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LAB SERIES Social Media Campaign Proposal,Campaign Background,LAB SERIES the top mens skincare brand of Estee Lauder entered China market recently. It launched its website and start business in Sephora. LAB SERIES is having an online campaign to make its entrance to China a success.,Brand Positioning,High -End,Top,Quality,Taste,High-Performance,Simple,LAB SERIES represents a group of men, who share same characters with LAB SERIES, they are with good taste, high quality of life and successful, they will be our key users LAB SERIES will give them a feeling of BELONGINGS,Product User and Influencer,Aged above 25 with high income,Keep a busy life, hoping to perform good from the beginning of a day,Interested in a lot of high-end things, such as technology & finance,Most are in tier one cities as: Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou/ Shenzhen,They are online to get information, but they are not motivated to participate in commercial events,Product User,Influencer,Aged above 22 with middle to high income,Fashion lover, passion in life, care about their looking,Like to make themselves feel comfortable, such as caring others and recommending to others,Most are in tier one cities as: Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou/ Shenzhen,Active netizen and would like to try everything within her interest,Make Influencers the liaison between LAB SERIES and Product User,Attract,Influence Passive Users,Follow,Follow,Attract Active Users,Campaign Objectives,Build Awareness,Education & Sustain,Create BUZZ for LAB SERIES exclusive launch in China,Make users learn deep contents of brand and product,Increase Trial & Engagement,Distribute Samples to TA Participate in Weibo event,Challenges,Most users dont know LAB SERIES Our TA seldom engage in campaigns actively and need to be “PUSHED” LAB SERIES is now lack of large scale of users and deep contents that helps user to learn more about the brand,Our Strategy,Awareness,利用微博红人本身的粉丝基础传递活动信息,信息立即被大量目标人群看到。,Awareness - KOL,男性时尚 fans: 121461 分享男性、时尚、娱乐等话题,时尚潮男前线 fans: 434481 新浪热门微博,关注男性、时尚话题,时尚娱乐达男 fans:580531 男人关心的话题:时尚, 娱乐, 旅游,*供参考,实际发布时可能因话题内容有所调整,How to choose KOL: Havingasizeable influence , over 100,000 fans Topics usually related to men,fashion etc, help to reach highly potential consumer group in a right topic,美容之王 fans:579979 与大家一同分享美容知识,共同进步!,男性地带 fans: 115352 与男性有关的一切话题,Awareness KOL Criteria,IT数码科技达人fans:509459 前沿的科技产品,全球旅游摄影 fans: 353169 ,职场大讲坛 fans:300763 成功男士的宝典,*供参考,实际发布时可能因话题内容有所调整,牛男NeoNan fans:121834 推荐给男士的各品牌时尚单品,爱车E族风尚 fans:585242 ,全球时尚 fans: 2154830 最大的时尚集聚地,范时尚 fans: 708926 受时尚达人关注的FASHION网站,时尚潮流与幽默开心馆 fans:203918 ,热门时尚达人fans:510289 对热门话题的关注和一些时尚语录,最潮流最时尚 fans: 578320 及时发布最新潮流资讯,Awareness KOL Criteria,Engagement,1. WeiboContent Direction,Engagement,美女,潮女,干物女,森女对不同类型的女性,总是有那么多称谓。 但对于男性,似乎只有“潮男”算是新颖。但“潮男”,绝不是男性的全部。 是时候,让那些低调的优质男士找到归属感了! 他们,是“品质LAB男”!,Engagement Phases,She doesnt realize she has facial slimming demand.,She doesnt realize she has facial slimming demand.,Phase I 寻找品质LAB男 (Campaign),Phase,Phase II 走近品质LAB男,Phase III 化身品质LAB男,Target,Influencer/Active Users,Active/Potential Users,Potential Users,活动名称:#发现身边的“品质LAB男”#(暂定) 活动时间:8月19日-9月19日 活动介绍:源于雅诗兰黛的高端男士护肤品牌LAB SERIES崇尚高品位,高质量的男士生活方式。而与LAB拥有共同生活理念的男性,就是“品质LAB男”。你身边是否有品质LAB男?或者你自己就是品质LAB男?无论哪一种,都赶快让LAB SERIES发现这些优质的男性吧! 活动办法:活动分为两个阶段: 1)推荐品质LAB男 2)应征品质LAB男 阶段1为8月19日至9月1日,心中的品质LAB男,并表明理由,号召转发。 阶段2为9月2日至9月19日,上传一张最能表现自己品质LAB男品位的物件照片,号召转发。 前3000名参与者将能获得试用装,每周按照转发量, 送出一年产品给1名用户。活动共送出4个大奖 活动奖品:试用装X3000;全年产品大奖X4,Engagement Phase I,加入粉丝,发布活动信息,Engagement User Flow,推荐品质LAB男 Influencers,身边的LAB男,并举出理由,号召同事朋友的转发和认同,前2000位参加者得到私信通知,回复相关信息,获得试用装,按照转发次数,评出全年产品大奖。,全年产品大奖,加入粉丝,应征品质LAB男 Active Users,上传彰显品位的物件,证明自己是LAB男,前1000位参加者得到私信通知,回复相关信息,获得试用装,Aug 19th Sep 1st,Sep 2nd Sep 19th,阶段名称:#走近“品质LAB男”#(暂定) 阶段时间:9月20日-10月19日 阶段介绍:在Phase I阶段找到品质LAB男之后,Phase II将把目光更多的放在探究品质LAB男生活当中。在微博上介绍不同类型的品质LAB男保持着怎样的生活方式,从而教育微博粉丝LAB SERIES倡导的品质来源于多个方面。可以分享的品质LAB男包括: 运动型男 商务精英 时尚潮男 知性熟男,Engagement Phase II,阶段名称:#化身“品质LAB男”#(暂定) 阶段时间:10月20日-11月19日 阶段介绍:在知道品质LAB男究竟是如何保持生活品味后,号召用户变身成品质LAB男。通过不同类型的男性变身品质LAB男的例子,让用户感受到LAB SERIES的魅力。可以向用户示范以下变身的范例: 宅男变身品质LAB男 邋遢男变身品质LAB男 憨厚男变身品质LAB男,Engagement Phase III,Education,What to Educate?,LAB SERIES is lack of deep contents online currently. Weibo could be the best platform to educate users with:,LAB SERIES brand info (High-end, professional mens skincare brand of Estee Lauder),LAB SERIES product info (4 Collections and their positioning),LAB SERIES shop info (Sephora store/e-store),LAB SERIES brand image (Mens lifestyle),Weibo Content Maintenance Plan,Weibo Management Mechanism,Weibo Content Examples,#LAB早周一#新的一周又开始了,大家是否精神焕发地准备好迎接新的挑战了呢?清洁健康的肌肤状态是全心投入工作的保证,LAB SERIES凭借其独特的高科技产品配方和多年来成功解决男性保养问题的经验,赢得了众多男性的认可。品位高端的你,也跟随LAB SERIES一起简约护肤,绽放光彩吧!,#LAB全接触#出生於1910年的雅诗兰黛夫人,立志成為一个追求美丽的完美工作者。她从化学家叔叔那裡拿到其所研制的一种面霜配方,於1946年正式创建雅诗兰黛公司。时光飞逝,当今的雅诗兰黛集团已是拥有Estee Lauder、Clinique、BobbiBrown、等一系列品牌的大集团公司。LAB SERIES则是雅诗兰黛集团下专门為男士而设计的皮肤护理品牌。,#LAB全系列#满面油光,痘痘来袭,肌肤问题亮起红灯奏效的清洁是迈向健康肌肤的第一步,LAB SERIES男用控油洁面泡沫专为油性或青春痘肤质所调制,能洗净污垢、污染物、过多油脂并去角质(降低长痘机
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