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1.会使用方位介词。 2.熟练运用问路的句型:Is there a+地点名词,Where is +地点名词。 3.背诵并表演2d的对话。,任务一 仔细阅读课本2d的对话,回答下列问题: 1. Where does Tony want to go? 2. Who is new in town? 3. Where is the bank? 4. Is there a park near the bank?,A bank.,Tony.,Its on Center Street.,Yes, its across from the park.,任务二 1.组内大声朗读Grammar Focus的表格内容,找出下列两个句子的区别: Is there a bank near here? Are there any restaurants near here? 完成下面的练习。 There is a bank near the post office. (改为一般疑问句) There are some restaurants near here.(改为否定句) The hotel is across from the police station.(对画线部分提问),Is there a bank near the post office?,There aren t any restaurants near here.,Where is the hotel?,2.仔细观察3a的图片,小组合作完成3a 的练习,注意方位介词或短语的使用。比一比,谁写得又快又准确。,.,根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 1.我星期一到星期五要上学。 I go to school Monday Friday. 2.八在九和七中间。 8 is 9 7. 3.从我家到学校不远。 It s not far my home school. 4.图书馆在学校和超市之间。 The library is the supermarket our school.,from,to,between,and,from,to,between,and,总结归纳Section A部分知识重点。 1.表示地点的词汇: 2.方位介词或词组: 3.表示问路和指路的句子:,
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