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中考英语书面表达训练(三),Writing a report of an activity,Activities:,The English Festival 英语节,fund-raising activity 捐款活动,the sports meeting 运动会,Tree-planting Day 植树节,Arts Day 艺术节,必背词汇,时间: 在一月 在四月十日 在上午/下午 在晚上 在下午五点 在十月一号的早上 从早上九点到下午四点 在2011年三月十一日晚上八点,in January,on April 10th,in the morning/afternoon,at night,at 5 p.m. in the afternoon,on the morning of October 1st,at 8 p.m. on March 11th, 2011,from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,必背词汇,2. 地点: 在操场上 在大厅里 在学校大门口 在九年级三班 龙岗实验学校九年级三班,on the playground,in the hall,at the school gate,in Class 3 Grade 9,Class 3 Grade 9, Longgang Experimental School,4.人物: 九年级三班的学生 龙岗实验学校的全体师生,the students of Class 3 Grade 9,all the teachers and students of (from) Longgang Experimental School,必背词汇,5. 活动细节: 举行活动 参加活动 发表演讲 以开始(结束) 跳高 跳远 为某人捐款捐物 100米跑 观看表演,hold a activity take part in the activity give a speech start/end with high jump long jump donate for sb. 100-metre race watch the performance,必背词汇,5. 活动细节: 表演英语剧 看英文电影 英语演讲比赛 踩草坪 到处扔垃圾 英语口语 阻止某人做某事,perform English plays watch English films English speech competition step on the grass throw rubbish everywhere spoken English stop/keep/prevernt sb. from doing,6. 活动效果及感受: 激发兴趣 对更有兴趣 获得成功 提高的能力 保护环境的重要性 深深受到感动 有意义的 有帮助的 积极做某事 在的帮助下 为做贡献 尽某人最大的努力 学到很多,create the interest of sth/doing sth be more interested in doing be a great success improve the ability of sth/doing sth the importance of protecting be deeply moved be meaningful be helpful be active in doing sth. with sbs help make a contribution to sth/doing sth try ones best to do sth learn a lot,掌握下列句型,The first paragraph (第一段) 1. 介绍活动的基本情况:(what/when/where) Eg. 5月15日,龙岗区实验学校举办了英语节。学校全体学生参加了活动。,On May 15th, an English Festival was held in Longgang Experimental School. All the students in the school took part in the activity.,掌握下列句型,2.介绍活动的目的: Eg. 为了激发同学们学习英语的兴趣和提高学生的口语,我们举办了这次英语节活动。,A: The purpose of the activity was to create students interest of learning English and improve students spoken English.,B:We held the activity in oder to createand improve,C: The activity was held in order to create, The second paragraph (第二段) 介绍活动的开始和结束 Eg. 英语节以九年级学生的英语表演开始。 这次活动以校长的讲话结束。,The English Festival began with the English performance by the students of Grade 9.,The activity ended with the speech by the headmaster.,2. 介绍活动的细节 Eg.在英语节期间,同学们首先参加了英语演讲比赛。接着各年级的学生表演了英语剧。还观看了英语电影。,First, during the English Festival, students took part in the English speech competition.,Next, students from each grade performed English plays.,After that, they watched English films., The third paragraph (第三段) 1.介绍活动的效果 Eg. 大家都认为这次活动取得了很大的成功。 这次活动激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,并且学生们提高了口语能力。,A: Everyone agreed that this activity was a great success. B: Everyone agreed that this activity was greatly successful.,The activity could create students interest of learning English. And students improved their spoken English.,2. 发表感受 Eg.活动中每位同学都学到了很多。大家都期待着下次的英语节。,Every student learnt a lot in the activity. They are looking forword to the next English Festival.,Write now!,Evaluate your work(评价),
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