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Section A(2d3c),1.运用“What can you do? What sports can you play? What club do you want to join?”等句型与他人进行交流。 2.制作海报,学会写招聘广告。,任务一,仔细阅读课本2d的对话,小组讨论,完成下列问题。 1.What club does Bob want to join? 2.What sports can Bob play?,He wants to join a sports club.,He can play soccer.,任务二 1.阅读Grammar Focus,完成下面的练习。 (1)We want to join . (对画线部分提问) do want to join? (2)He can play soccer.(改为否定句) He play soccer.,the chess club,What club you,Cant,任务三 1.用3a所提供的词汇编写对话,然后和你的搭档核对答案并练习对话。,一、单项填空。 ( )1. club do you want to ? The sports club. What;haveB. Whats; join C. What;joinD. What;joins ( )2.Victor can play guitar.He can join the music club. A. a B. an C. the D. /,C,C,招聘海报的写法 招聘海报属于应用文,海报的特点是语言简练,倡导性强,写招聘海报要注意以下几点: 1.认真审题,确定海报的题目。 2.海报的内容要明确、有吸引力,使人一目了然。 3.海报的主题的选择要准确,其他内容都应该突出此主题。 常用词句: We want. for our. Can you sing / dance / draw.?Please call. at.,
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