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UNIT 1 THE LONG VOWEL SOUNDS LESSON 2 一、 教学重点1. 掌握词汇:bee honey tree dress make honey love2. 掌握句型:Can you ? Yes, I can / No, I cant.二、 教学栏目Look and say, talk about it.三、 教学目标情感目标:激发学生学习英语的热情。知识目标:学习句型Bees make honey. I love 能力目标:培养学生使用can询问他人的能力和讲述自己的能力。四、 教学步骤I. Warming up 听英语书5页歌曲 Lets say it.II. Revision1. 学生汇报上节课学习的生日祝福句型:Happy birthday. Lets sing the birthday song.Lets eat the birthday cake.(复习上节课的教学重点,并为本节课的学习做好铺垫。)III. Presentation1. 教师问学生: “Welcome to my birthday party!” (复习birthday有关的词组,以引出新词组birthday party的学习)2. 学习新词bees, 学生谈论自己过生日时候的一些常用祝福语的英语表达。3. 呈现课文:“Look at the bees. A bee has six legs. Bees make honey. I love bees. I love honey.”4. 出示教学卡片,学习认识新单词并练习发音IV. Practice1. 放课文录音,学生看书完成英语书5页。2. 跟录音磁带朗读课文。3. 学生自制笑脸、哭脸,进行小组问答,询问他人的能力,并且在回答Yes, I can.时,要举起笑脸;回答No, I cant时,要举起哭脸。4. 小组会话:运用句型I love5. 学唱歌曲蜜蜂歌,分组进行表演唱。6. 完成学生用书中5页第四题。V. SummaryToday we have learned the sentences with “look at the bee?” And the answers: “a bee has six legs.” Also some verb phrases. We can read them together: “make honey; look at” VI. HomeworkTalk about what you can do and you cant do with your friends after class.2
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