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第一部分 模块复习方略,Unit 4Global warming,胡乱的;任意的,随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的,使恢复;使振作,现象,看一下;扫视,一瞥,range,average,circumstance,existence,exist,quantity,quality,contribution,contribute,tend,tendency,oppose,opposed,consume,consumption,consumer,consequence,consequent,consequently,发生;造成,同意;赞成;订购,大量的,上升;增长;升起,导致,反对,even if,keep on,on the whole,on behalf of.,put up with,so long as,There is no doubt that,it is human activity that,so long as,you are using it,when compared to,All scientists subscribe to the view that,Here are a few suggestions,have increased greatly,to,marrying,were opposed to tearing down/opposed,tearing down,was opposed to,is,were/are,On,is now up,to the average,As,result,As a result of,resulted in,results from,as a result,,I had no choice but to completely focus on my study.,has covered,are wasted,in,Under/In the circumstances,under/in no,circumstances should I abandon,as a consequence,as a consequence of,排列,射程,范围,种类,变化,订购,捐助,同意,赞成,趋向,易于,照料,put up with,容忍;忍受,put away,收起来,put forward,提出,put off,推迟,put out,扑灭,come across,被理解,come about,发生,came up with,提出,come out,显露,come to,合计,stand for?,on behalf of,representing,so long as,as well as,As far as,as good as,as long as,只要,和一样大,去掉will,There,or,the,are called,being,which,than,increased,On,actually,谢谢观看!,
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