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Lesson 11 Hows the Weather Today?,表示实物的名词 sun cloud rain wind snow,表示天气的形容词sunny cloudy rainy windy snowy,其他表示天气的形容词:cold warm hot cool,rainy,It is a rainy day.,sunny,It is a hot and sunny day.,hot,windy,It is a windy day,snowy,It is a cold and snowy day.,cold,cloudy,It is a cloudy day.,Hows the weather in December?,Its cold and snowy,Hows the weather in July?,Its hot and sunny,Beijing,Guangzhou,Kunming,Xian,Taiwan,Lasha,Zhengzhou,Harbin,Shanghai,Hows the weather in? Its ,lanzhou,Letters and sounds,ir first third dirty,ur nurse Thursday fur,er teacher driver dancer,or work word world,家庭作业:收听今晚的天气预报并画出天气符号。,课堂训练 一 看图片写单词(3) ,3月,二 选词填空并连线,1.This is the (sun,son).,3.This is a (cold,cloud).,2.This is ( wind, window).,4. is white and cold .(Snow,know),三 选出不同类的单词(2) ( ) 1 A rainy B snowy C weather ( ) 2 A ninth B month C twelfth ( ) 3 A day B today C month ( ) 4 A Tuesday B October C May ( ) 5 A day B hot C cold ( ) 6 A September B Sunday C Monday,四 连词成句(3) 1.weather,the,hows,today(?) 2.day,it,is,what,today(?) 3.is,when,Spring Festival(?) 4.boy,the,red,third,the shorts, in,is (.) 5.is,a,rainy,a,this,day,or,day, cloudy(?),
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