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IPR-Strategyin Foreign TradeandLawyers Advice对外贸易中的知识产权战略及律师建议,Prof. Dr. Frank A. Hammel 13th Sino-German IPR Training Course Chongqing,ScopeofIPR Infringements知识产权侵权的范围 Statistics Germany 2008德国2008年统计数据,Prof. Dr. Frank A. Hammel 13th Sino-German IPR Training Course Chongqing,Development of IPR Cases知识产权案件的发展,Value of Products confiscated没收货物的价值,Value of Products confiscated according to Product Categories没收货物价值按产品分类,Percentage of IPR Infringements according to the Value of Products各类知识产权侵权案件的比例(根据产品价值),Patent 17 % 专利17%,Copy Right 1 % 著作权1%,Industrial Design 10 % 工业设计10%,Trade Mark 72 % 商标72%,Cases categorized according to the Placeof Origin of Products根据产品来源地的案件分类,Cases categorized in Percent according to the Categories根据产品种类的案件分类,Cases in 2008 listed in Percent of the total Number of Products according to Product Categories and Place of Origin2008年案件件数的百分比(根据产品种类和来源地分类),Estimated annual Turnover Loss of IPR Holders of approximately 7 Billion EUR 知识产权权利人每年估计营业额损失约70亿欧元,10 % and more 10%及以上,5 % - 10 %,1 % - 2 %,less than 1 %少于1%,2 % - 4 %,Parts of Product产品的被侵权部分,Entire Product 整个产品,Components 部件,Design 设计,Spare Parts备件,Operating Manual 使用手册,Package包装,Place of Origin of Product产品的来源地,China 中国大陆,Germany德国,Italy意大利,Taiwan台湾,India印度,Korea韩国,Turkey土耳其,Sales Market of Product产品的销售市场,China中国,Germany 德国,Europe欧洲,World世界,India印度,Asia亚洲,USA美国,Detection of Copy侵权行为的发现方式,Market Research 市场调查,Trade Fair展会,Client客户,Third Parties第三方,Internet互联网,Decline in Sales销售额下降,Defects,Kind of IPR Infringement知识产权侵权种类,Patent专利,Trade mark商标,Utility Model实用新型,Industrial Design 工业设计,Protection of Company IPR公司知识产权的保护,Identification and Protection of IPR知识产权的确认和保护 Registration of Trade Marks商标的注册证书 Registration of Patents专利的授权证书 Registration of Utility Model实用新型的授权证书 Registration of Industrial Design外观设计的授权证书 Documentation of Original Copyrightable Works原创性版权作品的登记证书 Due Diligence on Required Licences对于所获得权利许可的尽职调查,Prof. Dr. Frank A. Hammel 13th Sino-German IPR Training Course Chongqing,2.Internal Company Strategy公司内部战略 Designation of a Complience Chief to enforce IPR Strategy 指派一名执行知识产权战略的主管 Implementation of Employee Policies员工政策的执行 Training of Employees员工培训 Training of Subcontractors外包服务提供者的培训 Asset Management by Identification, Inventory and Process Control 通过确权、明细、程序控制来优化资产管理 Technological Anti-Piracy Measures反侵权的技术措施,Prof. Dr. Frank A. Hammel 13th Sino-German IPR Training Course Chongqing,3.External Company Strategy公司的外部战略 Due Diligence on IP-related Suppliers and Customers 对于知识产权相关的供应商和客户进行尽职调查 Use of International Enforcable Contractual Obligations 采用国际性的可执行的合同义务 Use of Arbitration Clauses 采用仲裁条款 Cooperation with Arbitration Courts 与仲裁机构进行合作 Cooperation with Public Authorities and Trade Organisations 与政府机关和行业协会进行合作,Prof. Dr. Frank A. Hammel 13th Sino-German IPR Training Course Chongqing,4.General Trade Fair Strategy展会中的一般战略 Prepare IPR Documentation 准备知识产权文件 Check on Protection of Trade Fair Disclosure without Registration 了解展会披露但未注册的保护情况 Review Validity of IPR at the Place of Trade Fair 审查知识产权在展会所在地的有效性 Review Obligations under the Trade Fair Contract 审查展会合同下的义务 Prepare Non-Discloser-Agreements 准备好不披露协议 Check on IPR-Helpdesk provided during the Trade Fair 向展会的知识产权咨询中心了解情况 Check on Recommanded Lawyers or Authorities assisting in case of Enforcement Measurs 对于执法措施向被推荐的律师或者行政机关了解情况,Prof. Dr. Frank A. Hammel 13th Sino-German IPR Training Course Chongqing,5.Pro-Acitve Trade Fair Strategy在展会上的积极进攻性战略 Review List of Competitors expected on the Trade Fair 对于展会上可能会出现的竞争对手的名单进行审查 Consult a Lawyer to determine and to prepare Measures against potential Infringers in Advance 咨询律师,以事先决定对于可能的侵权人采取相应措施 Review the Scope of Legal Measurs at the Place of the Trade Fair 审查展会所在地可以采取的法律措施的范围 Contact Customs and other Authorities to enforce Measures at the Place of the Trade Fair 联系展会所在地的海关和其他政府机关以采取执法措施,Prof. Dr. Frank A. Hammel 13th Sino-German IPR Training Course Chongqing,
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