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外研版选修6 Module 2知识点讲解I .重点单词1. 系列,丛书(n.)2. (小说,电影中的)女主角(n.)男主角(n.)3. 小说(n.)4. 表现,举动 (v.)举止,行为 (n.)5. 确定地,一定地 (adv.)6. 犹豫,迟疑(v.)犹豫(n.)7. 怀疑(n.)8. 方向(n.)F旨导,指挥 (v.)9. 咬,咬伤(v.)10. 疲惫,精疲力竭 (n.)疲惫的(adj.)II .渴望(n.)12. 巡逻,巡查(v.)13. 看不见的(adj.)看得见的(adj.)14. 惊慌,恐慌(n.)15. 边,边缘(n.)16. 大概地,粗略地(adv.)粗糙的,高低不平的(adj.)17. 正方形的(adj.)18. 形状(n.)19. 结构,框架(n.)20. 视野,景象,景色 (n.)21. 光秃秃的(adj.)几乎不,冈I刚(adv.)22. 弯腰,屈身(v.)23. 做梦(v.)24. 醒着的,清醒的(adj.)醒来,唤醒(v.)n .重点短语1. an important part in在.中起重要作用,对.有重要影响2. put放下3. hold伸出4. cometo 朝?-?-走过来5. turn走开6. sweep向?-?-扩展7. keep ones eyes注视,盯着看8. on 注视,凝视9. cast寻找,搜索,想办法10. (be) laden(空气中)充溢着(某种味道)的11. look around四处寻找l.series n.(单复同)(1)系列,连续 a series of questions/good harvest连续地;按顺序排列地(2)套;丛书 a TV/radio seriesspecie种类/物种) means(方法/式) aircraft航空器/飞行器 head(牲畜的头数) sheep(绵羊)| deer(鹿)fish(鱼的条/尾数)Chinese(中国人)Japanese日本人Swiss(瑞士人)他被一连串的事故惊呆了。He was shocked by.2. behave v .n.行为; 举止 守规矩 behave/表现好/不好 注意你的举止,别闹出笑话来。; dont make a fool of yourself.(2)他们对我的举止说明他们不喜欢我。Theirtowards me shows that they dont like me.3. hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇,退疑;不情愿(1)hesitate不愿做 ;对做 有顾虑 hesitate about/over.对犹豫不决(2 n.犹豫,退疑hesitation毫不犹豫地(1)如果你有什么问题,尽管问我。 If you have any questions ,me.(2)他毫不犹豫地接受了邀请。He accepted the invitation.4. doubt n. & v .怀疑 There is no doubt that we will be successful.毫无疑问我们会成功的。without doubt毫无疑问in doubt不确定,拿不准注意:(1)当doubt与表示否定的词,如 no, not, beyond, without等搭配或在疑问句中时,后接由 引导的从句。(2)doubt用在肯定句中,后接 或 引导的宾语从句或 引导的同位语从句。 There is some doubt their team will win the match. I do not doubt he can recite it. I dont doubt he will pass the exam.(2)I doubt hell keep his word.5. direction n.C方向(2)C指南;指示;说明书;操作说明(3)U管理;监督;指导;指点all directions (向)四面八方 in the direction of 在指导下 the direction of sb布拾起头时,他发现自己正朝家乡的方向走。When he raised his head, he found himself walkinghis hometown.6. pat vt.(用掌或扁平之物)轻拍(某人/某物)pat sb.+ on+ the head轻拍某人的头。英语中常用hit sb.+ on/in + the+身体部位打某人的头/肩/背/脸/眼等。其中的定冠词通常不用不定冠词a/an或形容词性物主代词代替。若打在结实的部位(如head, shoulder, back等)前面常用介词 ;若打在柔软多肉的部位 (如leg, eye, face等),前 面常用介词 。类似的动词有 pat, hit, touch, beat, strike 等。另外还有 pull/take/hold. + sb.+ by + the +身体部位结构。 A stone hit me in the face/eye. 一块石子打到了我的脸 /眼。改错 The boy hated being patted in the head.7. invisible adj.看不见的,不可见的(1) be invisible to.对.看不见的,无形的(2 adj.可见的;看得见的;能注意到的;明显的 adv.能注意到地;明显地The house was surrounded by trees and(visible)from the road.8. alarm n.惊慌,恐慌,警告,警报 v.警告,使惊恐,向 报警give/raise/sound the alarm 发出警报 the fire alarm 火警警铃alarm clock闹钟adj.担心的;害怕的9. shape1) n.(1)形状(2)模糊的东西(3)情况,状态2) v.(1)做成某物的形状 shape the sand into a mound把沙堆成小丘变形,走样 变得更有条理You have been sitting on my trousers and now it is badly.10. bend(1)v.弯腰,曲身;弯曲 He bent forward to listen to the child.(2) v. 专心于 He bent his mind to the research project.(3) n.弯曲,弯曲物,转弯 a bend in the roadBend 弯腰 bend oneself to(其中 to 为介词)bend ones mind to 专心致志地从事11. dream1)vi . & vt.(dreamed, dreamed; dreamt, dreamt)(1) 做梦,梦见。I dreamed that I was flying to the moon.n.梦,梦想,是可数名词,表示一个梦,不统指 He used the phrase I have a dream many times.dream /梦想,向往 做了一个美梦 adream 白日梦她有成而影明星的梦想。(1) Shea movie star.(2) She she will become a movie star.(3) She has the a movie star.(4) is to become a movie star.12. awake(1) vi. & vt.(awoke/awoken, awaked/awaked)醒,觉醒,唤醒 I usually awake at 6 in the morning.(2) adj.警觉的,醒的,表示未入睡或醒着的状态;也可表示对有清醒的认识,可用于抽象含意,其反义词为。 One woman was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing winds.短语 l.play a part(1) Who plays the part of Macbeth?(2) He played a leading part in the movement.(3) play a part in sth. 参加某活动 She plays an active part in local politics.(1) take part in sth.参与某事;参加 take part in a discussion/game/fight 参加讨论 /比赛/战斗(2) take an active part in sth.积极参与某事(3) play a role in.在.中扮演一个角色;在 .中起作用(4) play an important part/role inE-mail, as well as telephones, (play)an important part in daily communication.2. put down(1 After he finished his exercise, he put down his pen. Put down your name and address and well send you a free copy of the magazine.(2) The plane put down there at noon.(3) All the medical workers in the region helped to put down the bird flu.put an end to.平息;停止;结束;消灭 put收起(放好);储存(=put aside)put把放到一边;储存(金钱)以备他日之需;不顾,忽视某物put放回原处;向后移,拨回 put into实施;付诸实践;实行,执行put推迟;延期(=) put扑灭;出版;伸出put忍受(=bear/stand) put举起;安装;盖起;张贴单句改错Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can put up almost every word her teacher says.3. hold out(1) She held out her arms to embrace the little girl.(2) (意为使某一状态得以延续)How long will our food supplies hold out?我们的贮粮还能维持多久? I cant hold out much longer I must find a toilet.hold 阻挡;忍住hold 坚持下去,别挂电话hold抓住不放;保留hold ones持有?-?-观点hold ones住嘴hold down = put down 镇压;压住hold 举.作为范例;阻碍或延误;以武力或暴力威胁用hold动词短语的适当形式填空(1) We musttill victory.
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