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选修 7,Unit 3 Under the Sea,核心单词,annual,annually,anniversary,1._ adj. 每年的;按年度计算的,n. 年刊 ; 年鉴,_ adv.每年地;年度地_ n.周年纪念,2._ vt.当场见到;目击,n.目击者;证人;证据,3._ n.住所;住宿_ v.寄宿;,供给某人膳食,witness,accommodation,accommodate,4._ vi.大叫;呼喊,n.叫声;喊声,5._ n.协作;配合,yell,teamwork,witness vt.当场见到;目击;为作证,vi.作证,n.目击者;证人;证据 witness to sth.作证 be a witness to 是的目击者 give witness to sth.为作证 用法指引 witness to 中的 to 是介词,witness to doing sth.做某事的见 证人。,知识拓展(1):,写作佳句,has witnessed,to,The witness who witnessed the accident promised to be a witness and gave witness to the victim.这名目睹了这起事故的目,击者答应做证人,为受害者作证。,witnesses,运用,单句语法填空,(1)The book was written in 1946, since when the education system _ (witness) great changes. (2)He is a witness _ the whole accident. (3)Our city _ (witness) four different seasons, plenty of sunshine and good rainfall, but in winter you may feel a,little cold.,seeing,(4)The driver witnessed to _ (see) the man enter the building.,6._ vt.拖;拉;扯,drag,depth,deep,7._ n.深(度);深处_ adj.深的;位于深处 的_ adv.深深地_ v.使加深;使强烈;变深 8._ vt.催促;极力主张;驱策_ n.催促;,紧急_ adj.紧急的,deeply,deepen,9._ vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃_ adj.放纵,的;堕落的,urge,urgency,urgent,10._ n.关系;血缘关系;交往_ n.关系,11._ n.保存;保护,abandon,abandoned,relationship,relation,conservation,abandon,vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃,n.放纵;放任,abandon oneself to 使放纵;使听任;沉溺于,with abandon,放任地;放纵地;纵情地,写作佳句 Dont abandon yourself to computer games. 别沉迷于电脑 游戏。,知识拓展(2):,themselves,with,运用,单句语法填空,(1)Those who abandon _ (they) to despair can not succeed. (2)People were shouting and cheering _ abandon. (3)The car was so badly damaged that it had to _,(abandon) as a total loss.,be abandoned,(4)They abandoned_ (carry) out the plan for lack of,money.,carrying,target,reflect,reflection,pure,purely,12._ n.目标;靶;受批评的对象,13._ vi.思考,vt.映射;反射;思考_ n.,映像;思考;反映,aware,awareness,14._ adj.纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的_ adv.纯,洁地;纯粹地,vivid,vividly,vividness,15._ adj.意识到的;知道的_ n.意识 16._ adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的_ adv. 生动地;鲜明地;鲜艳地_ n.生动;鲜明;鲜艳,reflect vi.思考,vt.映射;反射;思考,reflect sb./sth.in sth.(指镜子等)映出某人或物的影像 reflect sth.from sth.从某物(表面)反射(光、热、声等) reflect on/over sth.对进行反思或思考 用法指引 reflect well/badly on sb.意为“给人好的/坏的印象”,如: This accident reflects badly on everyone involved. 这一事件给所有相关人员都造成不良印象。,知识拓展(3):,reflects,It,运用,单句语法填空,(1)When the suns rays hit the earth, a lot of heat _ (reflect) back into space. (2)_ reflects a trend that nowadays teenagers care more about their cell phones instead of friends.,17._ adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的_ adv. 锐利地;锋利地;敏捷地_ v.使锐利;使敏,锐,sharp,sharply,sharpen,tasty,taste,18._ adj.好吃的;可口的_ v.尝;尝起来,n.味道;口味_ adj.无味的;不可口的,tasteless,19._ vt.恐吓,vi.受惊吓_ adj.恐惧的;害,怕的_ adj.引起恐慌的,scare,scared,scary,20._ adj.使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的_ n.& vt.敬畏;使畏惧;满心敬畏_ adj.可怕的;吓人的; 极度的;很糟的_ adv.极度地;十分地,awesome,awe,awful,awfully,scare vt.恐吓,vi.受惊吓,scare.away/off 吓走 scare sb.into doing sth.恐吓某人做某事 (be) scared to death 吓死了 be scared ofbe afraid of 害怕 be scared to dobe afraid to do 不敢做,易混辨析,scare, afraid 和 fear,(1)scare 意为“吓唬;使害怕”,是动词。常用于表示 “把某人吓跑”。,知识拓展(4):,(2)afraid 意为“怕,害怕”,是形容词,通常与 to be 连用,,可以广泛地用以表示害怕心理。,to,to fly,away/off,(3)fear 意为“害怕”,是动词,与 be afraid 往往可以通用, 但不如其常用(特别是在口语中)。,运用,单句语法填空,(1)In the movie he was scared _ death by a shark,which turned out to be a dolphin.,was scared,(2)My mom is scared _ (fly) in a plane. (3)The watchdog scared the thief _ by barking. (4)The child _ (scare) of the dog with fierce looks.,常考短语 1._ out 整理;分类;收拾 2.throw oneself _ _ 跃出 3.be_ to do sth.正要做某事;即将做某事 4._ of 在的前面;优于,5._ at 瞄准,sort,out,6.in the _ 在此期间;与此同时,about,ahead,aim,meantime,of,throw oneself out of 跃出 throw out 扔掉;不受理 throw away 扔掉,throw oneself at 冲向,throw oneself into 投身于;积极从事 throw sb.into prison 把某人投入监狱 throw at 对准向扔去(希望击中) throw to 向(方向)扔去,知识拓展(5):,写作佳句 If you dont work hard, youll be thrown out of this age.如果你 不努力,你会被时代逐出。,运用,单句语法填空,(1)The man suddenly threw _ (he) out of the water and said, “Im here.” (2)After a short rest, he threw himself _ rescuing,again.,himself,into,out/away,(3)(2018 年新课标卷 阅读理解D) As we accumulated more devices, however, we didnt throw _ our old ones.,hold,help,aware,upside,7._ up 阻挡 8._ (.) out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难 9.be/become _ of 对知道、明白;意识到 10._ down 上下翻转 11.be _ to _ 吓死了 12.bring _ 带来;引进,scared,death,in,help (.) out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难 help sb. with/do sth.帮助某人做某事,with the help of 在的帮助下;借助 cant help doing sth.禁不住做某事,cant help but do sth.只得/不得不做某事 写作佳句,Whenever I am in trouble ,it is my friends who help me out. 每当我遇上困难时,总是我的朋友们帮助我摆脱困境。,知识拓展(6):,with,laughing,运用,单句语法填空,(1)With so much work to do, he cant help but _ (ask) his fri
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