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中考英语必备-易错题全梳理含答案一单选1. Sam, as an Australian boy, is a big fan of Beijing Opera. _, he is crazy about Chinese Kongfu.A. MoreoverB.HoweverC.AlthoughD.Otherwise2. The grassland, reaching out far away, looks rather beautiful _the blue and clean sky.A.againstB.aboveC.throughD.past3. -What do you think of their ideas?-I dont agree with _. but I have to say some of them are of some value.A.allB.anythingC.anyD.none4. -Kate says she is going to give up her job and open her own store. Is she serious?-I _. she never means it.A.wonderB.agreeC.supposeD.believe5. At celebrations, people should stop _fireworks to reduce pollution.A. setting offB.turning offC.taking offD.getting off6. -Are you satisfied with Sams new works of art?-Not a bit. They couldnt be _.A.any betterB.any worseC.so badD.the best7. -What kind of house do you want to have? Something big?-Well, it _be big. Thats not important.A.mustntB.cantC.needntD.wont8. Several weeks after the African musicians had arrived in Beijing, they _in love with the art and culture there.A.fallB.fellC.would fallD.have fallen9. -_unusual experience we had during this years winter holidays!-Yes. Nobody expected we would stay at home for so long.A.HowB.How anC.WhatD.What an10. -Just _the end of her 14-day quarantine(隔离期),33-year-old nurse Zhang Jingjing had a sudden heart attack and passed away.-Im sorry to hear that. How i wish this werent true!A.sinceB.whileC.beforeD.until11. Many schools gave students a test to see _.A.how their home learning quality wasB.what theyve learned through online lessonsC.what was their home learning qualityD.whether did they learn through online lessons12. No winter _forever, every spring is sure to follow.A.continuesB.lastsC.remainsD.keeps13. Dont be afraid of storms as we sail _life. Just let them pass and always remember, calm seas never make skillful sailors.A.beyondB.oppositeC.againstD.through14. Its lucky of you to find _who accepts your past, supports your present and encourage your future.A.somebodyB.nobodyC.everybodyD.anybody15. -You can go camping with your friends, but come back before 7p.m.-Hooray! Thank you, mom. I knew you _.A.will agreeB.would agreeC.have agreedD.had agreed16. A famous treasure from Yuanmingyuan finally came home to Beijing 159 years after it was taken. It stands for the rising power of China, _the country is able to get the treasure back.A.whileB.unlessC.asD.although17. Dream are like stars. You may never catch them, but if you _them, they will lead you to success.A.achieveB,supportC.controlD.follow18. -Henry, Im sorry to hear that youve lost your job.-_. Ill just find a new one.A.It dependsB.No problemC.It happensD.All right.参考答案:单选:AAAAA BCBDC ABDAB CDC动词填空:1. How happy all the students were _(see) each other after such a long vacation because of the COVID-19!2. Dont worry, granny. The timetable says the last bus _(leave) at 9:05 p.m.3. I _(ride) to school for three years when I was in the middle school.4. -I _(expect) you here, but you didnt come.-Im terribly sorry. I was so busy that I forgot.5. -Mr. Smith, why are you still waiting here?-Professor Black promised to attend the meeting, but he _(not appear).6. Many people wonder if the Tokyo Summer Olympics _(hold) as planned because of the virus.7. Besides the well-known names, many heroes _(remain) unknown, although they have played their important parts in sending man-made satellites into space.8. -Thank goodness, we _(complete) the task on time.-We should thank the volunteers for their help first.9. -Hey, kids. How are you going to celebrate Grandmas seventieth birthday?-Well, we _(discuss) carefully and now we come up with a fantastic idea.10. -You mean you get at five every morning? Why so early?-_(walk) my pet dog.参考答案:动词填空:1. to see 2.leaves 3.rode4.expected 5.didnt appear6.will be held 7.remain8. have completed 9.were discussing10.To walk完成句子:1. 萨拉如此精神不振,难以振作起来。Sarah is in such _cheering herself up.2. 出于安全原因,中国大陆地区4月份所有托福和雅思考试都取消了。All TOFEL and IELTS tests in Chinese mainland in April _.3. 多市关闭了所有公共交通以降低新冠病毒扩散的风险。Many cities closed all public transportation _ the new corona virus.4. 教练会根据身高将这些与我们年龄相仿的孩子进行分组。The children _groups by the coach according to their height.5. 做饭前你应该洗手,以防感染传染病。You should wash yo
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