第二期文章引起很大轰动。文章提出疑问:“日本制造业通过先进技术实现了高劳动生产率和产品的高质量。面临强大的国际竞争压力,在所有工业化国家中,日本制造业工人的工作时间最长。然而,劳动报酬却不一定很高,并且管理人员的收入要比美国管理人员的收入低得多”。,The last chance of Japan The losing 1990s,II . Indicators of the reversal of the American and Japanese corporations competitiveness in 1990s: 20世纪90年代美日企业竞争力逆转之表现,1. Evolvement of the American and Japanese corporations competitiveness according to the World Competitiveness Yearbook 世界竞争力年鉴中美企业排名演变 2. Evolvement of the American and Japanese corporations competitiveness according to the Top 100 largest multinationals in the world and Top 500 世界500强中美日企业入选数量的变化 3. The inept Japanese economy drove more businesses into bankruptcy 日本经济复苏缓慢,企业破产加剧 4. The descending of Japanese manufacturers competitiveness weakened with some serious product quality failures 日本制造业竞争力下降,1.Evolvement of the American and Japanese corporations competitiveness according to the World Competitiveness Yearbook世界竞争力年鉴中美日企业排名演变Table 2: The Evolvement of the American and Japanese Corporations Competitiveness(1992-1998)表2 美日企业国际竞争力演变(19921998),Original Source:IMD, The World Competitiveness Yearbook,1996 and 1998 Source:The Former Research Institute of China National Structural Reforming Committee, China Global Competitiveness Development Report (1999), Beijing, China Renmin University Press, 1999, P143,2.Evolvement of the American and Japanese corporations competitiveness according to the top 100 largest multinationals in the world and Top 500世界500强中美日企业入选数量的变化Table 3 Number of American and Japanese Corporations listed on the Global 500 表3 1990年以来世界100强中美日企业的数量变化情况(19901998),Source:Fortune Magazine根据美国财富杂志各年度统计,3.The inept Japanese economy drove more businesses into bankruptcy 日本经济复苏缓慢,企业破产加剧,From 1992 Japanese economy shifted into sluggish growth with prolonged collapse in commodity price, acceleration of the appreciation of Japanese Yen and heightened competition among new technologies. 日本经济步入萧条和低成长时期,企业经营环境也发生深刻变化,如经济萧条趋于长期化,国内市场需求低迷不振,商品价格持续下降,日元升值速度加快,新技术竞争日益激烈等 。 In 1992 the average return of Japanese businesses decreased 25% and in 1993 it fell another 24%. 1992年日本企业收益下降25%,1993年下降24%,Numerous Japanese big corporations have turned into a mess si
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