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状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,速效提能演练,Unit 1,重点难点探究,Section ,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,重点难点探究,1Rather than take the aeroplane all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. 她们不想一路乘飞机,她们决定飞到温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。 品味经典 Rather than go there,Id prefer to stay here on my own. 我宁愿自己呆在这里,也不去那里。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,自我探究 rather than意为“而不是”,并列连词,连接两个相同的成分。后面可接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、动名词、动词或动词不定式。 归纳拓展 (1)rather than连接主语时,谓语动词要和前面的主语一致。 (2)当主句有动词不定式时,rather than的后面可跟带to的动词不定式(比较正式)或不带to的不定式,也可以用v.ing形式。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,(3)rather than位于句首时,只能跟不带to的不定式。 (4)宁愿做某事,would rather do sth.than do sth.,would do sth.rather than do sth.,prefer to do sth.rather than do sth. I think Tom,rather than Lewis,is to blame. 我认为该受责备的是汤姆而不是路易斯。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,I decided to write rather than to telephone. I decided to write rather than telephone. I decided to write rather than telephoning. 我决定写信而不是打电话。 Rather than allow the vegetables go bad,he sold them at half price. 与其让蔬菜烂掉,他宁愿半价出售。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,易混辨析 rather than,other than,or rather,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,牛刀小试 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)He was busy writing a letter _ (而不是看报) (2)He would like to cycle to work_(而不坐拥挤的公交车),状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,(3)(2011年襄樊高一检测改编)Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _(而不是伤害他们) 答案:(1)rather than reading a newspaper (2)rather than take a crowded bus (3)rather than harm them,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,2People say it is Canadas most beautiful city,surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. 人们说它(温哥华)是加拿大最美丽的城市,它被很多高山和太平洋环绕。 品味经典 After the meeting he was surrounded by a crowd of reporters. 会后,他被一群记者围住了。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,Tall trees surround the lake.The lake is surrounded with/by tall trees. 湖边树木环绕。 Police surrounded the building. 警方包围了那栋房子。 自我探究 surround vt.& vi.围绕,包围。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,归纳拓展 (1)surround.with. 使包围 be surrounded by/with 被包围或环绕 (2)surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings n. 环境,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,易混辨析 surroundings,environment,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,As is known to all,an unhappy home environment can affect a childs behavior. 众所周知,不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。 It took me a few weeks to get used to my new surroundings. 我花了好几个星期才适应我的新环境。 This building is harmonious with the surrounding environment. 这个建筑同周围的环境是协调的。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)房子周围都是树。 The house_. (2)这个村庄和它周围的风景都很美。 The village and _ are very pretty.,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,(3)(2011年福州高一检测改编)由于将军的士兵已被包围了几个月,当他想到敌人可能黎明开始再次袭击时,就惊恐不已。 _ ,the general became even more worried when he thought that the enemy might began another attack at dawn. 答案:(1)is surrounded with/by trees (2)its surrounding scenery (3)With his soldiers surrounded for months,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,用surroundings,environment,conditions填空 (4)It took me a few weeks to get used to my new _. (5)Its difficult to imagine that youre working in such poor _. (6)An unhappy home _ can affect a childs behavior. 答案:(4)surroundings(5)conditions(6)environment,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,3It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres. 那儿的湿度很大,所以树都长的特别高,一些高达90多米。 品味经典 Our classroom measures seven meters wide. 我们教室有7米宽。 Could you measure the height of the wall for me? 你能为我量一下墙的高度吗?,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,Education shouldnt be measured purely by examination results. 教育不应该纯粹用考试成绩来衡量。 An hour is a measure of time. 小时是时间的一种度量单位。 We should take measures to stop pollution. 我们必须采取措施来制止污染。 Wealth is not always the measure of happiness. 财富不总是衡量幸福的尺度。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,自我探究 measure vi.& vt.测量;衡量;判定n计量单位;尺寸;措施。 归纳拓展 take measures/steps/action to do sth.采取措施做某事 make sth.to sb.s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物 in large measure 在很大程度上 take the measure of sb.take sb.s measure 量某人的尺寸 The tailor took my measure and made a suit to my measure. 那裁缝给我量了尺寸并按我的尺寸做了一套衣服。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,牛刀小试 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)He always _(字斟句酌)with caution. (2)He wanted to make a suit of clothes _(根据自己的尺寸) (3)Im afraid he just didnt _(够格)the job.,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,(4)The government has promised to _(采取措施)to help the unemployed. 答案:(1)measures his words(2)to his own measure (3)measure up to(4)take measures,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,4That afternoon aboard the train,the cousins settled down in their seats. 那天下午表姐妹俩才登上火车落了座。 (1)aboard 品味经典 They finally went aboard the plane. 他们终于登上了飞机。 Its time to go aboard the ship. 现在是上船的时候了。,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,自我探究 aboard prep.& adv.在船、飞机、火车或公共汽车上。 归纳拓展 go aboardgo on board 上船、飞机、火车,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,易混辨析 aboard,abroad,状元365答疑网-中小学在线互动答疑领导品牌,牛刀小试 翻译句子 (1)昨天夜里他们都在船上。 _ last night. (2)我所有的近亲都生活在国外。 All my near relations _. (3)请快上船,只剩下10分钟了。 Please _.There is only 10 min
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