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b动词非谓语练习240例1. _ is not easy. (A) For cook (B)To cooking (C)Cooking (D) Cook2. China is a _country.(A) developing (B)develop (C)developed (D) being developed3. The window is _. (A) break (B) to break (C) breaking (D)broken4. Things keep _. (A) changed (B) changing (C)being changed (D)change5. The classroom needs_.(A) clean (B) cleaned (C) to clean (D) cleaning6. Tell _ back tomorrow. (A) Pam to come (B) Pam come (C)to Pam to come (D)to Pam come7. Before _ to the radio, he read newspapers.(A) listening (B) listened (C) he listening (D) ho listens8. Do you love_in bed? (A) lying (B) laying (C)lieing (D) lain9. I find this book _.(A) interesting (B) interested (C) interest (D) more interest10. It is time_wheat. (A) for sow (B) of sowing (C) to sow (D) to sowing11. My brother is here study English. (A)for (B)ago (C) to (D) by12. When was the house ?(A) build (B) has built (C) built (D) has been built13. He made me _ it again .(A) to do (B) do (C) that I did (D) doing14. I heard him _.(A) say so (B) says so (C) saying so (D) said so15. The pen _ belongs to me. (A) which it is on the table (B) lying on the table (C) is on the table (D) which on the table16. Im hungry. Get me something _. (A) eat (B) to eat (C) eating (D) for eating17. He is too tired any longer. (A) cannot walk (B) walking (C) to walk (D) walks18. Who taught you _ a car? (A) driving (B) to drive (C) riding (D) to ride19. They want the job _ by the end of the week. (A) to do (B) done (C) did (D) to be doing20. She enjoys to light music. (A)on listen (B) to listening (C) listening (D) listened21. She _ read her a story. (A) wants that I (B) wants me for (C) is wanting that I (D) wants me to22. Ive got something _ you. (A) tell (B) to tell (C) telling (D) for telling23. Poor Bill couldnt help _ .(A) coughing (B) to cough (C) that he coughed (D) cough24. I heard them _ in the room. (A) talked (B) talking (C) to talk (D) have talked25. He was made _ .(A)go (B) gone (C) going (D)to go26. He kept me_ for many hours. (A) to wait (B) wait (C) waited (D) waiting27. Master Wu teaches us _ the machine. (A) what to do (B) how run (C) how to run (D) run28. I saw the boy _ out a moment ago. (A) run (B) runs (C) to run (D) ran29. She let the children to play. (A) going out (B) that they went out (C)to go out (D) go out30. well have a new hospital over there. (A) build (B) to build (C) built (D) building31. Have you any other question_ . (A) ask (B) for ask (C) to ask (D) asking32. My father wants me to study _ .(A) engineer (B) for engineer (C) engineering (D) to engineering33. These young trees require carefully.(A) looking after (B) to look after (C) look after (D) looking for34. You must make them their homework. (A) do (B) to do (C) doing (D)that they do35. Please tell him too hard(A) dont work (B) to not work (C) not to work (D) not wor36. My brother keeps _ my work. (A) to help (B) help (C) helping (D) helped37. I hope him as soon as possible. (A) see (B) seeing (C) to see (D) to have seen38. He is always thinking of others. (A) helping (B) helps (C) help (D) helped39. I am sorry the news. (A) hear (B) to hear (C)hearing (D) heard40. Joe wants us _ .(A) to go along with him (B) going along with him. (C) go along with him (D) will go along with him41. That movie is worth .(A) to see (B) to look at (C) seeing (D) to be seen42. Please ask
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