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UNIT 3,Diction,语言 VS 文化,朱利洛特门(JuriLotman)说过:“没有一种语言不是根植于某种具体的文化之中;也没有一种文化不是以某种自然语言的结构为其中心的。”可见语言与文化是不可分割的。语言是文化的载体,也是文化的一个重要组成部分,像一面镜子反映着一个民族的全部文化,又像一个窗口揭示着该文化的一切内容。而文化又是语言赖以生存的基础,是语言新陈代谢的生命源泉。因此,探寻英汉文化差异应是翻译中一个不容忽视的因素。,思想观念,和平VS斗争、直觉具体VS理性逻辑、 整体VS个体、静止VS运动,谋事在人,成事在天。 老天保佑、我的天呢、老天爷。 Man proposes, God disposes. God bless you! My God! For Gods sake!,宗教习俗,文化 VS 翻译,翻译中最难传译的不是文本的语言,而是其中蕴含的文化因素。 松、竹、梅“岁寒三友”在中国人心目中象征坚忍不拔的优良品质;而对西方人来说,这只不过是三种普通的植物,没有什么特殊的文化涵义。 What a door of an Aladdins cave it seemed to be. 一个民族的历史是其社会发展的如实记载,其中收藏着丰富的文化遗产,反映在语言上尤为明显。如:“说曹操曹操到”、“过五关斩六将”、“有眼不识泰山”、“暗渡陈仓”、“逼上梁山”,诸如此类,具有明显民族特点的词语是与汉文化紧密联系的。 英语国家的词语也包含其历史文化背景。如:meet ones Waterloo 一败涂地;round-table meeting 圆桌会议;armed to teeth 武装到牙齿;white / blue-collared workers 白领 / 蓝领工人等。,从以上几个方面,我们可对英汉两种文化的差异窥见一斑。那么,如何处理文本中的文化因素,便成了翻译中的难点所在。 在译界,对传统的做法,一般有三种处理方法:直译,意译, 直译加注或意译加注。 二十世纪九十年代以来,翻译界有两种新的处理方法,即“异化”(foreignization)和“归化”(domestication)。 前者主张译文应以源语或源语文化为归宿(Source language culture oriented translation, or SL culture-oriented translation)后者则译文应以目的语或译文文化为归宿(Target language culture oriented translation, or TL culture-oriented translation)。,异化(Foreignization),Foreignization is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. This method is “an ethnodeviant pressure on target-language cultural values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad” to have alien reading experience. 异化译法是偏离民族主义的,对译入语文化价值施加压力,使其关注外语文本的语言和文化差异,把读者带入外国情景。,蓝图 blue print 酸葡萄sour grapes 象牙塔ivory tower 洗手间wash hand 鳄鱼的眼泪crocodile tears 黑色幽默black humor 肥皂剧soap opera 伊甸园the garden of Eden,qi gong 气功 taiji quan 太极拳 kong fu 功夫 typhon台风 tou fu 豆腐 Tao 道 yin yang 阴阳 paper tiger纸老虎,Domestication is a strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers. This method is “an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values, bringing the author back home. 归化译法采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把原作者带入译入语文化。,归化(Domestication),Coca-cola 可口可乐 Future cola 非常可乐 Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌,掌上明珠 the apple of somebodys eye 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.,试比较: 谋事在人,成事在天。 Man proposes, Heaven disposes (杨宪益译) Man proposes, God disposes (霍克斯译) 这是杨宪益先生和霍克斯对红楼梦中一句话的翻译。杨宪益先生利用了一个英语的谚语,但把其中的“God”改成了“Heaven”,从而保留了原有的宗教色彩。英国汉学家霍克斯(David Horkes)却直接引用了英语谚语,未作任何改动,他把原文的佛教色彩变成了基督教色彩。这对英美读者来说当然更为自然,更容易接受。,“异化”与“归化”各有其长,亦各有其短。但二者并不矛盾,相反,应互为补充。文化移植需要多种方法和模式。译者在对翻译中涉及的各种因素作综合的分析后,既可采用“归化”的原则和方法,也可采用“异化”的原则和方法。至于在译文中必须保留哪些原语文化,怎样保留,哪些原语文化的因素又必须作出调整以适应目的语文化,都可在对作者意图、翻译目的、文本类型和读者对象等因素分析的基础上作出选择。对译者来说,重要的是在翻译过程中要有深刻的文化意识,即意识到两种文化的异同。,Diction is the choice of words and phrases to express meaning. Diction must be based on the accurate comprehension of the original. The meaning of a word is its use in the language, not only its definitions in the dictionary.,Diction,Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the writer towards the reader. There are basically three types of affective meanings: positive, neutral, and derogatory.,Diction: choice of affective meaning (选择情感意义),Diction: choice of affective meaning (选择情感意义),The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent. 敌人杀了我们一个同志,我们宰了一个敌特。 The story of the hero is extremely moving. 英雄的事迹是极其动人的。 The real story was made public. 真相大白。/水落石出。 What a story! I dont believe a word of it. 弥天大谎!我只字不信。,The same word, when used as different parts of speech and playing different roles in a sentence, has different meanings. Its neither round nor square. 它既不圆,也不方。(形容词) The wheels go round rapidly. 车轮飞快地旋转。(副词) The night watchman makes his rounds every hour. 夜间门卫每小时巡回一周。(名词) The earth moves round the sun. 地球绕太阳运行。(介词) The ship rounded the Cape of Good Hope. 这船绕过好望角。(动词) The talk rounded into a plan. 这次谈话发展成为一项计划。(动词),Diction: choice of Grammatical Meanings (选择语法意义),The same word, when used in different contexts or fields of discourse (business, law, medicine, education, politics, forestry, etc.),has different meanings.,Diction: choice of contextual meanings (选择语境意义),老战士 老师傅 老黄牛 老领导 老黄历 老家 老儿子 老芹菜,a veteran a master craftsman a willing ox a senior leader ancient history, obsolete practice hometown, native place the youngest son overgrown celery,I will do everything within my power to assist you. 我愿意尽力来帮助你。 The new kinescope(显像管) has a resolving power of 800 lines. 这种新的显像管的分辨率为800行。 Basically, all power is with the people. 从根本上说,一切权利属于人民。 Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. 枪杆子里出政权。 China has a few nuclear weapons, but it will never join the so-called club of nuclear powers. 中国有一点核武器,但是中国绝不参加所谓核大国俱乐部。 The surface of ceramics(陶瓷) must be checked by examination under a 20-power binocular(双筒) microscope. 陶瓷表面必须用20倍的双筒显微镜加以检验。 We can transmute water power into electrical power. 我们能将水力变成电力。,Diction: choice of contextual meanings (选择语境意
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