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冀教七上重点句,河北省定州市兴华西路中学崔凤英,汉译英,我是李明。 你叫什么名字?我叫胡祎豪。 他叫什么名字? 他叫 Jim。 她叫什么名字? 她叫刘梅。 你好吗? 我很好,谢谢。 见到你很高兴。 见到你也很高兴。,冀教七上Unit 1重点句,I am Li Ming.,Whats your name? My name is Hu Yihao.,Whats his name? His name is Jim.,Whats her name? Her name is Liu Mei.,How are you? Im fine, thanks.,Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.,冀教七上Unit 1重点句,她是一个女孩。他是一个男孩。 她是老师。他是学生。 这是王红。她是我的朋友。 这是教室。那是实验室。 咱们去图书馆吧。 好吧。咱们去。 这是什么? 这/ 它是一枝铅笔。,She is a girl. He is a boy.,She is a teacher. He is a student.,This is Wang Hong. She is my friend.,This is a classroom. Thats a lab.,Lets go to the library. Okay. Lets go.,Whats this? This/ It is a pencil.,那是什么? 那/ 它是一块黑板。 这是你的水彩笔吗? 是的,它是。它是我的水彩笔。 那是你的尺子吗? 不,不是。它是她的尺子。 你有多少本书? 我有四本书。 我可以用你的书吗? 当然,给你。 谢谢你。不用谢。,冀教七上Unit 1重点句,Whats that? That/ It is a blackboard.,Is this your marker? Yes, it is. Its my marker.,Is that your ruler? No, it isnt. Its her ruler.,How many books do you have? I have four books.,May I have your book? Sure. Here you are.,Thank you. Youre welcome.,这是什么?它是一只苹果。 那是什么? 它是一张桌子。 它是什么颜色的? 它是蓝色的。 你喜欢什么颜色? 我喜欢紫色。 你最喜欢的颜色是什么? 我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。,冀教七上Unit 2重点句,Whats this? Its an apple.,Whats that? Its a table.,What colour is it? Its blue.,What colour do you like? I like purple.,Whats your favourite colour? My favourite colour is green.,冀教七上Unit 2重点句,这是谁的大衣? 它是Jim的。 这是谁的连衣裙? 它是Jenny的。 这是谁的短裤? 是 Danny的。 它对我来说太大/ 小了。 这是你的帽子吗?是的。,Whose coat is this? Its Jims coat.,Whose dress is this? Its Jennys dress.,Whose shorts are these? Theyre Dannys.,Its too big/ small for me.,Is it your hat? Yes.,我有长/ 短发。 我有大/ 小耳朵。 你今天感觉怎么样? 我感觉很高兴。 你感觉累吗? 不,我不累。 你的英语书在哪儿? 它在我书包里。,冀教七上Unit 3重点句,I have long/ short hair.,I have big/ small ears.,How do you feel today? I feel happy.,Are you tired? No, Im not.,Where is your English book? Its in my bag.,冀教七上Unit 3重点句,把它拿出来。 把你的书放进书包里。 咱们出去玩吧。 你有多高? 我 1.55 米。 Jenny 来自加拿大。 她是个漂亮女孩。 我来自中国。我戴眼镜。,Take it out.,Put your book in your bag.,Lets go out and play.,How tall are you? Im 1.55 metres tall.,Jenny is from Canada. She is a pretty girl.,Im from China. I wear glasses.,冀教七上Unit 3重点句,这是我的眼睛。那是他的脚趾头。 你怎么啦? 我划破了膝盖。疼死了。 你没事吗? 不,我牙疼。 你出什么事儿了? 我觉得不舒服。我头疼。,These are my eyes. Those are his toes.,Whats the matter? I cut my knee. It hurts.,Are you Okay? No, I have a toothache.,Whats the matter with you? I feel sick. I have a headache.,Do you feel cold? Yes, Im very cold.,16.你感觉冷吗?是,我非常冷。,我饿了。我想吃。 我渴了。我想喝。 你喜欢面包圈吗? 不,我不喜欢。 我不喜欢肉和鸡肉。我喜欢鱼。 我早晨起床。 我下午做作业。,冀教七上Unit 4重点句,Im hungry. I want to eat.,Im thirsty. I want to drink.,Do you like donuts? No, I dont.,I dont like meat or chicken. I like fish.,I get up in the morning.,I do my homework in the afternoon.,冀教七上Unit 4重点句,我晚上睡觉。 你愿意吃饺子吗? 是的,请。 你愿意吃汤吗? 不,谢谢。 你喜欢蔬菜吗? 是的,喜欢。 你最喜欢的水果是什么? 香蕉是我最喜欢的水果。,I go to bed in the evening.,Would you like some dumplings? Yes, please.,Would you like some soup? No, thanks.,Do you like vegetables? Yes, I do.,Whats your favourite fruit? Bananas are my favourite fruit.,12.我能帮助你吗? 是的,请。,Can I help you? Yes, please.,冀教七上Unit 4重点句,我想要一杯汽水。 一个热狗多少钱? 五元。 你准备好点菜了吗? 是的,请。 你愿意要什么? 我愿意要饺子。 我们没有三明治和牛奶。 你想要一碗牛肉面吗?,Id like a cup of pop.,How much for one hot dog? Five yuan.,Are you ready to order? Yes, please.,What would you like? Id like some dumplings.,We dont have any sandwiches or milk.,Would you like a bowl of noodles?,我没有兄弟姐妹。 我们住在中国。 她住在加拿大。 我母亲是公共汽车司机。 我爸爸是工人。,冀教七上Unit 5重点句,I have no brothers or sisters.,We live in China.,She lives in Canada.,My mother is a bus driver.,My dad is a worker.,冀教七上Unit 5重点句,我们在举办生日聚会。 他们在为我唱生日歌。 我在画画。我们在写字。 他在做什么?他在哭。 她在做什么? 她在笑。,We are having a birthday party.,They are singing a birthday song for me.,Im drawing. Were writing.,Whats he doing? Hes crying.,Whats she doing? Shes laughing.,冀教七上Unit 5重点句,他们在做什么? 他们在谈话。 画在床的上方。 鞋子在床下。 台灯在床的旁边。 晚饭时间到了。,What are they doing? They are talking.,The picture is above the bed.,The shoes are under the bed.,The lamp is beside the bed.,Time for supper.,冀教七上Unit 5重点句,睡觉时间到了。 我在听收音机。 他是谁? 他是我的叔叔。 他多大了? 他三十了。 你多大了? 我十三岁了。,Time to go to sleep.,I am listening to the radio.,Who is he? He is my uncle.,How old is he? He is thirty.,How old are you? Im thirteen years old.,你怎样上学? 我乘公共汽车上学。 她怎么上班? 她步行上班。 我步行上学。 她骑车上班。,冀教七上Unit 6重点句,How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.,How does she go to work? She goes to work on foot.,I walk to school. = I go to school on foot.,She goes to work on her bicycle. =She goes to work by bicycle. =She rides her bicycle to work.,5. 你步行上学吗? 不,我乘公共汽车。 6. 他开车上班吗? 是的。他开车上班。,Do you walk to school? No, I take a bus.,Does he go to work by car? Yes, he drives to work.,冀教七上Unit 6重点句,宾馆在哪儿? 沿着这条街走,向左拐。 它离这儿远吗? 不,不远。你可以走着去。 你要去哪儿? 我要去自行车商店。 我可以帮助你吗? 我想买一条连衣裙。 连衣裙在哪儿? 让我指给你看。,Where is the hotel? Go down this street and turn left.,Is it far from here? No, it isnt. You can walk there.,Where are you going? Im going to the bicycle shop.,May I help you? I want to buy a dress.,Where are the dresses? Let me show you.,冀教七上Unit 6重点句,他们在吃面包圈吗? 不,他们没有。 他在睡觉吗? 是的。 鱼住在河里。 鸟住在树上。 马住在农场。,Are they eating donuts? No, they arent.,Is he sleeping? Yes, he is.,A fish lives in a r
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