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Module 1 Lost and found,Unit 3 Language in use,Language practice,Are these crayons yours? Whose bag is this? Its mine. = Its my bag.,重点提示:,名词性物主代词 = 形容词性物主代词 + 名词。,Look at these pictures and complete the sentence.,1.These are my new clothes. The new clothes are _.,mine,Revision,2.He has a gray car. _car is gray. The gray car is _.,His,his,3.The monkey has eight apples. The apples are _.,its,1. A:Whose bag is this? Is that your bag? B: No, it isnt. Its Linglings.,2. A: _ B: _,3. A: _ B: _,4. A: _ B: _,Is that your pencil? Yes, it is. Its mine.,Is that your basketball? No, it isnt. Its Tonys.,Is that your book? No, it isnt. Its his.,Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.,bag camera crayons eraser football gloves wallet watch,-Whose bag is this? Is it yours? -No, its not mine. Its his.,用自己的文具做道具, 用以上句型两人一组编对话。,-Whose pencil is this? Is it hers? -No, its not hers. Its mine.,-Whose eraser is this? Is it his? -No, its not his. Its her.,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.,1. Is this _ sweater, Daming? Yes, it is. 2. Are these gloves _, Betty? Yes, they are.,your,yours,3. _ watch is this? Its Tonys. 4. This wallet isnt _. Is it yours? Yes, it is. Thank you. 5. Tony is looking for his crayons. Are these _?,Whose,mine,his,6. Is this bag Bettys? No, its not _. Its Linglings. 7. Is this the girls football? No, its not _ football. 8. I cant find _ camera. Where is it? 9. Whats the name of the dog? _ name is Blackie.,hers,her,my,Its,Match the words from Box A with the words from Box B.,A her his your our my its B his hers its mine ours yours,Around the world,There are many lost and found websites, such as and .You cant find your dog, your cat, your favourite watchor your brother? They can help you find them! You can search “found items” or post your “lost items”. Go to these websites and find your things.,The Internet lost and found,Work in pairs,Student A: Think of three or four things you have lost or you can choose from the box. Describe them. Student B: Think of five or six things you have in your lost and found office or you can choose from the box. Describe them.,boat camera computer crayons duck football glove mobile phone pig wallet watch,Student A: Ask Student B if theyve got the things you have lost. Answer question about details. Student B: Answer questions about the things Student A has lost. Ask questions about details.,Now ask and answer questions.,Act out your sketch to the class. Perform the sketch. Watch other students sketches and make a list of the things they have found.,归纳总结,Its my book. = Its mine. Its your hat. = Its yours. Its his jacket. = Its his. Its her ruler. = Its hers. Its our football. = Its ours. Its their notebook. = Its theirs.,形容词性的物主代词+名词 名词性的物主代词后不跟词,1. This is my book, that one is _. A. she B. her C. his 2. _ pen is this? A. Whose B. Who C. Whos 3. This is not _bag. A. mine B. my C. he,一、单项填空。,5. That is not _ jacket. A. yours B. hers C. his 6. _ school is big, but _ is much bigger than _. A. Yours, our, your B. Your, our, your C. Your, ours, yours 7. A friend of _ has gone to another school. A. me B. mine C. my,8. I wonder whose bike it is. It might be my_. A. neighbours B. neighbours C. neighbours 9. Ive got a cold. I had to stay _ yesterday. A. at the doctors B. at the doctors C. at the doctor his 10. My watch keeps good time. What about _? Mine? Oh, two minutes now. A. Your B. hers C. yours,1. A: _ jacket is this? B: Its _ (我的), sir. 2. A: Is this _ (他的)jacket? B: Yes, its _.,Whose,mine,his,his,二、根据汉语提示填空。,3. A: _ football is this? Is it _ (你的)? B: No, its not _. Its _ (她的). 4. A: Are these _ (你们的) books? B: No, they arent. They are_ (他们的).,Whose,yours,mine,hers,your,theirs,三、完成对话。,A: Is this _ (you) camera? B: No, its not _(I) camera. _ (I) is at home. A: Whose camera is it? B: Perhaps its Helens. Its _ (she). A: Helen, is this camera _ (you)? C: Yes, its _ (I) camera. Thank you. A: Not at all.,your,my,Mine,hers,yours,my, 构成: (1) 在单数名词的末尾加s构成名词的所有格,表示“的”。 Tonys mother 托尼的妈妈 Toms pen 汤姆的钢笔 (2) 在以-s 或-es结尾的复数名词后只需加。 the girls bags 女孩们的书包,英语中的名词所有格表示一种所属关系, s所有格多用于有生命的名词。,语法总结-名词所有格,(3)在不以-s 或-es 结尾的复数名词后,加s 构成所有格。 Womens Day 妇女节 (4)表示时间、距离的名词所有格与有生命的名词所有格构成方法相同。 todays class 今天的课, 注意: 可用名词所有格表示地点。 at my aunts 在我姑姑家 at the doctors 在医生的诊所 如果并列名词各自所拥有某物,每个名词后都加s; 若表示两人共同拥有的物品, 在最后一个名词后加s。 Lindas and Jims mothers 琳达和吉姆的妈妈 Lucy and Lilys room 露西和莉莉的房间,Homework:,中考英语写作专练:Lost and Found 请根据下面的汉语提示写一篇招领启事。 你于今天(9月1日)上午在学校花园拾到手提包一个,内有钱若干及一个笔记本,请失主前来6座308室领取。,Thank you!,
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